With a Flick of the Wrist


Feyland is beautiful in Autumn, especially at the palace. Everything within the Fence has changed for the season; the grass has melted away and has been replaced by stone pathways, the flowers in the garden have shifted from Complimentary Whispers to the more beautiful Star Criers. The Star Criers are my favorite flower because as a fairy approaches it, it grows to maybe seven feet, it's stem wrapping itself into the shape of our favorite animal and then at the top, the flowers starts blooming until a delicate, white orchid droops toward the ground. As soon as it's done blooming, you can hear it whimpering and sobbing softly as a tiny, shimmering sphere falls out of the flower's center and into the sky.

As I pass the last Star Crier on the way in, I jump up, trying to catch the star that has been shed, but it changes direction at the last second. As a little fairy, my parents told me that if you were to catch a star from one of these flowers, it means you are next in line for Queen. This is true, though no one has caught a star in over three thousand years. The guard escorting me nudges my shoulder. I pout, but walk forward again. As soon as we get to the palace doors, the two statues of little fawns spring to life, wanting to play with me. They tug on the bottom of my dress, their tiny voices squealing my name. "Faylene!"

"Those fawns don't do that often, you know. Not very many fairies Trust fawns," says the guard. When fairies reach their first century, they are required to Trust a specific animal. By doing this, if you are ever in trouble, these animals will rush to your aid. It also makes them playful around you. Most fae chose strong animals as lions or tigers, but I chose fawns; not deer, just the fawns.

"I know." He doesn't say anything else, just pushes the gates open and leads me inside, leaving my poor little friends outside. What is usually the throne room shifts it's appearance as I step in it, the Queen doing this so we can talk about business. I bite my lip and watch the transformation. The ice blue walls shift to the color of wheat in the light of the summer sun. The room is empty, minus the exception of a large table in the center. The table only four things on it- a folder, two tea cups, and a teapot.

"My Queen," I bow as the guard leaves us. No one ever refers to the Queen by her name- any Queen in Feyland's history. Since no one knew the First Queen's true name, we called her the First Queen. So, all Queens are referred to by numbers. This one is our Fifth.

"You may sit down," she says coldly as I approach. Using her magic, a chair appears behind me and I sit in it, looking over the powerful fairy. She's much taller and thinner than most fairies. Her face is the same pale mine is- the color of human skin. Her hair is the color of fire and her eyes are the color of the sea. Her lips are curved in a scowl, indicating she's not happy. "Memortea?"

"Yes ma'am," I smile. Memortea is quite a delicacy in Feyland. It's a liquid that speaks to your taste buds, finding what your favorite food is and then switching it's flavor to match that of your favorite. She lifts the tea pot and pours us each a cup. I pick mine up quickly, taking a quick sip, letting the flavor of warm apple pie wash over my tongue. I smile happily.

"Let's get down to business," she says, her voice colder than before. I nod. "In your recently application for the Elegant Society, it says that you have never had Godmother duty. All fairies do, but you've seemed to have avoided it."

"I, uh-" I start, but once the Queen knows what she wants, she goes for it. She picks up the folder and slides it to me. I open it, revealing a picture of a teenage human boy and information about his life and personality.

"There is no way around this Feline-"

"It's Faylene."

"Whatever. There's no way around this. This is your first client; Taylor Parkly. He's in desperate need of a fairy tale and you are just the fairy to do it!"


"There will be no buts about it. He is now your Godchild. And remember; if you fail- your punishment will be severe. You've avoided our law and you're lucky I haven't Clipped you. Though, I will if you fail."

"My Queen," I start painfully. "You can't just-"

She just smiles, a cruel smile. Her eyes meet mine and I know this meeting is finished. "Goodbye, Famine."

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New story; pretty confident about it :)
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