With a Flick of the Wrist


I left soon after that, letting Taylor sleep on the fact that I am now his fairy Godmother. Hades -yes, fairies say Hades, rather than Hell- I needed to sleep on it! Yesterday, I was a rich little fairy, just wanting to join the Elegant Society like my eldest brother, Andre, and here I am today- personal assistant in this poor boy's fairy tale.

That might be a problem for the both of us, I realized. I'm perhaps one of the clumsiest fairies there is and there's no telling how badly I could screw this up! The Queen said if I do badly, she'll Clip me -though I don't have any wings to clip yet. So, without wings, they citizens of Feyland will probably get a good old-fashioned beheading. We haven't had one of those in awhile. I kind of miss those.

Shaking my head, I try to think of a good place to stay the night. The woods? No, the only animals that won't want to kill me are fawns and they won't do any good if I get attacked by a bear. Go back to Taylor's? No, I can't do that. He's already going to have a lot to think about without me me staying with him. Sadly, I realize that my best bet is to find a nice alley and sleep in a dumpster. After not even a minute of walking, I find one, and climb into my smelly, uncomfortable, and dirty bed.


"Ouch," I mumble as a very pointy and heavy trash bag falls upon me. As I sit up, my arms and dress get cut up by the contents that's sticking out of the bag. Grumbling, watching as my cuts heal, I tear open the bag to reveal big shards of broken glass. "What kind of idiot throws away a big bag of glass?"

Once I get out of the dumpster, I pop my back and neck, letting my body get back into it's comfortable groove of normality. I start heading back toward Taylor's house, hoping I make it there before he leaves for school. I really don't feel like getting all the way to his house, just to turn around and have to go back to that damn prep school. As I'm passing these people on the sidewalk, I'm so happy now of them can see me. I must look a sight! If there's time when I get to Taylor's, maybe he'll let me use his shower?

Once I get to his house, I do the same flower trick to get to his balcony where -surprisingly- he's waiting for me. He looks up immediately, happy at first, but then frowns when he sees how dirty and disgusting I look right now. His hair moves around as he stands up, but as usual, falls back into place. "Are you okay. You look like you spent the night in a garbage truck."

"Just about," I sigh. "Can I use your shower before school or is there no time?"

"We still have an hour before school starts." He nods and leads me into his room. "You're coming to school with me?"

"Yeah, I kind of have to see what your life is like before I can change it. Why do you think it took Cinderella so long to get a Godmother? She had to see how bad Cinderella's life really was." I look down at my now filthy, grubby hands. "Where's your bathroom?"

He leads me into the bathroom- and it 'tis the fanciest bathroom I have ever laid eyes upon. Starting with the beautiful gray tile floor, the large shower built into the wall, surrounded by a rectangle of glass. The double-sink and medicine cabinet just made me envious. As we enter he goes and sits down on the closed toilet lid. "Sorry, if my mom hears the shower running and I'm in my room, she'll get suspicious."

"Only one problem with that; I'm your Fairy Godmother. See, the word mother is there. You wouldn't want to see your mother naked, would you?" He scrunches up his nose and makes a gagging noise. Then, he opens the medicine cabinet, pulling out a small remote. He pressed down on a button and a large shade drops down on every glass side of the shower, obscuring the view into it.

"Fancy mother f-" I cut myself off. I nod at him and step into the shower area, undressing quickly, throwing my dirty clothes on the nice tile floor and turning on the water. I let it wash over me, using my hands to scrub in the Pomegranate and Orange blossom body wash in- I will not use his little scrubby thing. He's a human and humans have germs. Us fairies don't get sick, so we're germless. Soon, I hear Taylor, calling over the noise of the shower to me.

"So, why me? Why do I get a Fairy Godmother?"

"My boss said you're in desperate need of a fairy tale, and next thing I know, I'm here." He must have took that as a considerably good answer, because he stopped talking to me. I peak around the corner to see Taylor standing by the door, back turned, with towels sitting on the toilet for me. I grab them and dry off as quickly as I can. When I slip my dress back on I tell him he can look now.

"Are you going to wear that dirty dress?" He asks. I'd almost forgotten. I shake my head and tap it, letting it change form. The new form is a clean, red strapless dress. It's tight around my chest, but then fans out into into a redish-pink bottom that only reaches my knees. I decide that's not enough and soon live flowers grow all around the middle of the dress. Next, I look in the mirror and fix my hair with my magic- beauty is another thing us fairies control. My ragged, tangled black hair now raises it's self so it has volume, becoming dryer and dryer, and curlier and curlier. After that's through, I have live butterflies fly in through his window and land in my hair, staying perfectly still so they look like bows.

"You're beautiful."

I grin. "I know." He opens the door and leads me down the stairs and outside, where his mother is already waiting for him in the car. He opens the backseat, for me, but his mother speaks up.

"You can sit up front, sweetie." I smile and climb in the back before he closes the door and gets in the front. The ride is awkward. His mother just babbles on and on about some house she just sold and how polite the new family moving in there is while Taylor keeps his eyes trained on the review mirror, keeping his beautiful green eyes on me. Me, on the other hand, tries to resist the urge to roll down the window. I've never ridden in a car before and am having the time of my life!

Unfortunately, we pull up in front of the school and as Taylor opens the door, I have to quickly climb into the front seat and out of the door, so his mom doesn't notice if I opened the back door. They say their goodbyes and he leads me into the prep school and compared to his house, I'm not impressed. The lockers, the walls, the floor, all of it- it's all blue. It's almost scary, if you ask me. Taylor just keeps walking, but doesn't even get to his locker before he's pushed to the ground by a bigger, more muscular boy. That boy grins at what he's done and says through clenched teeth. "Try not to trip so much, queer bait."

While all this is happening all I can think is, I definitely have my work cut out for me.

♠ ♠ ♠
Poor Taylor; Feel Even Worse For Faylene!

Taylor gets bullied; And Faylene's Never Worked A Day In Her Life.

Unlikely Friends; Or Will Something Go Bad?

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