Status: work in progress

Rockstars Make the Best Lovers


My chest was pressed against Andy’s and my back against Ashley chest. Our skin was sticky with sweat as our bare bodies pressed tightly together, Andy’s hand on the curve of my hip; Ashley’s lips at my neck, kissing, licking, and sucking the tender skin. Andy’s free hand dipped below my waist, tracing along my inner thighs, feeling my wetness begin to drip down my upper inner thighs. He ran his fingertips over it, smirking as he earned a whimper from me. He moved his fingers up to play with me, quickly shoving his long, slender fingers into me; three from the get go but it wasn’t enough. I wanted more; I needed more. Ashley’s hand slipped between Andy and me, allowing himself a handful of my breast as he ran his calloused thumb gently over my nipple, making me writhe as I received pleasure from both hot spots.

“Somebody just fuck me already; enough playing around!” I demanded. Both men pulled away, Andy lying on his back. He grabbed a condom, slid it over his hard length and grinned up at me. Ashley moved me by hips so I was hovering over Andy. I felt Ashley’s length, wrapped in a condom, glide against my lower back. I couldn’t help the smirk that forced itself on my face as Andy handed the other man a bottle of lube. I slid myself over Andy and relaxed so Ashley could enter me from behind. Ashley took hold of my hips and Andy grabbed my breasts. I began to move my hips slowly until I got the feel of them both inside me, picking up the pace as I got comfortable. Every time I moved, I hit one of the guys. I felt the delicious warmth begin to build in my entire lower half and I knew I was close. Judging by the looks on Andy’s face and Ashley’s tensing body they were both close as well. “All together,” I purred, taking Ashley’s fingers gripping my hip as a yes. Andy simply nodded and groaned. I bit my lower lip, breath becoming short and shallow. I felt the tingles start at my toes and wash over my entire body to the crown of my head. Suddenly, I was enveloped by warmth on the inside. The boys started pounding hard, fast, and deep. Andy moaned my name, I moaned his name, and Ashley just moaned. We were a mass of sweaty bodies, mouths, fingers, and moans. Before I knew it, Ashley was up and cleaning himself up in the bathroom. Andy and I just lay there.

“I love you,” I blurted without thinking. He looked up at me, a look of wonder on his face. I felt my face heating up and I knew I was blushing.

He kissed me gently, cupping my cheek in his hand, “I love you too, Katie,” he cooed. I smiled back like a fool, smothering his face in kisses. “We should probably get dressed and get back downstairs to make sure no one destroys your house,” he chuckled as we heard the door open and close quietly, indicating Ashley had left.


We ran across Tessa when we got back downstairs after we cleaned up. Majority of the people were still here but a noticeable amount had left.

“Where have you two been? And Ashley, you three were gone for….wait a minute, I know what you guys were doing!” she squealed like a little school girl. I glared at her that I would slaughter her in her sleep if she said a word; not to say that Ashley wasn’t going around saying anything. She kept quiet, but winked and walked away beaming. I rolled my eyes before looking at the clock, seeing it was almost 2 in the morning. Pretty soon people would be leaving so Andy and I just sat on the couch and mingled with people.


“My head is killing me!” I whimpered as I woke up to a naked Andy by my side. I curled closer to him, wrapping the blankets tighter around me. We ended up drinking more that night but not enough that we didn’t make it to bed. He rubbed my back chuckling.

“Well, you were the one who wanted to keep doing shots at first then drink some more,” he teased, kissing my forehead. “Well, if you’re not feeling to shitty I was wondering if you wanted to go out today. Just a walk in the park or something simple,” he offered, a slight question in his tone.

“I’d like that Andy,” I grinned slightly, pecking him on the chest. “But give me some more time in bed,” I yawned.

“You sleep baby, I’m going to the bathroom,” he said before slipping out of bed and I was out again.

About an hour and a half after I passed out again and Andy had supposedly left to go pee, the smell of pancakes, sausage, and roses assaulted my nose. My stomach growled excited in response and I heard a quite chuckle. I opened my eyes to see Andy standing there with a tray that had a plate of pancakes with sausage links. Next to the plate there was a glass of chocolate milk and a white vase with several roses and baby breath in it.

“Awe, Andy!” I squeaked, touched by his sweetness. I sat up so I could take my food, though I moved the vase to my bedside table.

“Breakfast in bed for my girlfriend,” he winked, that oh so charming smile plastered on his face and a pink tint painting his cheeks. I stopped mid bite and looked up at him, a bit surprised.

“Did you say girlfriend?” I asked quietly, confused.

“Why yes, yes I did.”

“You’re serious?” I whispered, a small grin tugging at the corners of my mouth. He nodded in response, allowing my grin to own my face. “You’re the best boyfriend in the world,” I cooed, pulling him down by the back of the neck so I could kiss him. “I love you,” I breathed against his lips.

He smiled in return, “I love you too.” This had to be the best morning ever.


The air was cool but crisp as I wrapped around my body. I held Andy’s hand tighter and stuff my other one in my pocket. I was wearing dark blue skinny jeans, black suede boots, an orange ribbed turtle necked sweater, with a black pea coat. I even threw on a black beanie. I decided against too much make up and had settled on black mascara and simple cat eye liner. Andy was wearing typical black skinny jeans with a black ribbed sweater like mine but without the turtleneck, a purple and black scarf, black beanie, and black leather jacket. Quite a pair we were. The leaves were shades of gold, red, orange, and brown. They fluttered down from trees and landed on the path we were walking, only to crunch under our feet. Andy draped his arm over my shoulder so I wrapped mine around his waist and continued walking.

“It’s so pretty out here,” I sighed, inhaling the cool air. Fall was my favorite season after all.

“It is, but not as pretty as you,” he cooed, kissing the top of my head. I smiled to myself. We were coming along a bench and Andy pulled me to sit down on it. I looked up at him confused. “Look, I need to talk to you,” those words could always send my stomach to hit the ground, “As you know, the band is still on tour. Well, we’ve finished the North American leg of the tour so we have to start the second leg of it. The second leg of the tour is in Europe,” he said, “We leave soon, but I can’t ask you to go with me because you have school and your modeling career. Plus if I asked you to go that’d be selfish. We’re going to be gone for like 2 months,” He groaned. I just sat there, staring straight ahead. I didn’t know what to say.
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Okay, I know there's not much detail in the three way....I've never written one before. Go easy on me. Other than that, I've been dying to write a scene that takes place in the fall and if you remember this story does. So I figure I might as well slip something in here, but I'm hoping to type up a better fall-themed one shot. Don't know for who yet. Well, hopefully you all liked this chapter, as always COMMENTS ARE MUCH APPRECIATED! c: Please? It motivates me to write faster! ;)