Small Town Charm


Violet rolls over in bed, pulling a pillow over her head to block out the light streaming in between the curtains. She snuggles into the covers, almost asleep once more, when her cell phone rings on the nightstand. Violet debates on ignoring it and going back to sleep, but decides to answer it since she's up anyway. She reaches over and grabs her cell, falling back on the mattress as she holds it to her ear.


"Violet? How are you doing?" Violet holds the phone away from her ear, groaning inwardly at the stream of questions emitting from it. She sits upright and holds the phone to her ear again, checking the time on the bedside clock before getting up and moving about the house. "Violet, are you still there?"

"Yes, Mom, I'm still here. I've been here the whole time and I'm doing fine."

"Are you sure, sweetheart? You aren't having any problems with the house? Or the neighborhood? Do you need us to send you some money?" Violet's mother continues her stream of questions in a manner that only a worried mother who misses her baby girl can.

"Mom," violet pauses to see if her mother heard her before repeating herself. "Mom!"

"What is it, Sweetheart?" Violet sighs at her mother's clueless response, before turning the phone to speaker and setting it down.

"I'm putting you on speaker so I can get ready for work. In answer to your questions: I'm not having any problems with the house, the neighborhood is fine as it's always been, and I don't need you to send me money. I have a job now and I'm doing fine, there' no need to worry." Violet says, her voice softening as her mother falls into silence. She moves about the room, pulling on jeans and a tank top before attempting to tame her hair into a normal state.

"I know, but your father and I worry about you so much. It wasn't easy to leave you in Charming by yourself while we moved off to the city." Violet sighs again, more than a little annoyed with the topic that's been brought up in every phone call since they left. "Why didn't you just move to the city with us?"

"Mom, you know why I didn't move to the city with you and dad. Charming is my home, it's all I've ever known."


"I'm not a city girl, nothing about cities appeal to me. Listen, I'm doing fine mom. There's no need for you to worry, okay?" Her mother gives a small sigh before telling her to have a good day and gets off the phone. Violet sighs again, snags her car keys off the counter and walks out the door.


Violet pulls into the Teller-Morrow lot, parking on the far side away from the customer cars. As she gets out and walks to the office, she passes through the garage where the Sons are busy working on numerous cars. Violet utters a brief 'hello', before stopping in her tracks. She stares for a moment or two, before taking a few steps in the direction of what holds her attention. "Is that... a Pontiac firebird?"

"Yeah, it's in pretty good shape too. Car still has the original motor and everything, it's just here for a tune up and some new tires." A blond says, standing up and wiping his hands on a rag before walking over to her. "You want to drive it out of the shop when we're done working on it?"

"Jax, I don't work with the cars. The only people here who move the cars out of the shop are the ones who work on them." The blond, Jax, smiles in response.

"C'mon darlin, you won't hurt the car. If the firebird's ancient and still working, which it is, a twenty-four year old girl like yourself isn't going to hurt it."

"Maybe..." She replies, doubt filling her voice.

"You should, we'll just have to make sure Tig's occupied or he'll freak out. He still freaks whenever you get near one of the cars." Violet groaned, earning a laugh from Jax.

"You guys are never gonna let that go, are you? The thing was falling apart! The fender would've fallen off even if I hadn't touched it, I guarantee it."

"Would the grill have come off too if you hadn't touched it?" Jax asks in a teasing manner. knowing she was still mortified at that fact the the grill had fallen off too. She scowls and snatches the rag from his pocket before walking over to the office. "Can I have the rag back?" Violet turns in the door way, a smile forming on her face.

"Of course you can." She replies, chucking the rag at him and hitting him in the face with it.

Jax laughs before turning to resume working on the car as Violet walks into the office to do her job. She smiles as she goes about gathering papers and putting them in their proper files, listening to the sounds of the town and shop. This was why she loved Charming and why she would never leave.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, that's the first chapter of Small Town Charm, hopefully the chapter wasn't too bad as this is my first attempt at a Sons of Anarchy fanfiction. This chapter gave an introduction to one of the characters, and more will be introduced later on. I hope those of you reading this will stick around and enjoy the story. Comments are appreciated and loved.