Small Town Charm


The bus moves along, hitting a bump or two in the road and jarring it's passengers out of their sleeping states. Some of the passengers lift their heads, looking around before going back to sleep while others sit up and rearrange their belongings. Most passengers are busy doing something, save for one girl sitting towards the back of the mostly empty bus. The girl is still asleep, slowly leaning towards the window as the bus continues on. The bus hits another bump, causing the girl to hit her head on the bus window and jarring her awake.

She sits up, a hand to her head and blinks the sleepiness from her eyes. As she gazes out the window, she takes in her reflection: long wavy brown hair pulled into a ponytail, and a black & white tank top under a jean jacket. A sign outside the bus catches her eye, something about a town they were entering... She decides now seems like a good time to get off the bus, gathers her belongings and carefully walks to the front of the bus, taking a seat beside the door. "What town are we in?" She asks, watching out the front window as they enter the town.

"Charming, is this your stop?" The bus driver responds as they reach the center of town and come to a standstill. She nods and picks up her bags, walking off the bus when the door opens. The bus waits long enough for her to get off and reach the sidewalk, before leaving. She sighs, turning to face the street sign and walking along in search of a map.

"Now where would that aparment building be...?" She mutters, lost in her thoughts as she searches for the apartment building. She continues walking along, never noticing the guy rounding the corner until her runs into her. She falls over on the sidewalk, dropping her bags in the process.

"Oh man, I'm sorry." The man pauses, running a hand through his hair as he looks at her bags scattered across the ground. "Honestly, I really didn't mean to knock you over or anything... Here, let me help you." He holds out his hand and she takes it, allowing him to pull her up. As he continues to apologize and begins collecting her bags, she takes a better look at him. He's kind of tall, with short blond hair and was wearing some kind of cut off vest. "I'm Kip Epps, most people call me Half-Sack. There's a story behind the nickname, but ah... now's not the time. What's your name?"

"I'm Rebecca, nice to meet you... Kip." She replies, settling with his name as opposed to the nickname.

"Rebecca, that's a nice name. Um... I have to get going, have some errands to run and stuff. It was nice meeting you, sorry I knocked you down!" Kip responds, waving before hurrying down the sidewalk and around the corner. Rebecca smiles slightly, turning to face the building behind her and finding herself in front of the appartment building she was looking for. Who knew having someone run into you could be a helpful thing?


"Hey, Half-Sack! What are you doing over there? Daydreaming?" Half-Sack turns to look at Tig, the one who yelled to him, and asks him to repeat his statement. "I said: Are you daydreaming over there or what? Go make yourself useful and help Violet with paperwork or something." Violet emerges from the office a moment later and addresses Half-Sack.

"Hey, would you mind helping me? Some new parts came in for the cars and they're too heavy for me to move. Do you think you could bring them into the shop?" He nods in response, getting up and following her to the truck containing the new parts. "So what's going on?"

"What? Nothing's going on that I know of..." Violet laughs softly as she checks off one of the parts on the list.

"No, I meant what's going on with you? You seem out of it today, did something happen?"

"Oh, well yeah, I met this girl. Well, more like I knocked her down, but that's beside the point."

"A girl, huh. Did you introduce yourself?"

"Yeah, I apologized too, for knocking her down. Her name's Rebecca." Violet smiles at him, taking one of the lighter parts from him and carrying it.

"Well, if you see her again, you should ask her if she wants to hang out with you or invite her to the big dinner thing Gemma does every Sunday. You know, get to know her a little bit, maybe make some friends outside the club."

"Heh, maybe." He pauses in thought for a moment, before following Violet into the shop. "Wait, you think she'd says yes if I asked her?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Hopefully I portrayed Rebecca and Half-Sack okay? I apologize if the wording seems weird, I was trying to keep it the way he talks. Hope you all like it.