Small Town Charm


"Hey, man, did you hear about that new part shop that's opening in Charming?" Juice asked, peering over the hood of the car he was working on at the others.

"That one the rich guy in Europe owns. who we do deals with? Isn't his name Mr. Darcy or something like that? It sounds familiar for some reason..." Tig asks, watching as Violet runs out of the office.

"Mr. Darcy? The reason it sounds familiar is because it's from Pride & Prejudice. It's a romantic movie, your ex-wife probably made you watch it with her."

"Pride & Prejudice? That doesn't sound romantic at all."

"That's because the movie appeals to women, what with the scene in the rain and all." Violet responds, grabbing her keys and heading out.

"Anyone understand the logic behind that?" Juice asks, earning a chorus of 'no's from the others. "Me neither."

"Alright, I think we're all done for the day. I'm going to head out and get some things, then go see Abel."


Amber sets the box down with a thud, sighing as it bursts open and clothes fall out. She runs a hand through her auburn hair, looking at the large amount of boxes still siting in her driveway. There were another fifteen that needed to be moved inside and unpacked. Amber perches on the edge of one of the boxes, wondering how on earth she's going to get them all moved in and unpacked by seven.

"Hey there, you need some help Darlin?" Amber looks up, startled by the sudden voice and find herself looking at an attractive male walking up her driveway. He was blond with blue eyes and was wearing jeans, a blue shirt, and a leather vest as well as a pair of incredibly white sneakers.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Jax, Jax Teller. I was passing by on my way to the hospital and saw you had all these boxes. I figured you could use a little help, so here I am." He says, taking a look at the large pile of boxes. "Where'd you move from?"

"Europe. You can start with the these, they go in the kitchen."

"Europe? That's a long way from Charming... What brings you here, if you don't mind my asking?" Jax replies, picking up one of the boxes and following her inside the house.

"My dad, or rather my dad's company. He owns and runs a chain of stores, or rather oversees them, and sent me here to manage the store for him. I'm originally from the U.S. , by the way, I was raised in Europe during most of my childhood."

"Really, what type of company or chain of stores does your dad own?"

"A car and motorcycle part shop." She pauses, noting that all the boxes have been moved in. "Thanks for helping me move everything in. Um... do you call everyone 'darlin'?"

"Just the girls, it's a habit. So, what's your name? I've told you mine, but it seems I don't know your's." He replies, leaning against one of the counters as she puts things away.

"Oh, right. I'm Amber, Amber Darcy."

"Wait... Darcy? Your dad owns the company we do business with." Jax says, a bright smile on his face.


"The Teller-Morrow company, I work there along with my friends and family."

"Oh, so I guess I'll be seeing you and your friends a lot."

"Most likely, I should probably get going and let you get settled in. I'll see you around." Jax replies, before waving goodbye and walking out the front door. A rumbling fills the air moments later, the sound of a motorcycle engine, leaving Amber wondering how she failed to hear it the first time.

She steps outside for a moment, watching the motorcycle disappear down the street as her gaze takes in the slowly darkening sky. She frowns, seeing an orange glow in the distance. It was a little early for sunset... Wait... was that... smoke? Amber shrugs, guessing someone must be having a bonfire or something like it and heads back inside.
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