Small Town Charm

Surprise Encounter

Half-Sack leans on the edge of the pool table, waiting for Violet to wake up. Since Violet had tried to help him yesterday by giving him advice on his run-in with Rebecca, he decided to try to help her in return. When Violet showed up at the club house late the previous night saying her house was burning and she didn't know where to go, he suggested she stay in one of the empty 'dorm' rooms in the club house. The Sons agreed and told her to pick any one of the empty rooms, before discussing what was going on in Charming. However, she had fallen asleep on the couch while they were talking, so they let her be.

"What are you doing?" Juice asks, walking up to Half-Sack and startling him a little.

"I'm just waiting for Violet to wake up. I was going to ask her about something."

"Well, whatever you need to ask, you should probably go ask someone else for the answer. Cause' right now, you look like you're creeping on her and that's not a good thing. What do you need?"

"Well, Violet told me if I saw the girl I ran into yesterday that I should invite her to that dinner that Gemma hosts every Sunday. I was going to ask her what I should say if I see her again."

"Why Violet?"

"Well, she's a girl and I figured she'd know what's an acceptable thing to say." Half-Sack explains, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Dude, you don't need her advice, just try what some of the guys have said." Jucie says, listing numerous things for him to say. A few minutes later, Juice sends the reluctant prospect on his way.


Rebecca sits in the both, poking at her salad with disinterest. She looks up, smiling slightly as a familiar face enters the diner. As he looks around trying to be subtle, she turns her attention back to her salad and pretends not to have noticed him right away.


"Okay, I'm just gonna walk in there, look around for a minute, find her, and then use the line." He mutters as he opens the door and walks into the local diner. He follows his plan, pausing and looking about as if he's trying to find a seat. Half-Sack, spots a both right next to the one Rebecca is sitting in and heads towards it. "Hey, there. You know you look like-"


Rebecca drops her fork in surprise and stares at him in shock as it clatters to the floor. She watches as his eyes go wide, an embarrassed expression on his face as he realizes he said the wrong thing. She watches in silence the entire time, still trying to figure out if she heard him correctly.

"Ah... Hello again, Rebecca." Half-Sack says, looking sheepishly at the floor. "I'm sorry, that wasn't the best thing to say and-"

"You know what?" Rebecca interrupts carefully, a smile on her face. "It's okay, let's just talk about something else. It's nice to see you again, Kip." She adds, as his expression takes on a sad look. His face brightens immediately as he takes the seat across from her.

"So, Kip what do you do?"

"I work at a mechanic shop called Teller-Morrow. What about you?"

"Oh," She pauses, she hadn't expected him to ask her a question in response... "nothing at the moment. I just moved here yesterday, actually."

"Really? Where did you move from?" Rebecca focuses her attention on her salad, still picking at it. She didn't really want to talk about her previous home, honestly, she didn't want to talk about herself that much either. Why was he so interested in learning about her? "Rebecca?"

"Have you always worked for Teller-Morrow?"

"No, I was in the service a few years ago, but I got injured and sent back home."

"The injury... has something to do with your nickname, right?"

"Yeah, so... what do you want to talk about?" She studies him for a moment, realizing he had picked up on her awkwardness with the conversation when it was about her.

"Why don't you tell me more about yourself?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments are appreciated as always. As for what Half-Sack said to her? For now, I'll leave it to your imagination.