Status: Let's see where this leads...

I Thought You Forgot About Me

Chapter Eleven - Remembering and Toes

For the next hour or so I was able to just have fun! I was practising my set with my new up singers Kelly and Julianne and Nick watched the whole thing.

This was the first time that he was hearing all of my new music and I was a bit nervous about what he would think after my set but when I was in the moment, just preforming, it didn’t matter at all.

The last song of my practice set, which I learned was not the order it would actually be on tour was my new one called Toes. Nick was out of the room as I started the song which was good because he was a bit of an influence when I wrote it. The background music started as I grabbed onto the microphone, getting into my zone.

If you are a cliffhanger ending
I'm the one that doesn't know anything
Like a magpie and a ring,
I'm always going to be looking right to you

Oh, you capture my attention
Carefully listening,
Don't wanna miss a thing,
Keeping my eyes on you
Got me on my toes

At this part of the song, Nick walked in holding a water bottle and looking down at his phone. I quickly rolled my eyes, figuring he was talking to the she-devil.

If I were to hide out on the sea,
You'd be whispering from the westerlies
In any book I'll ever read,
You'd be the line that sticks out to me,
Out to me

Oh, you capture my attention
Carefully listening,
Don't wanna miss a thing,
Keeping my eyes on you

Right as I said that line, Nick looked up from his phone, fully giving me his full attention. I ignored his change in attention and continued on with the song, really getting into it.

Oh, you capture my attention I'm anticipating,
I'm watching, I'm waiting For you to make your move
Got me on my toes
Got me on my toes, Got me on my toes
Got me on my toes, Got me on my toes
Oh, you capture my attention
Carefully listening,
Don't wanna miss a thing,
Keeping my eyes on you
Oh, you capture my attention I'm anticipating,
I'm watching, I'm waiting For you to make your move
Got me on my toes
Got me on my toes
Got me on my toe

I attached the microphone back onto the stand and turned around and high-fived Kelly and Julianne. I heard clapping from the crowd area and I turned around to see Nick standing up from his seat clapping. I laughed and walked off the stage.

“That was really great Harmony; like I really enjoyed all of your songs but that one was one if the best. You really got into the song. It reminds me of those days when we would just be together, hanging out in the barn.” He said softly. I looked him in the eye and smiled sweetly.

“Thank you Nick. I miss those times.” I reminisced. He nodded his head softly.

Mike came back in from the hallway at that moment, calling everyone together. Nick grabbed my hand and dragged me over to where everyone was gathering.

“Alright, that was really great Nick, band and Harmony. Paul and I were talking a bit and we thought it would be a great idea if both Nick and Harmony did a few duets together; like we can cover a few songs. I personally think it will be very fun!” Mike said excitingly. I looked at Mr. Jonas and he was smiling. I have him a slight smile.

I personally was more worried about potential drama that this whole duet/cover thing could cause between Nick and I. Like for example, if Ramona came to one of the shows, she would be livid. I shook my head. I had to get this idea out of my head and just enjoy the opportunity I was presented.

“Nick, Harmony?” Mike called to us as he was walking away. We both looked over to where he was.
“Just start by listening to an iPod and finding songs that are duets and start from there. I will be back in 30 to see what you both have come up with.” I smiled at him and Nick gave Mike a thumbs up.

“Well I guess we should get started as I pulled out my iPod from my bag and walked over to a secluded, quiet corner of the practice room with Nick on my tail.

For the next ten minutes, my iPod was on shuffle, with an ear bud in each of our ears listening to songs that we could pick. We started singling lines from a whole bunch of different songs, but currently I was dancing to You Make Me Feel by Cobra Starship. I was dancing around Nick, who was sitting on my floor laughing hysterically at me as I was dancing to the song. Nick got up and started jumping and dancing with me. I grabbed his hands and we started to jump together. Anyone who would see us at that moment would think that we were on hyper drugs or something. I bet it looked so ridiculous.

The song finally ended and we both sat back down on the floor, catching our breathe when the song Before The Storm came on. We both looked at each other and just sat quietly listening to the lyrics of the song.

I personally really liked the song and yes it was a Nick and Miley song, it could have so related to Nick and I’s relationship.

Half way through the song, Nick started singing and when Miley’s lines came on, I joined in. Our voices harmonized beautifully and by the time the song ended, I was sitting right next to Nick and he was leaning on me, with his head on my shoulder. We were just enjoying each other company.

When the song ended, no new song started playing because my iPod shuffle shut off, so Nick and I just sat there, with ear buds in each of our ears leaning against each other in silence. I signed.

“Remember my last day at the inn?” He asked as he grabbed my hand.

Our fingers intertwined and it brought back that day and the spark that was always present when we would hold hands. All of the emotions I was feeling when we were saying our quiet ‘I love you’s’ and ‘I will miss you’s’. I just stayed still in this present moment, trying not to let all of the memories wash over my face thus reacting my emotions which evidently would make me break down.

Ya, it sounds like some sob story that I can’t get over but really, you will never forget your first love, no matter who they are, how you break up, no matter what.

I slowly nodded my head finally, answering that I did remember. He squeezed my hand slightly.

“I will never forget that day. And everything that I said to you was true. I don’t want you to ever forget that.” Nick said softly as he lifted his head off of my shoulder so he could look me in the eyes. I nodded my head, my eyes starting to get watery as the emotion of his words hit me. I knew he knew it too.

“I am truly sorry about the other day Harmony, and I never want anything like that to ever happen between us again.” He said softly. I nodded my head. I have been doing too much of that as of late, my head started to hurt.

I lifted my free hand to my head as Nick looked on concerned. I shook my head as if it was nothing but it was like Nick’s eyes were shooting lasers through my soul.

“I know your head is hurting Harmony. I can still read you like a book.” He joked as he stuck his tongue out at me, which made me laugh. I rolled my eyes.

“What ever you say Nick.” I started to get up but having Nick’s fingers still intertwined with mine, I was pulled back down onto the floor, falling on my knees.

Nick laughed out loud and got up, sticking his hand out to help me up. I took it and jumped up.

“Come on, let’s go find you something for your head.” Nick said as he held out his hand for me to take once again.

I graciously took it, with a smile on my face. That spark when our hands intertwined again was still there.

Nick led me out of the practice room, on a hunt for some sort of medicine to help with my headache. At this moment, after those last few minutes, I was so happy; I couldn’t even put to words the happiness that is flowing through my veins.
♠ ♠ ♠
'Toes' by Lights.

I am SO SORRY it has been so long, Its midterm time in school and its very stressful. Please be patient with me, but I do enjoy reading everyone comments. Its really motivating when I can read what you think! Thanks!!