Status: Let's see where this leads...

I Thought You Forgot About Me

Chapter Two - Tantrums and Hubert

“It is a beautiful 91 degrees here in Los Angeles, California. We at Delta would like to welcome you to the city for all you first time visitors and for all of you that call LA your home, welcome back. Thank you for flying Delta and we hope to see you soon.” The airline stewardess announced over the PA system in her high-pitched voice.

Everyone on the plane then stood up and we all waited our turn to get our carry-on’s from the over head bins and to walk off the plane. That whole process took 20 minutes. It was ridiculous; and this poor mom and her crazy toddler were the reason why it took so long. The kid was throwing the worst tantrum ever in the only walk way on the plane and he refused to move. The kid was also laying on the floor at an awkward angle so the Mom couldn’t pick up her child. She was really embarrassed but she finally got her kid to move into some of the seats so that the rest of us could get off.

Finally after getting checked, I walked towards the baggage claim and noticed a whole bunch of people holding signs. They were the drivers patiently waiting for the stuck up, impatient rich people to drive them to their desired destination. It must be really hard to be one of those drivers.

I finally found both of my very large, hot pink luggage bags and I walk off to the side where there was less people to find the papers I received from the label telling me what I had to do once arriving. I found them at the very bottom of my purse, go figure, and read them over. All it did was gave me an address. To what? I didn’t know. But I was told to go to this address and that’s exactly what I was going to do.

I pulled up the handles from both of my luggage and started walking towards the doors. As I was about to walk outside and call for a cab; this little man, early-60’s wearing a green knitted sweater and a beige golfing cap walked over to me.

“Miss? Are you Harmony Davis?” He asked in his cute little old man voice. I just melted. I loved old people. Not to sound creepy but they are so cute!

“Yes. That’s me.” I said with a smile towards him.

“I am told to drive you to 8768 Morningview Drive Miss.” He said looking on this little folded up piece of paper he had in his hand behind the sign. I looked at my paper from the label. It’s the same address. So this is legit.

“Ya, that’s me, thank you.” I said to him.

“Well Miss Davis, my name is Hubert and I will be your driver for today.” He said as he tipped his hat to me. I smile. He was just so darn cute!

He went to grab my luggage, to help me out. I told him that we can both take one because they were really heavy. He smiled kindly and I followed him to his car.

Hubert had a nice, silver, four-door Lexus RX 450h SUV hybrid parked just down from the exit of the airport. He pushed a button on his keys and the trunk started to open so that we could put the luggage in the back. He pulled up the first suitcase, the one he had, and started to lift it. He had it almost inside but I helped him out because he was a tad shorted than the very top of the trunk. I also helped in with the second one. Hubert opened the back passenger door for me and I thanked him. He was too kind.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Driving through LA was amazing. There was so much to look at! Everywhere you turned there was something interesting; like palm trees! I have never seen one in person before so it was pretty fascinating to see so many.

“So how was your flight Miss Davis?” Hubert asked to make the silence not so awkward for him; for he didn’t know I was so interesting in all of the palm trees.

“Hubert, you can call me Harmony. It’s ok. And the flight was great. I got little crackers with cheese and some orange juice.” I said with a smile. He laughed lightly, obviously reacting to something a first time flier would say.

“How are you Hubert?” I asked, trying to keep the conversation going.

“I am fine Miss Harmony; just enjoying the day until I can see my Mrs. Again.” He said with a smile.

“Tell me about your wife. She must be a very lucky lady to have found a man like you.” I said. He laughed.

“She puts up with me, so I am the lucky one. She is very beautiful. We met back in our 20’s, and she has put up with me ever since. Though, that was only last year.” He joked and winked at me through the rear-view mirror. I laughed.

We kept up the small talk until we got to 8768 Morningview Drive. He parked on the side of the road and got out. I silently reached over and placed $60 in his cup holder to find when he got back in the car. I got out and helped Hubert with putting the suitcases onto the sidewalk. He pushed a button on his keys and the trunk door closed. He tipped his hat to me and I handed him another $20 and said thank you once again; though he didn’t know I left him money in his cup holder.

Hubert waved as he drove away. I turned around and was faced with something totally new to me. I turned and saw a large 15 story apartment building, with large windows and balconies.

I never really thought about how my living arrangements would be until this second. And like sudden fear of living on my own crept up my spine. But I shook it away. I am now in California, living out a dream. This is just the first step to a wonderful time I will be having in California.

I grabbed my suitcases and walked towards the front door.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter two. I love Hubert. Just saying :)
I love old people unless they are crabby and annoying. Then I dont.

I hope you all enjoy it. And comments are amazing