Status: Let's see where this leads...

I Thought You Forgot About Me

Chapter Five - Meetings and Jagger

Coming into this meeting, I was a ball of nerves. I didn’t know who Janice was. I didn’t know what the executives were going to be like. I didn’t know what to expect. I was just nervous and scared but ready to face whatever was presented to me. Well, the nerves diminished immensely when I saw Mr. Jonas.

“Harmony!” He said excitedly as he got up from his chair to give me a hug.

“I didn’t know you would be here.” I said with the shock of seeing him again so obvious in my voice. He nodded his head.

“How is your mother? Is she doing well? I am going to have to tell Denise all about this and get her to call your mom.” He said with a smile. I was about to answer when Janice cleared her throat. My face turned red from embarrassment when I looked around and all of the business men were looking at me oddly; as if I was being unprofessional or something. I took my seat in my chair as Janice started to talk about the record and how promoting the record was going to go.

Basically, for the first little bit I was going to be staying in LA; doing radio shows, going to parties, playing in all of the places I could possibly get. But because I have opened up for Miley Cyrus before, the door isn’t that hard to get through, and having Mr. Jonas on the team is a very helpful thing.

The men in business suits were talking about money matters and I was staring at them blankly, bored out of my mind when I hear the boardroom door shut. I look over and I couldn’t believe who I saw walk through that door.

Nick Jonas.

Ya, the same Nick Jonas that said he loved me. The same Nick Jonas that said he would never forget me. The same, exact Nick Jonas that gave me that charm bracelet that was sitting on my wrist at that very moment.

I didn’t know what to do. I bet he thought I looked like a fish out of water, opening and closing my mouth. But honestly, I didn’t know what to say. We lost contact over the years. Sure, I have seen him in the news and we follow each other on twitter but that’s about it.

He seemed to be as shocked to see me as I was to see him because his eyes were wide and he had a weird smile on his face. He placed his sunglasses on the table and opened his arms for me.

“Harmony.” He said and I got up to give him a hug. His arms wrapped around my waist and I wrapped mine around his torso. I didn’t want to let go but being in a room filled with music executives and Janice meant that it couldn’t be a long time thing.

I was about to let go when Nick let go first and took a step back away from me. I noticed but didn’t say anything. Janice spoke up.

“You two know each other?” She questioned. We both nodded our heads. Nick moved to the seat next to mine and sat down.

“Sorry for interrupting, what’s the next topic?” Nick asked as Janice flipped a page in front of her.

“Well, I guess since you are finally here Nick,” She said with a hard look on her face.

“We can talk about Harmony opening up for your Nick for your upcoming shows in a few months.” I looked at Janice and then at Nick. He looked to be smiling but to me, his smile was a tad off. Not wanting to say anything, well more like not knowing what to say, I just smiled sweetly and nodded my head.

The next hour and a half continued with everyone talking and Janice being slightly rude. Oh well, I am going to have to get used to her. Everyone has a good side, right?

The meeting finally ended with me shaking all of the executive’s hands and thanking them with a large smile. This is such a huge opportunity that they have given me, I am so grateful.

I followed Mr. Jonas and Nick out of the room and into the elevator.

“I’m glad to see you again Nick.” I said with a smile. My heart was beating a bit faster as my brain processed that he was actually here, beside me again after all of this time.

“I honestly you forgot about me.” I said with a little laugh. He looked at me with those large eyes.

“I could never forget you Harmony, you know that.” He said while giving me a half hug.

Something about him was really off. I’m not quite sure what it was but the air around us was really awkward.

“So why were you late for the meeting?” I asked Nick as we entered into the lobby. Mr. Jonas walked outside, possibly to his car. Nick opened his mouth to answer when this girl walked up. She was wearing a very short black pencil skirt and a very low-cut bright green shirt. She had a few silver rings on her fingers and a huge heart necklace around her neck. Her dark brown, almost black hair was pinned up in a nice bun with a few loose strains falling out the back. Her make up looked very much caked on and her nails, after first glance, looked so fake it was gross. I smiled sweetly at her and I turned to greet her. She interrupted me.

“Nick! That took for ever! I thought you said it would only be a little bit. I missed you! I had to wait outside on the bench and watch some stupid kid dance to pass the time because the lady over there- she pointed to the receptionist – told me to stop loitering!” She whined. My smile slightly faulted but I still tried to look happy and collected.

I obviously looked confused as I turned to Nick. He was about to say something again but this girl interrupted.

“Who is this? Nick? Who is this? Why is she with you?” She asked very impatiently. Nick was taking too long to answer her, and I save my ears from bleeding anymore, I decided to introduce myself.

“Hi, I’m Harmony. I am working with Nick in the coming months. We were just having a planning meeting.” I said trying to give her a nice smile but her facial expression made it hard to look nice towards her. First she looked pissed, and then disgusted as if I was dirt on her shoe, then she looked jealous because I would be working with Nick. Her final expression looked as if she was better then me, in every single way possible; her nose was slightly waving in the air.

“Harmony, this is Ramona; my girlfriend.” Nick said, finally finding his voice. My heart stopped for a moment. I took a step back and smiled at the both of them. After a moment of catching my breath that I was unaware I was holding until that second, I reached out my hand to shake Ramona’s in friendship. She took it, but just barely. It was like I was beneath her or something.

“It’s nice to meet you Ramona. Nick has said many wonderful things about you.” I lied as her face lit up and Nick looked at me with a confused expression. I smiled and pulled my phone out, as if I just got a message.

“Oh I need to check this and call a cab. I will um see you at some point Nick, and it was great to meet you Ramona.” I started to walk out the front door and to the right. The parking garage was to the left so I knew I wouldn’t bump into them.

I walked down the block a bit to where a kid in dark blue jeans and a neat t-shirt that said ‘Smile’ on it was dancing. I wasn’t paying much attention to the song as I leaned against the Hollywood Records building to half watch him and half ponder mu thoughts.

Why did I react like that? Ya, we said we loved each other but that was years ago, we lost contact. Sure, I had a couple relationships after him, but it really wasn’t anything. I was so busy with school and the album that I didn’t really have time. He seemed to have clearly moved on. Like, moved on as if what we had didn’t even happen. Maybe I am just over reacting, and taking this way to sensitively but still.

The dancing boy obviously noticed I was having a mental fight in my head so when his next song came on, Moves Like Jagger he pulled me off the ledge of the building and started dancing. He was moving to the beat and he was motioning me to mimic was he was doing. As the song progressed, we started doing our own moves. We were creating a group of passer-goers around us. It was really fun. Dancing really helped me forget about Ramona and how my feelings for Nick were negatively affecting me at that moment. There were a few people with their phones out recording our dance party and I think there was even a paparazzi because there were camera flashes but none of it mattered at the moment.

I was being me; I was living in the moment. Nick might have forgotten about me, or at least his feeling for me but in this moment, dancing on the street outside of Hollywood Records, with some random kid to Moves Like Jagger was me. Hello world.
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Sorry for the wait. Writers block and college has started so its gonna get pretty wild very soon.
I hope everyone likes it.
I love comments, it really does help me update faster *hint*