Status: Let's see where this leads...

I Thought You Forgot About Me

Chapter Six - Car Rides and Fly

The next few days I have just spent by myself, settling in to the new apartment. I finally have all of my things unpacked and I have moved some personal items around to make the place feel more like home; though it was still lacking.

I have been in and out of many paint stores and furniture stores; looking for items to make the apartment more like me. I liked all of the colours of the main living area of the apartment but my bedroom was a ghastly pale green colour, so that had to go. I picked out a lovely blue grey colour that really accented all of the dark wood furniture in the space. It wasn’t my two-story bedroom with glass staircase but it works. It’s almost like a new, more mature Harmony.

Today was my first day of work, so to speak. The agenda for today was a radio interview and then a photo shoot for the album art.

I got ready at home for my interview. I picked out a blue and white striped sun dress with a thin red belt and red pumps. I pulled my hair into a French braid and wore simple but flattering makeup. Just as I was finishing up there was a loud knock on the door. I quickly ran and grabbed my clutch and opened to door to see Quince smiling at me.

“Morning Harmony. Are you ready to go?” He asked, while looking at his blackberry.

“As ready as I’ll ever be I guess.” I said nervously. Like sure, I have done interviews before but this is one of the first interviews about my new album and the whole goal is to try and get people to start getting into my music.

We got down to the car and the driver opened the door for us. I thanked the man and he tipped his hat to me in response. Janice was inside on her blackberry, typing away. When the door closed behind Quince, Janice put down her blackberry and stared at me; well I think she stared at me, she had huge sunglasses on her mouse-like face.

“Harmony, are you ready for today? I hope you are. This is a big day. For the interview, we have already prepped the radio hosts with what to ask. If they ask you about anything personal just smile and say no comment. We are here for the single. Not you personally. Just focus on the music, which is the big thing. We can deal with your personality later.” She snarled. I looked at her with wide eyes. She just offended me like it was nothing. I think Janice has no soul.

“After the single, you will leave and we are going straight to the photo shoot. It should be good. We at the label have already told the photographer what we want everything to look like and they have a stylist there to pick out all of your clothes for you so you don’t need to worry about anything. We have it all covered. After the photo shoot you can go home.” She said while looking at a calendar on her blackberry.

“Do I not get to input on the idea of the album art?” I asked cautiously. Janice stopped what she was doing on her phone and I looked over at Quince and he had wide eyes. I looked back over at Janice as she said “No. You get no say. You are just the artist. This is a business world, you are just the person that preforms the music that increases our sales. Don’t ask stupid questions like that again ok dear?” She said with a sickly sweet tone. It was like she was doing me a favour for not ‘doing any work’. I could tell that this professional relationship with Janice was going to be stress, but I put a smile on my face to act like that was all fine. I didn’t want to ruin my opportunity this early in the game because Janice and I don’t click. I looked out the window of the rest of the duration of the car ride.

Arriving to 103.2 The Beat, Janice whisked me into the front door and up the stairs to the green room. I didn’t even have a second to breathe. Once getting into the green room, she shoved myself and Quince through the door as she walked away; most likely looking for the manager. Quince looked at me, and how nervous I looked and gave me a hug.

“You will do great. Just be yourself, smile and you will be fabulous! And I’m sorry about Janice in the car ride over. That was so uncalled for but to be honest, that’s how she is.” For the first time, I could really see the stress that was living on Quince’s face and I felt bad. It’s curious as to why he stays with Janice as her assistant. I was about to thank him for his concern when Janice walked back into the green room.

“Ok, they are all ready. You will be going in the booth in two minutes. Let me look at you.” She glanced down at what I was wearing, how my hair and makeup was. “Turn.” She demanded. I slowly turned so she could see the back of my dress and the back of my hair.

She scrunched her face and shook her head. Before she could say anything, a person wearing a yellow I Love LA shirt popped into the room and looked at me.

“Harmony Davis? Ellie and Ricky are ready for you.” He said with a smile. I smiled in return as I walked out of the green room and into the booth. I was greeted by two people in chairs on either side of a desk; they both had headphones on and a microphone in front of their faces.

“Hi Harmony?” The guy, Ricky, said with a very chipper tone. He was wearing a dark black band shirt and a red bandana on his head. I nodded my head in response.

“Are you ready? This is going to be great. You will be heard by thousands of listeners in LA and you will get your music out. Are you excited?” He asked right as the song on the radio was ending. I nodded in response. The red light that goes on as the radio hosts are talking live went on over the door so I knew this was it.

“And that was Fly by Nicki Minaj and Rihanna. And now we have a brand new face to the Hollywood music scene, she opened for Miley Cyrus and she is now stepping out on her own, this is Harmony Davis!” Ellie said while pressing a button which a clapping click went on over the air. I laughed silently and said Hi to everyone.” They asked many different questions throughout 20 minutes. Questions like where I am from, how I felt opening for Miley, how it was like working on my album and then about my single. At the very end of the interview, they played my single and no one could have wiped the smile off my face.

Once the whole interview was over, I shook hands with both radio hosts and thanked them for having me on air with them. I arrived back to the green room where Quince and Janice were waiting for me. Quince got up first from his chair and hugged me. I felt like I was walking on air, it was amazing. Janice was typing away on her blackberry and when she finally noticed I was in the room, she looked up and said ‘nice job’ and went back to typing on her blackberry. She then finished what she was doing and looked at the time.

“Ok, we have 45 minutes to get to the shoot. Let’s go, let’s go, we can’t be late!” She said loudly. I nodded my head and followed her out of the room and down to the car.

Part two of my first world wind day was about to begin, and not even a sour puss like Janice was going to ruin it for me. Right?
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Sorry that took so long! School is drowning me! And its such a filler, more drama to come next chapter :)
Please comment! I really enjoy reading what everyone has to say.