Status: Let's see where this leads...

I Thought You Forgot About Me

Chapter Seven - Roller Coaster Rides are Supposed to be Fun

The car ride to the photo shoot venue was uneventful to say the least. All Janice was doing was typing on her blackberry. Quince was doing the same thing that I was, looking out the car windows. Janice had this thing that when you are around her you have to be silent. Like really? She is more of a diva then Mariah Carey, and that’s saying something.

We all arrive to the venue and get out. It was this large brick building with not many windows on the side we were facing. It looked like a refurbished factory, almost. Quince and I waited for Janice to step out of the car and we followed her in. There was no one on the street that this building was on, it was like a ghost town; which made me feel slightly anxious as to what I was stepping into.

The group of us walked into a little hallway, there were signs on the walls saying delivery entrance so it clicked that we walked into the back of the building. The elevator dinged, letting us know that it had arrived and was waiting for us to get in. Quince pressed some button and the elevator went up.

There were butterflies in my stomach as the elevator was bringing us closer and closer to the photo shoot area. Sure, I have had shoots before but nothing this important. This shoot was for my album cover so this is a big thing. I was excited because this is an amazing thing that is happening to me but also scared because I don’t want to mess up.

Right as the elevator was about to stop, Janice stopped typing on her blackberry and looked at me.

“This shoot will be about three hours long and then we are moving up a floor and doing a shoot with Nick Jonas and his band for promotional pictures for the tour. Got it?” She stated rudely. I nodded my head. What more was there for me to do?

I wasn’t aware that I would be doing a shoot with Nick today, I thought it was just the album cover shoot. I cant really do anything about it now. I have kind of gotten over the feeling of Nick totally forgetting about my existence a few days ago, and as long as that stupid Ramona girl isn’t there, I will be able to act professional and just get it over with.

The elevator dinged, letting us know that we have arrived to our destination and for us to get out. I was closest to the door so I got out first. The entire floor was set up with different shooting locations. There was a white back drop over to the left and then there were different coloured back drops beside it. There was a whole pile of musical props on the far right. It really looked amazing. Right as I stepped out the elevator and closer to the shooting area, three people walked up to me with huge smiles on their faces.

“Hello Miss Davis, I’m Kiki and I will be your hair and makeup artist for today. This is Marko, he is you photographer.” I shoot both of their hands.

“And this is Helena, she will be your stylist for today’s shoot.” I smiled and her and shoot her hand. They all looked really friendly, which really helped with my nerves. I was whisked away from Janice and Quince that very second into hair and makeup. Helena asked if I wanted something to drink and I politely declined.

After about a very quick 45 minutes, my hair and makeup were done and I was dressed in a very elegant gold dress with gold pumps and earrings. I was walked over to the white backdrop and they had a very sophisticated looking red couch placed there and I was instructed to lay on it. It was very awkward at first because I was being told how everything should be and I had no say, but Kiki and Helena made it fun by making weird faces towards me behind Marko’s back. It was funny. I was moved to a different backdrop and I was handed a microphone, one of those old school square ones. It was neat. I pretended like I was preforming and Marko snapped some more pictures.

After that was done, I was back in the hair and makeup area totally changing my look. This look had my hair in soft ringlets cascading down my back, I had light make up on and was wearing a white summer dress with a light blue belt at my waist and light blue heels. It was a more relaxed outfit than the glamour of the first outfit. I was brought back over to the white back drop area but there was now a park bench set up with a green screen behind it. Clearly they were going to digitally put something awesome back there. I was told to do different poses, which were fun. They had my music playing in the background so it helped with getting me in the mood of how to feel for this cover.

I was then whisked away for the last time to change. They had my hair up and my makeup was darker. I had on a red dress that went to my knees and black pumps. I was told to stand in front of the black backdrop and just dance. It was fun because they had music that I enjoyed listening to playing in the background when suddenly, little pieces of gold and silver glitter start to fall from the ceiling. I just continued to dance and I picked up a microphone and I pretended to be preforming as the glitter fell on me. That last outfit change was my favourite.

When the whole shoot was done, I was back in the outfit I came in but I still had my hair and makeup done from the last part of the shoot. I thanked Marko, Kiki and Helena for being so awesome. Quince, Janice and I stepped back into the elevator as Quince pressed a button for us to go up; as the elevator doors were closing I waved to Marko, Kiki and Helena. They waves back with silly smiles on their faces.

We arrived to the floor with the shoot with nick was on. When the doors of the elevator opened, it looked much the same as what I just came from; other than this floor had huge loft sized windows in it. Janice quickly walked away, pushing me out of the way to get out of the elevator and walked straight over to Mr. Jonas and the other people from Hollywood records that were there. I looked and Quince and he just gave me an apologetic face. I made a funny face which made him smile. I grabbed onto his hand and dragged him out of the elevator.

“Come on, I want to see what’s all up here!” I exclaimed excitedly. He laughed at my childish behaviour and followed me.

There were many more camera’s up on this floor. There was one set up in front of a stage, one in front of a window, and one in front of a plain white back drop. I was still dragging Quince around when we walked into the hair and makeup area and we saw Nick sitting in one of the chairs. He looked over when he heard my laugh (Quince was whining that I was dragging him) and looked at me with a smile. He then looked down and my hand intertwined with Quinces and I could see his smile falter ever so slightly. I ignored the jester. I was about to drag Quince over to look at all the clothes when we both heard Janice scream from the other end of the room,

“QUINCE! WHERE ARE YOU?? I NEED A COFFEE!” I looked at Quince sadly as he turned around to get Janice’s exact order.

I turned about around to meet a lady standing in front of me. She had her hand out.
“Hi Harmony! My name is Della and I will be your stylist for today. How are you feeling, would you like a snack or drink?” Della asked with a motherly tone in her voice. I smiled up at her and nodded, asking for some water and whatever little snack was close by; which happened to be a cookie. I thanked Della when she handed it to me.

Nick and I made small talk as I was getting my hair and makeup done. I had my hair pin straight and my makeup was smoky. I had a dark dress on with a deep red belt and dark red heels on. I was escorted to the window where Nick was waiting. He looked very handsome. He had a nice button up shirt and dressy jeans with dark dress shoes on. It really didn’t look like a tour photo but we were just doing as we were told so we did. Nick and I were told to sit beside each other and look out the window. This whole thing took a half hour because the photographer, Luis, was trying to get serious shots and we kept laughing.

Luis ended up giving up and we both changed. I changed into dark, dressy jeans and a floral top with teal heels. Nick had a simple white polo, beige jacket and jeans on; more casual, more us. We were told to stand in front of the white back drop and just pose. We ended up goofing off with each other by trying to jump over each other, dance like crazy fools, fun stuff like that. Next, Nick was handed a guitar and I a microphone and we did some shots with those. It started getting a bit more serious when Nick actually started to play some of his songs and I was just transfixed with him playing. I could hear the camera clicking behind me but I didn’t care. Nick playing just brought back so many memories of when were would just be together, sitting by ourselves, acting like how we used to.
Once that was all done, we had another outfit change and the pair of us just ended up posing with The Administration. We were being goofy but Nick and I kept giving the other looks. I could tell that Nick was remembering that summer. It made me smile.

Luis said that he got all the pictures he wanted but he said that he still had some time so Della gave me some light blue slightly-ripped jeans and a knitted top. She curled my hair loosely and placed a white beanie on my head. I really liked this outfit. It was really relaxed. I walked out to the stage that was set up and Nick was sitting on the ledge waiting for me. He was wearing a while polo and an autumn jacket with a scarf. It was really fall like but both outfits were comfortable so it was ok.

I walked over to Nick and looked up at him. He looked and me and told me to turn around so he could fully see my outfit. I rolled my eyes and did what he said. When I turned back around I hit his knee and ran up the stairs onto the stage to start getting into our first pose. We both looked over and Luis and he basically just said to have fun with it. I turned towards Nick and stuck out my tongue and he turned slightly away from me with his hand out as if saying ‘talk-to-the-hand’. I could hear Mr. Jonas laugh in the background.

Next pose I grabbed onto Nick’s scarf and made it look like I was dragging him across the stage; he played along and acted as if I was dragging him to his doom. His face was priceless.

After about twenty minutes of just pointless, funny shots, I started to get really drained. I leaned on Nick and he held me around my waist as I attempted to rest. I didn’t care at the moment that Luis was still shooting us, I just needed a minute to just pause and take a breath.

“You ok?” Nick asked as he was rubbing my back. He could tell by my face and my actions that I was getting tired and I needed to take a minute. I took my head off of his shoulder and looked up into his eyes.

“Ya, I’m ok. You don’t need to worry about me; I’m a big girl now.” I said trying to half make a joke and half make Nick not worry about me. He gave me a skeptic look but didn’t question me.

Nick gently grabbed my hand and led me over to the edge of the stage, to sit down. I ended up leaning my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes, the tiredness was truly setting in at this moment. I faintly heard the click of Luis’ camera a few more times and he turning to everyone and saying ‘that’s a wrap!’

Nick and I weren’t paying attention. We were both tired and enjoying the moment of peace between the pair of us on the stage. My eyes were closed, and I moved my hands to my lap; thus making my charm bracelet jingle from the movement.

“I can’t believe you still have that.” Nick said. I didn’t move off of him as I nodded my head, too tired to say anything. Nick reached over and gently stroked all of the little charms on it, admiring the ones he gave me and the few I added on over the years.


In the distance, the elevator dinged, letting everyone who was near that someone was arriving onto the floor. Harmony and Nick being on the stage didn’t notice a blonde walk through the elevator door, wearing a short, tight, red dress with slits cut out of the sides and very high black pumps. It took her a minute but Ramona found what, or should I say who she was looking for. And the sight that she saw wasn’t something that she was a fan of. Not one bit.

I was content on Nick’s shoulder, yes I was resting but being this close to him, really made me reminisce about our time that summer four years ago. I didn’t want it to end. But unfortunately…

“NICK! NICK JONAS!” A high pitched squeal echoed across the room. I moved off of Nick’s shoulder and he jumped down, off of the stage and onto the floor to go greet his lovely girlfriend Ramona. I looked away as she basically threw herself onto him in a lame attempt of a hug and then when he pulled away, she pulled him into one of the nastiest looking kiss I have ever seen.

“Why did I decide to look?” I questioned myself out loud. I hopped off the stage and Nick had already left Ramona to go change into his normal clothes. I was about to walk past her when she stepped in front of me.

“Sorry, excuse me Ramona.” I politely say as I try to move around her to get past.
“No. Harmony. You need to listen to me.” She said with all the venom she could muster. I raised my eyebrows.

“Nick is my man. And if I ever catch you even looking at him I swear it will be the end of you. We are together, we are in love and I don’t care what you think, he is mine. He will never leave me for someone like you, you are just a piece of chewing gum on a sidewalk. You are ugly, you have no friends and you have no future so if you think for just one second that Nick would ever leave me for the likes of you, you have another thing coming.” She threaten. For a moment, I contemplated where the whole chewing gum analogy came from but I didn’t even have time to think, as Ramona pushed me. I fell hard on my side, on a cord no doubt. Nick and Quince ran to my side to aid me.

“Harmony, are you ok?” Both Quince and Nick said. Quince, seeing the whole ordeal, gave Ramona a really dirty look. Nick looked at me waiting for a respond when Ramona beat me to the first words.

“Harmony and I were just walking about her outfit and she stepped back away from me and tripped on the cord. It happened so fast I didn’t even have time to react.” Ramona said with her sickly, high pitched voice. I didn’t say a word. Quince helped me up. I dusted myself off and looked at Nick.

He noticed I was fine because I was standing again and turned to his girlfriend,

``I am so glad you two are getting along. I hope we can all be great friends. `` I gave Nick the most hurt face anyone could muster and stormed away.

Maybe Ramona was right. Nick is different, Nick has changed. He would rather be with a fake plastic Barbie than be with me. Maybe she is right, I am ugly. I couldn’t take it, I stormed into the changing area and found my chair. I sat down and just cried.
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Sorry it too so long! But I was super determined to get it out today so ta-daaaa!
Comment please!!!