Status: Let's see where this leads...

I Thought You Forgot About Me

Chapter Nine - Pitas and Blowups

I arrived at the Pita shop at 12:25pm. I didn’t want to be late, so I tried to get there as fast as I could and I just happened to be early. I was wearing light blue jean shorts with a loose white tank top. I had gold sandals on my feet and cute gold hoops hanging from my ears. I left my hair and makeup just natural. I had my bathing suit and a towel in my bag.

I walked through the door of the pita shop and a little ding went off when I stepped through, alerting basically everyone in the shop that someone has arrive. With the bell going off, I noticed Nick right away sitting in the farthest corner of the shop at a booth. He was wearing dark aviator sunglasses and a baseball cap as a ‘potential disguise ’; it wasn’t a very good one. He waved me over and I smiled as I started to make my way towards the table; as I was about eight feet from the table when a head of blonde ugliness popped around the back of the booth.

The bounce in my step faulted and I continued slowly towards the table. As I approached, Ramona got up and announced that she had to go to the rest room. I just nodded and moved out of the way for her to go by. But before she left, she said

“I see you are wearing flat shoes today. At least you don’t fall on your face this time.”
I gave her an offended look and as she turned and walked away. I proceeded to sit in the booth, opposite of Nick and started to play with my nails. This is going to be one long day!
Nick spoke up first.

“Hey how are you? Was the ride over ok?” He was completely ignoring the look of discomfort on my f ace as I answered shortly,

“Ok and Yes.” He took a sip of his diet coke. At that moment the waitress came over and asked what I wanted to drink. I asked for water thinking that if Ramona decided to ‘accidentally bump into the glass’ that it wouldn’t stain as bad. It’s pretty bad when you have to think that when around someone.

“I thought this lunch was just going to be us two. You never mentioned her coming.” I stated to Nick as the waitress, Lauren, gave me my water and said we were free to go up and make our pitas whenever we wanted.

“Oh. I didn’t think it mattered. And I want Ramona to be comfortable around you. I want everyone to be friends.” I scoffed when the word ‘friends’ left Nick’s mouth. I slightly shook my head and took a sip of my water.

At that moment, Ramona came back. I was able to fully see her outfit, and boy did it seem like she was trying a bit too hard. Ramona was wearing a low cut black halter top and very short, almost booty short dark blue jeans and some very high black strappy heels. Her red stringed bikini top could be seen through her halter told. Basically it was one hot mess. I plastered on a fake smile when she sat down beside Nick. Ramona then decided that it was an appropriate time to suck Nick’s face. I had to turn away, it was the grossed and most awkward moment of my life. I couldn’t believe it.

Nick gently pushed her away after about a minute. He was very red. I kept looking at my nails, there wasn’t much of me to do.
I was going to suggest getting out pita’s now when Ramona decided to open her mouth.

“I like your charm bracelet, where did you get it?” She asked. I immediately thought of Regina George from the movie Mean Girls as she said it because you could tell in her voice that it was so fake. She didn’t care. I looked over at Nick.

“ I got it from a friend a long time again. We lost touch for a while… I like it. I never take it off.” I stumbled to say. I didn’t know exactly what to say, without telling her that Nick got it for me so that I would never forget him. That would just be awkward.

“Oh that’s too bad, I bet they don't like you anymore. So you and that guy at the photo shoot the other day, Quin, is he like, your boyfriend or something?” She said, totally changing topics. I shook my head.

“No, Quince isn’t my boyfriend. He is the assistant to my agent Janet.” I said matter-a-factly. She nodded her head and continued to question me.

“So how do you know Mr. Jonas? You seemed to get along with him pretty well at that shoot.” She stated as she took a sip of her iced tea. I looked over at Nick, he looked pretty awkward. I just shrugged my shoulders.

“My mom and Nick’s parents know each other. That’s all.” I wasn’t technically lying; I just didn’t say the whole truth. Nick decided then to pipe up about us getting out pitas.

For the next hour, Ramona kept asking questions, trying to be polite but most of them were just drill questions trying to get some dirt on me. It was like she was trying to collect info to make a negative rumour about me or at least something along those lines.

After her last question about if I have ever dyed my hair before, Nick decided that we should leave and head down to the beach. I nodded and Ramona squealed in excitement as she leaned over and kissed Nick again. Oh did I mention she kissed him 43 times during that hour conversation? Ya, I counted. My skin was crawling every time she leaned over and Nick just let it happen. He didn’t have a care about my feeling at all, or he was oblivious. Then again, he is a guy.

Ramona announced that she had to freshen up one more time before we left, which left Nick and I sitting in the booth waiting, awkwardly might I add.

“I’m sorry, Ramona can be a lot some times. But it seems like you two are getting along well. I’m so glad you two will be friends.” He smiled slightly. I rolled my eyes at him, but he noticed.

“What?” He asked stupidly.

“Nick, you are such a guy you know that?” I said as I noticed Ramona walk out of the bathroom. I got up and left Nick sitting there with a questioning look on his face. I walked out the front door, letting the little ding of the door go off as I exited. I waited for the lovely couple to walk out.

We started to walk towards the beach, but not before paparazzi decided to corner us and take pictures of Nick, Ramona and I. After about 20 minutes of that, we were left alone and were on our way. Ramona was asking questions left, right and centre about everything under the sun until she got to a very bizarre and random question.

“Harmony, honestly, do you like Nick?” Nick chocked on his water bottle and I looked over at him with a weird face. I turned back to Ramona with a questioning look on my face.

“I like Nick as a friend. Why?” I carefully asked. Nick seemed like he was intently paying attention now, to see where this was going.

“I ask all my friends this question, because like really, he is Nick Jonas! Who wouldn’t like him; like don’t you think he is so attractive? Would you date Nick if you had the chance?”

“Ramona stop-“ Nick tried to say. She wouldn’t have it.

“No, I want to hear her answer. “ She raised her voice. I don’t know where all of this came from but it was getting really awkward. My hand moved towards my bracelet; when I am stuck in a hard spot I gently rub my hands over the charms, it seems to calm me down. I could tell both Nick and Ramona noticed me do this because Nick’s face was blank and Ramona rolled her eyes, being impatient.

“Honestly yes. Nick is attractive and if I had anoth-“ I stopped and quickly corrected myself,

“If I had a chance to date him then sure. But it would be up to him, I wouldn’t force Nick to do anything he didn’t want to do.” I said, looking at the side walk as we all finally got to the beach.


Mid-afternoon came along and I was in the water, cooling myself off. We have been at the beach for about two hours now. Ramona set herself up with a towel and a huge sun hat and has basically been frying this whole time. Oh wait I lied, she was either sun tanning or sucking face with Nick. It was getting pathetic.

I was looking out into the water, seeing random people surfing and what not. It was really interesting to view when I felt someone grab my arm.

I turned around and fell back into the water from being startled so much. As I got up, I noticed it was Nick who decided to scare me. I half smiled at him.

“I am really sorry about today.” He started. I didn’t say anything. Like what is there to say?

“I didn’t realize how much the two of you didn’t like each other. It does hurt that you won’t accept Ramona for who she is though.” He said. I looked at him with a weird face.

“Did you seriously just say that? Nick honestly, you actually think we would become friends?” I asked. He shrugged his shoulders.

“Well I would have hoped you would have tried a bit harder to get to know her.” My eyebrows shot up at this statement.

“Nick, she was bashing me most of the time, I couldn't get a word in. Plus she keeps judging me-“

“She isn’t judging you.” He interrupted.

“Yes she is! You don’t see it because for some reason you are with her and love her!” I snapped, I waved my arms in the air and then slapped the water, causing a pain in my hand but at the moment I didn’t care.

“You need to stop and see it how I do. You should know me enough to know how I think Nick. We were together, and I loved you. I would think that even after all of this time you would remember that and care. But you don’t. You have moved on and you have changed! You changed! And I can’t believe it!” I argued.

“ I have not changed. I am the same person I was four years ago. I have just moved on with my life. I wasn’t going to sit around and mope day after day that I wouldn’t be able to see you. I grew up Harmony, hell I am 21 years old! You just need to forget what we had and move on. I love Ramona and that’s that.” He yelled.

My heart stopped. Well, not actually because that’s not good but emotionally it did. My eyes started to fill up.

“You want me to just forget that summer?” I quietly asked. He nodded his head.

“Yes. It is in the past. This is the present. I am with Ramona, that’s that.” He stated. I shook my head. I lifted my wrist up and started to unlatch the charm bracelet off my wrist and as I started to walk back to shore, I lifted Nick’s arm up and placed the bracelet in his hand.

“I can’t believe you are just throwing all that we had away for some blonde bimbo that only likes you for your money. I’ll talk to you when we have our tour practices, until then, go to hell Nick.” At the moment I was past emotional and was angry.

I walked up to the beach and over to where my stuff was placed, right beside a tanning Ramona. I picked up my bag and then said,

“You won, he is all yours.” Ramona didn’t move an inch but as I was walking away, I could see a smile form on her lips.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooooooo drama. Doesn't everyone just loveRamona? *note the sarcasm.
Comments would be great!!