Make a Wave

Make A Wave

"Joe, Demi you guys are up next" The stage producer person told us. I sighed. I had to sing make a wave with Joe and I really didn't want to. I looked over at Joe who was standing on the opposite side of the room as far away from me as possible. After the break up we just weren't the same anymore. I was getting my microphone set up as I notice Joe walking over to me.
"God! What do you want?!" I asked him rudely.
"Geez I just wanted to tell you that when we go on stage let's act like nothing is wrong between us" Joe said. I rolled my eyes.
"Oh I could do that. You on the other hand?" I said then started laughing.
"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked.
"How can I put this nicely....You can't act Joe!" I told him. He opened his mouth to say something but quickly closed it. "See? You can't even protest cause ya know it's true"
"Whatever just act like we are still friends" He said.
"Whatever...." I said turning to the mirror that was nearby looking to see if I looked okay. I heard footsteps so I knew Joe had walked away. I started to do my vocal exercises until they called us to go on stage. I walked through the halls to my side of the stage. Joe was on one side and I was on the other. The plan was that after the beginning part of the song was played Joe would come out on the left side of the stage and start singing his part then I would come out on my part. We would sing the song and then we would exit the stage in a way I'm not allowed to tell you yet. The music started and soon I heard Joe start singing.
"What if they're right and the smallest of things,
can power the strongest hurricane
" I sang walking out onto the stage. I saw all the people in the crowd and smiled. We kept singing and I kept avoiding being too close to Joe or looking him into the eye that is until about the middle of the song. About that point I had accidently looked at Joe as he was looking at me. Right then I remembered why I feel in love with him in the first place. The way he got so into a song and the fact that he had a voice of an angel. I also forgot we were even on stage and there were thousands of people in the audience watching us. I only saw Joe...
"So Let's Show a little love....You Never know what we can change" I sang not taking my eyes off of Joe walking closer to him.
"So throw a pebble in the water" he sang walking closer to me as well. Once we were inches Joe held his hand up and I put my hand in his and we wrapped our fingers together.
"Make a Wave, Make a wave" we sang looking unto each other. It wasn't until the song ended and I heard clapping that I remember where we were. I quickly let go of Joe's hand and smiled at the audience. I waved at them then walked to the LCD screen and turned around towards the audience still waving. Joe did the same. The floor underneath us collapse making us fall underneath it. Don't worry we didn't get hurt that was planned there was an airbag under it. I got helped up by one of the stage crew people and walked to my dressing room. I got a bottle of water and started to drink it, trying to forget about what happened on the stage. I can't still like him can I? I mean I loved him for a while now and that's something that doesn't go away in a few months. But we are broken up and there's nothing I can about that. I sighed and sat down on the couch that was inside the room. And got down and started to tweet. I was addicted to that site. I was just about to send what I had just typed when there was a knock at the door. I put my phone down and walked over to the door and opened it to see Joe.
"Demi, Can we talk?" He asked. Usually I would have slammed the door in his face but I stepped aside to let him in.
"So what do you want to talk about?" I asked him.
"Well" he said.
"What about us?" I asked unsure about what he was talking about.
"I made a terrible mistake breaking up with you Demi. The reason I broke up with you was because I didn't want to ruin our friendship but I only made it worse...." He started to say but I cut him off.
"Joe where are you going with this?" I asked him.
"What I'm trying to say Demi is that I'm still in love with you Demi. I never wanted to break up with you in the first place but I thought it would save our friendship because I didn't want to lose you. But I know you probably hate my guts right now so I'll just go" Joe said and started to walk out of the room But I grabbed his arm stopping him from leaving.
"Joe I don't hate you. I just hated the fact that you broke up with me for no reason at all. How would you feel if the person you loved broke up with you out of the blue for no reason? Heartbroken right?" I asked him. He nodded his head.
"I'm so sorry Demi, I never meant to break your heart" He said no looking down.
"It's okay I'm over it" I told him.
"So want to try again?" He asked me hopeful.
"Joe, I love you but let's not rush back into this. Let's just be friends again and maybe work our way back up to that point" I told him. He nodded his head. I hugged him and he hugged me back.
"Demi Can I just do one more thing before we are officially back to being friends?" He asked.
"Sure..." I told him. The next thing I knew his lips were on mine. I was a little shocked at first but then started to kiss back. After about a minute he pulled away.
"Well I better get going I have another song to sing in a few" He said and smiled. We hugged once more before he left the room. I smiled and touched my lips and went back to the couch.....
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Lyrics are from Make A Wave by Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas. So i wrote this like a year ago but I decided to post it on here! :) This is supposed to take place during The Camp Rock Tour but this probably never happened but it is called a fanFICTION for a reason so yea....Hope you like it!