Status: In Progress.

Destination: Success.

You Know Where I'll Be Found

I wasn’t sure what time it was when Mercy nudged my leg with her nose to get my attention. I looked at the dog, wagging her tail and a low whine coming from her throat. Outside, the sky was minutes away from being completely dark. I put my work away, grateful for the dog alerting me of how late it was. Justice was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs, jumping and wagging his tail as he saw me.

“You guys want out?” They barked at me in return, a chuckle coming from me as I slid the sliding glass door open to allow them into my small fenced in backyard. I leaned against the wall, letting the dogs run around, and watching the last bit of the Baltimore sunset.

My second day of school went much like the first, except for the fact that I could spend a little bit more time on campus for lunch with Rian, Kara and Jack. I set myself down in the same seat as yesterday, across from Jack and next to Rian.

“Cute top.” Kara commented with a smile. I grinned and pulled the long sleeves of the hooded turquoise blue shirt over my hands.

“It’s the only thing I could match with white skinny jeans this morning.”

“It looks really good with the white beanie, too.” I slid my hood up over my head and the beanie as a gust of cold wind blew through.

“Tsk, girl, those shoes are to die for!” Jack mocked with a lisp. I looked from my converse high-tops to his, my eyes meeting his after a minute. With no remorse, I kicked him in the shin. “OW! What the hell?!”

“I have an older brother like you. I know how to deal with it. Don’t test me.” I warned him, my voice low.

“Alright, got it. Don’t mock the shoes. You gonna make it up to me for abusing me?” Jack gave me the most adorable pout that I couldn’t say ‘no’ to.

“Dude, you have to work tonight.” Rian spoke up, throwing a fry at Jack. Jack picked it up and ate it, that dorky smile coming back to his face.

“No, I don’t. I got fired the other day. You obviously haven’t looked at the schedule recently.” Rian rolled his eyes.

“I know Zack is pulling a double over at TCBY tonight and I think Alex has to put in a few hours at his dad’s shop.”

“We’re you just inviting everyone over?” I smirked at Rian as he turned a light pink. I shrugged. “It’s fine.” I turned back to Jack. “Come over whenever you have time. We’ll order pizza and play on my Xbox until you have to leave.” I grabbed my shoulder bag and fished out my keys, knowing I had to go to the store and unpack my last two boxes. “I live across the street from Rian.”

“Sweet. I’ll see you later, Hollywood.” I grinned and waved at the three people, leaving to the heat of my car.

The clock in my living room had just barely struck five when a knock came from my front door, sending Mercy and Justice into a frenzy.

“Ruhig. Sitzen.” I harshly told the twins to be quiet and sit, knowing it was only Jack at the door. My dogs sat a few feet away from the door, still growling lowly in their throats. “Guys, really?” I looked at both of them over my shoulder as I flipped the deadbolt unlocked and opened the door. Immediately, Mercy and Justice stood, hair on end, growling with teeth bared. Jack, on the other hand, went whiter than normal and took a few steps back. “No! Schlechte hund! Get the hell outta here!” Both dogs stayed true to their training and refused to move from their spots. I sighed and rolled my eyes, stomping my foot much like a child. “Damnit, Mercy, Justice! Fruend. Er ist ein Fruend! He’s not gonna hurt me.” The dogs stopped growling, glancing between Jack and I. Mercy was the first one to move towards Jack, who flinched, and sniff his hand. Justice followed her actions after another minute of contemplation and snorted, lying down on the dog bed next to the TV. Mercy nudged Jack’s hand with her head. He looked at me warily before petting the large dog. I grinned sheepishly. “Sorry. I forgot they did that.”

“How the fuck could you forget?” I shrugged easily.

“I don’t get visitors often. And they don’t normally react so harshly.” Jack cracked that goofy grin of his.

“You trying to say something, Hollywood?” I grinned back, helpless to not to.

“Yeah. I’m sayin’ you’re a bad apple and my dogs have enough sense to get me away from you before you corrupt me.”

“Oh, that’s it!” My eyes widened just as Jack tackled me, causing us to fall in a heap on the couch. I squealed as he started tickling me, Justice barking in the background.

“Jack, stop it!” I laughed, managing to speak in between gasps for air.

“Take it back.” He still had that grin on his face as he tortured me.

“Never!” I tried pushing his hands away, failing quickly. Justice growled lowly before barking again. “Justice is gonna get you, Jack.” I smirked at him. He paused for a second and glanced at the dog before shrugged and tickling me once again.

“Ow, fuck!” Justice stood behind Jack, a wolfish and pompous look on his canine face. “He bit my ass!” I pushed Jack off me while he was off guard, causing him to hit the floor.

“No, Jacksonville. He nipped your ass. If Justice had bit you, you’d have a chunk missing out of your ass.”

“I still say it was uncalled for!”

“Aw, Jacky wanna call the wambulance?” I pouted, mocking him playfully.

“No, Jacky want pizza. Then his ass will feel all better.” Jack answered in the same childish voice I had used. I helped him up off the floor and watched Jack wince as he sat on the couch. “That dog is just evil.” He motioned to Justice on the dog bed.

“Nah, he’s just protective.” The timer on my oven went off just a second later, making Jack turn to my in confusion. “The price of pizza appalled me. I made some instead.” I pulled the pizza out of the oven, Jack standing as close to me as he could without getting burned by the oven, Justice and Mercy just outside the kitchen. “Y’all are like hyenas.”

“That looks so fucking good, Hollywood. How’d you know I liked everything on it?” I shrugged as I cut the pizza up.

“I asked my brother what teenage boys liked on pizza. He told me when he was younger, he liked everything. I figured if you didn’t like something you could pick it off.” We divided the pizza slices up evenly between the four of us, everyone getting two.

“Best fucking pizza ever. You’ve ruined me for Domino’s. No longer will I ever waste my money or taste buds on them.”

“Thanks, Jacksonville. Means a lot.” He nodded and inhaled his second piece of pizza. “You’re like one of them!” I laughed, finishing my own pizza with Jack, Mercy and Justice all watching me.

“I’m patiently waiting for you to finish so I can kick your ass on Xbox.” I wiped my hands on my napkin.

“Oh, you’re on, bitch.” And with that, the competitions started.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know, it's another filler. But it shows the friendship Jack and Holly are developing. :) And like I said, its gonna take a few fillers to get to where I wanna be. Hopefully, though, it'll only be about two more fillers (or three) and then a certain Mr. Gaskarth enters (although, the next two chapters are going to be very exciting. I promise.). On another note, I'm diggin the latest two The Maine CDs, the new The Cab CD, and the new The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus CD.

Comments and subscriptions will help motivate me.

-N fucking V <3