Status: sort of active.

Please Forgive Me


"So," I said as I set up my station to begin,"Are you ready to do this?"

Kellen laughed before laying down on his side.

"Hell yeah," he said.

I laughed before turning on my tattoo gun and began to do his tribal tattoo.

"So, what made you want to get this tattoo?" I asked as I began my work.

"Well I was online and just happen to type in 'family'. A shit load of things came up and this really caught my eye. So I decided to do this. For my family," he said as he looked over at me.

I smiled at him before dunking my gun's tip in ink before going back to work.

"Hmm," I said as I leaned over the exposed flesh," Maybe I should get the same thing."

"Maybe you should," he taunted.

"And I will. Hey Corey. Come over here for a bit," I called over my shoulder.

I heard shoes shuffling before I saw feet.

"What is it, Starr?" I heard Corey ask.

I smiled up at him before going back to work.

"Can you tattoo this on me?" I asked as I pointed at Kellen's forming tattoo.

Corey looked at it before whistling and looking back at me.

"Yeah, I can do it. When would you want it on?" he asked.

"When I'm done here. Do you have any other appointment?" I asked as I continued my work.

"Mmm. No. I'm free for the rest of the day. Let me just re-draw it and tell me when your done so we can get started," Corey said.

"Alright. cool," I said.

I heard his footsteps retreating and before long, it was just my uncle and I.

It was quiet for a few minutes before he broke it.

"My God. I still can't believe how much you've grown," Kellen said.

I looked up at him and smiled before looking back down.

"Well I am still going through puberty. It is still know that you still grow until your eighteen."

"Smart ass.You know what I mean."

I laughed before sighing.

"Yeah. I know. So, tell me, how are things with the movie?" I asked.

That got him talking. Kellen told me about all the things he was doing and how the cast, especially Ashley, Jackson, Kristen, and Nikki were doing. He left out one person in particular, and I was grateful for that. Knowing that it still hurts what he said, dispute him being drunk. Before long, I was done with his tattoo and was cleaning it.

"Well, let's get you up and see how you like it," I said as I took off my black gloves.

Kellen grunted a bit before getting up and walking side by side to the full length mirror. When he turned to his side, he swore.

"Holy fucking shit! This is amazing!" Kellen exclaimed.

I laughed a bit as we walked back to my station and wrapped it up.

"Well, I'm glad you like it," I said as I wrapped it up.

"Hey Starr, do you mind if I stay?" he asked as he placed his shirt back on.

"Are you sure? Don't you have to head up north?" I asked.

Kellen shook his head no.

"No. We're off for the week."

"Well, I guess it's alright. You get to see me get tatted up," I said.

Kellen smiled at that and we headed over to Corey's station. After seeing the replica of the tattoo I was getting, I told Corey where I was getting it and laid on my side, just as Kellen did not to long before and held onto my uncle's hand. After telling Corey who he was and what it represented, Corey thought that it was an amazing idea to get it. We all talked and Kat came to join us. Before long, Corey was all done and I went up to the mirror to check it out.

"Wow! It's amazing! I love it!" I said, going back to Corey's station for he can wrap it up.

Corey laughed a bit as he bandage me up.

"So, Starr. Don't you have something to tell you uncle?" Kat said in a suggestive tone.

I looked at her a bit confused before understanding what she meant.

"OH! How foolish for me to forget! Uncle Kellen, I wanted to know if you can come with me on Friday to New York," I said, turning to him.

"For what?" he asked.

"Well," I began," I am going to be issued in Inked Magazine. I am going to be the first seventeen year old tattoo artist. And I wanted to know if you want to accompany me with Kat."

Kellen looked at me for a few seconds with a serious face before the seriousness broke into a hug grin.

"Yeah! I'll come along!"

I yelled out in happiness before bringing him into a careful hug. Looking over his shoulder, I realized that the camera's we're still rolling. Duh! I thought to myself, There recording for the episodes. Rolling my eyes, I pulled away and continued to talk. Kat left, telling me that her cell was ringing. I was talking to Kellen, sitting on the chairs that were on the other side of the counter when Kat came back in with a hug smile on her face.

"What is it?" I asked as she sat down opposite of me.

"Oh my God! I can't believe it!" she exclaimed.

"What? What is it!" I asked.

Kat smiled at me before saying," You, Starr Von D, are going to be in the modern version of Sleeping Beauty."
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So, what do you think? I'd really like to know.

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