Sequel: Rock Star Kisses

A Secret to Be Kept

Chapter Ten

* Mikey POV *

“We should go down stairs or something. Either that or I should go to my room.” I sighed. “Some one will get suspicious.
“Aww don’t go!” Frank whined and clutched on to my arm.
I giggled and kissed him sweetly. “We don’t want to get caught now do we?”
Frank grinned like a child on Christmas. “Oh but that’s the fun, it’s so dangerous… knowing we could be caught at any minuter.”
“Yes, but what if Gerard were to walk in?” I questioned.
Frank frowned. “That, my beautiful friend… would suck.”
“Okay, so I’m going to go to bed now? I’ll see you in the morning.” I kissed his lips once more, before I collected my clothes and reluctantly left his room and jogged down the hallway to my room.
I reached my room, and flooped onto my bed, falling asleep almost instantly.

*Frank POV *

Wow. Mikey Way. Do I even need to say anything else? I do wish that he stayed though; I miss him already. But he’s right, if it was Gerard who walked it.. we’d be screwed.

*Gerard POV*

“What is it Ray?” I asked as he rewinded the tape in the VCR.
“Ju-just watch.” He stutterd and pushed play.
I watched, with big eyes, and my brother fucked one of my best friends. I couldn’t believe it. “Shut it off.” I whispered and turned away from the screen.
“Are you okay Gee?” Ray asked.
What should I tell him? Of course I’m not okay! Truth be told, Mikey wasn’t the only one who loved Frank Iero. I was a victim as well, but I’m apparently very good at hiding it. That’s right. You heard correctly. I fucking love Frank Iero! And how I wished I could scream it, but now… oh no. Now, my chances are shattered into a zillion pieces. Why? Because of my younger brother.
“Gee? Are you still with me?” Ray shook my shoulders lightly.
I shook my head. “No.”
“Alright, you go to bed. And Bob and I will get everyone the fuck out okay? I’ll tell Bob the situation. If that’s okay?” Ray spoke to me as if I were a child.
I just nodded and headed towards the stairs, and up to my room.

I couldn’t sleep well that night. It’s going to be hard to act normal around them. I mean, what I saw that night, is now etched in my memory.
I sighed and turned over for what must have been the 20th time that night, when I heard someone come in my room.
“Gerard?” It was Bob.
“Yeah, I’m up Bob.” I turned towards the door, and Bob sat on the end of my bed.
“It took a few tries, but everyone is out.” Bob stated, playing with the hem of my blanket. “And it’s probably not the right thing to say or what ever, but I don’t know what else to say..”
“Out with it Bob.” I pleaded.
“I guess I’m just sorry you had to find out the way you did?” Bob said softly.
“Yeah, if you only knew.” I rolled my eyes.
“Can you explain it to me?” Bob asked.
I have never seen Bob act like this, in all my years of knowing him. He was just, different… and I don’t think it was the alcohol.
“Bob, I trust you completely, but what I am about to tell you, I am telling you in complete confidence okay? If you tell a soul… so help me god-“ I started to threaten him sorta when he interupted me.
“Gerard, what ever it is, I will never tell a soul. I promise.” Bob held up his hand as if he were being sworn into presidencey.
I sighed and took a deep breath. “I like Frank.” I said almost in a whisper, but man.. it felt so good to say out loud.
“Wait, you like him.. or you like him Gee?” Bob asked.
I sat up in bed, almost startling him. “I love him Bob. I love him.”
Bob was silent.
“You promised Bob.” I reminded.
“I know, I won’t tell a soul. But where does that leave you?” Bob looked towards me.
“With my chances with Frank completely crushed.” I put my head in my hands, allowing my long black hair to cover my face.
“I’m sorry Gerard.” Bob sighed. “But maybe things will workout some how? And maybe we should take a break from recording.” He suggested.
“Yeah, good idea Bob. Will you call the studio in the morning?” I pleaded.
“Of course Gee.” Bob nodded, and all out of no where, I felt his arms around me.
I chuckled a bit. “Thanks for understanding Bob. I figured things would go much worse.”
“Hey, I’m here for you man. And so are the rest of us.” Bob said before he disapeared from my room.