Sequel: Rock Star Kisses

A Secret to Be Kept

Chapter Fourteen

Frank’s POV

What the hell was that? Did Gerard just, ‘hold me?’ I watched him walk down the stairs and out the front door for his daily walk. Which we all knew was probably to the corner store for more cigarettes.
I went to my room and sat on my bed, trying to work out my feelings.
I started to state the things I knew. Okay, I like Mikey… a lot. But, there’s Gerard. And I’ve had feelings for him before, a while back… are they starting to resurface themselves?
Shit. This was hard. Because if I did want to be with Gerard… I’d have to break it off with Mikey. And that would crush us both. And I would never forget the other night. But what if I could have nights like that with Gerard, what if they were even better?
I sighed and ran a hand threw my hair. Wait, was Gerard trying to- nah. He couldn’t like me. There!! There’s another thing! How do I even know Gerard will accept my feelings? If I did try to go to him, and he rejected me. That means that Mikey wouldn’t take me back, and I’d be all alone. And surprisingly, that’s one thing I can’t stand. Being without someone to hold me. Maybe that’s why I’m with Mikey? Just because he’s there.
I don’t know how long I sat there, but finally my grumbling stomach brought me back to reality. I headed downstairs to see everyone back in the kitchen.

“Oh thank god! We thought you died in your sleep!” Bob joked.
“Ha, ha funny!” I tried to smile.
“Are you hungry, ‘cuz we’re starving!” Mikey smiled.
“Yeah I’m hungry.” I nodded.
“Then lets go get pizza!” Ray said as he ran for the door.
“Pizza it is then!” Mikey shrugged and walked past me, then Bob, and then Gerard smiled, and lingered next to me for a second. Then, he was gone, leaving me in the midst of his beautiful hazel eyes.
I sighed and followed everyone. I better fuckin’ decided between the Ways fast, or something’s going to go wrong.

~Mikey’s POV

“Food!” I squealed as the waitress brought over our pizza.
I glanced over at Frank to see him deep in thought and bearly eating his pizza.
“You alright?” I whispered. “You seem a little off.”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just thinking.” He gave me a reassuring smile and I let the subject go.
“This pizza is so good!” Gerard said as he took his second piece.
“Where the hell did the other slice go?” Bob looked at him quizzicaly.
“What? I ate it.” Gerard shrugged.
“Hungry much?” Ray laughed.
“Yup, I’m definatly hungy.” Gerard smiled, and I could have sworn the smile was directed towards Frank. MY Frank. What the hell is going on? Wait, Gee wouldn’t do that to me. I shook the thought off and continued to eat. And Gee was right. The pizza really was good.

We finally finshed and all put down our half to pay for the pizza, and headed out. Of course I got stuck driving. And we only had a four seater car.. yes, that’s very sad, a four seated car means it’s quite old. But hey, no making fun of Old Bess!
So, I was driving, Bob was to my right, and Gerard was in the middle, with Frank on his left, and Ray on his right. Meaning, that I couldn’t see Frank in the rear view mirror. I could only catch half of Ray’s fro.
I sighed. “So where are we off too?” I asked.
“Let’s go see that new horror flic!” Gerard suggested a little too excited.
“Sure.” We all said in agreement.