Sequel: Rock Star Kisses

A Secret to Be Kept

Chapter Nineteen

Frank's POV

It's been a few days, maybe almost a week since Gerard and I have gotten together, and I had left Mikey.
Ah, Mikey, about him. He has hardly left his room since the incident, and everyone is worried sick. He leaves to shower, use the bathroom, and I think once when Gerard and I weren't home he came down to eat. Other than that, Bob brings him his meals. The only person he will talk to is Bob. Now don't get me wrong, I feel terrible about what I did to my best friend, and my previous lover. It's just very difficult you know? Of course you don't know. I just wish Mikey would talk to any of us besides Bob. Why is Bob allowed to talk to him? Mikey has us as friends too! No matter what happens between Mikey and I, I will always be his friend… and not to mention, Gerard will always be his older brother. Shouldn't that count for something? But I guess that's what you get when you let your heart win.

"Frank?" Gerard poked me lightly, disturbing my thoughts.
"Yeah?" I turned to him. We had been channel surfing for the last hour, and still finding nothing good to watch.
"Are you alright?" He brushed a piece of my fringe out of my eye.
I smiled at his gesture. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking."
Gerard sighed. "I'm worried too."

The man reads my mind I swear it. I snuggled closer to him. Thankful that he was here, thankful for his body heat warming my small frame.
We both turned out heads as we saw Bob climb the stairs with Mikey's lunch. We both sighed.
Again, we turned our heads away from the TV to see Ray join us and sit in the armchair.

"Hey." He smiled weakly.
"Hi." Gerard and I both replied.

Ray opened his mouth to say something else, but a loud bang from upstairs caused all of us to jump.
In seconds, the three of us were rushing up the stairs.

Bob's POV

"What's on Mikey's lunch menu today chef Bob?" Ray joked as I prepared soup for Mikey.
"Soup." I said plainly.

I really can't take it anymore. We've got to do something about Mikey. He's going to go crazy in that little room! He's only speaking to me, and won't leave his room. Well, there was this one time that Gerard and Frank went to the movies. But it was the most awkward 15 minutes of my life. He wouldn't speak to Ray, even though Ray had asked him how he was doing, and stupid stuff like that. Once he had finished his food -which he didn't eat much of- he trudged back up the stairs and into his room. Mikey really needs help. And he needs it soon. All he talks about is Frank and Gerard, and how he thinks he's going to die alone now. And apparently it's all Gerard's fault. Apparently Gerard had an evil plot to steal Frank… which was sadly true. But I couldn't tell Mikey it was true, no, he wouldn't be able to take that. He's starting to wear long sleeved shirts, and I think I know why, but I haven't said anything. Once in a while he'll go into crying fits, and I'm always there for him, but dear god man! No offence, but you have to get over Frank! I could have sworn I heard him talking to someone once, but I shrugged it off and left him alone. He's going to get cabin fever or something. I swear he will if we don't get him out side soon.

Gerard's POV

Mikey, my little brother, will not speak to me. And it feels like some one has taken my heart and ripped it right out of my chest, placed it roughly on a train rail, and let at least 35 trains run over it. Yes, I'm a graphic person, get over it. But that's an understatement. You have no idea what it's like. Mikey and I have been so close our whole lives. And to think, all of this is my fault. Because of my feelings for Frank, I have smashed my brother. Don't get me wrong, I need Frank. He's my little angel in the flesh, more important to me than life itself. But I basically chose a fuck over my brother… wait, that sounded like I made Frank a whore... but he's not. You get my point! Bob. That's the only person he will fucking talk to! Why? I have no idea! I get that he doesn't want to speak to me or Frank, but Ray didn't do anything wrong right? I don't understand Mikey some times. And I don't understand why he is still taking it this hard, after almost a week. He could at least come downstairs! It's not like Frank and I are going to fuck on the kitchen counter whilst Mikey tries to eat cereal! See, I'm very graphic, leave me alone about it. I just wish I could see my baby brothers smiling face again! I just wish everyone could be happy. I mean, I'm very happy that I'm with Frank, but I'm so upset about Mikey. Everyone is. We can't stand it any longer! And I'm sure Mikey can't stand it in his room for this long! He has to come out soon! But I guess that's what you get when your heart wins.

Ray's POV

Mikey, Mikey, Mikey. Just the thought of him being locked in his room makes me want to shoot myself in the foot. I understand that he's upset. But man, don't lock yourself in your room like a teenage girl! I mean, we have a record started! And we need to go on tour and…great, now I sound like an asshole; thinking of work before one of my best friends. He seriously needs to get out of that room, before I drag him out! He won't even talk to me! What the hell did I do? I'm just an innocent bystander! Bob is the only one he will talk to. And I'm sure that Bob is kinda sick of hearing the same thing, and cooking for him. I mean, before this, Bob could hardly make a peanut butter sandwich! Now, he's making soups, and homemade macaroni and cheese! Mikey needs help. End of story.

Mikey's POV

My friend came back to play again today. He says his name is Cappie. It's a cute name for him I guess. He's younger than me, I would say around 15. Come to think of it, I've never asked him his age. See, Cappie came to me about a day or two after I heard my so-called brother, and ex-boyfriend right down the hall fucking. So, yeah, almost a week Cappie has been pretty much my only friend. He climbs through the window so he doesn't have to sneak thru the house. He's a very pretty boy I must admit. Light chocolate brown hair, with natural blonde highlights, and amazing bright blue eyes that pierce through your soul. He's also very short, maybe even shorter than that person… what's his name? Fred? Oh, it's Frank you say? Hm, I don't seem to remember him. -Note my sarcasm! - Of course I remember Frank. Who couldn't? This little bundle of energy. One of the sweetest people in the world, until he goes and fucks your brother. I know I'm taking this extremely hard, but still, I loved Frank!

"What's wrong Mikey?" Cappie asked with his soothing voice.
I shrugged.
"Thinking about Frank again aren't you?" Cappie sighed.
I nodded sadly.
He came and sat next to me on my bed. "You have to get over him Mikey! It's okay to move on. And you know what always makes you feel better?"
I smiled, and before I knew what I was doing, I had a razor blade in my hand. I keep one in my nightstand, for these special occasions.

I had been wearing long sleeves so Bob wouldn't notice my scars. I rolled up my left sleeved with a content sigh. Cappie was right, this did always make me feel better. And again, without me even realizing it, I had my dark towel under my arm, ready to catch any blood that threatened to stain my crème colored carpet. I slowly pushed the razor into my skin, and slid the cold blade across my already scared skin.

"That's right Mikey, just let the pain take you away. Let it take away all your problems." Cappie's voice filled my head as I started another line on my wrist.
I was on my third cut when I heard my door open. "Cappie leave!" I practically shouted.
Bob stared at the scene, and dropped a steaming bowl of soup. Shit. He had caught Cappie and me in the act.