Sequel: Rock Star Kisses

A Secret to Be Kept

Chapter Twenty

Gerard's POV
All three of us booked it up the stairs, and nearly collided with a wide eyed Bob staring at Mikey.
"Bob what's goin-" Frank followed Bob's gaze to Mikey.
And there sat my little baby brother. The baby brother I grew up with and could never live without. The baby brother who was so angry with me, he resorted to self harm.
"Get out of my room! All of you!" Mikey finally shouted as he threw the razor blade quickly behind him. Yeah Mikey, because that was unnoticeable.
"Mikey you need help." Bob said quietly.
"No! Cappie and I are fine by ourselves thank you very much!" Mikey spat and rolled his sleeve down quickly.
"Cappie who?" Ray asked.
"Well he's only the kid standing in the middle of my room!" Mikey pointed towards the center of his room.
The four of us exchanged worried looks.
I took a slight step foreword. "Mikey, there is no one in the middle of your room."

Mikey's POV
No one there? Of course there is! Cappie is standing right there!
"I may have glasses, but I'm not blind Gerard." I growled. What should he care?
"Mikey. He's right. There's no one there." Frank added.
"There is too!" I screamed causing everyone's eyes to widen.
I turned to Cappie. "Go ahead. Tell 'em Cap."
Cappie shook his head. "They can't see me Mikes."
"What do you mean they can't see you? I can see you!" I gaped. Shit. I'm going insane.
I turned back to everyone else with tears in my eyes. "I'm insane aren't I?" I asked softly.
All of a sudden I felt a pair of arms around me. Frank. I knew he still cared.
"Hun, you're not insane. You just need help." He whispered.
"Mikey, nothing's wrong with you. You don't need help." Cappie growled as he eyed Frank.
"Ca-Cappie says I don't need help." I pulled away from Frank, and clutched to my pillow.
Gerard walked into the room further and I inched away.
"Please Mikey. Cappie is a figment of your imagination. You need to see someone." Gerard said in a quiet tone.
"I do not need to see someone. It's not my fault you guys are stupid and can't see Cappie." I whispered back as I looked down to the floor.
"Mikey, you're the stupid one. Look at you! You fool! You're a mental case!" Cappie chuckled.
Why was he being so mean? "I am not a mental case!" I roared and threw my lamp towards Cappie.
Everyone gasped.
Gerard turned to Ray and whispered something, and he left the room.
"They're calling the fuzz." Cappie giggled and strode over to Frank.
"You're calling the cops?" I asked sadly, yet enraged that everyone thought I was crazy.
No one answered me.
Cappie straddled Frank. "He's very comfortable." Cappie chuckled.
"Get off of him!" I screamed at Cappie… but it actually looked like I was screaming at Frank.
"What are you talking about Mikey?" Frank raised an eyebrow.
"Cappie is sitting on you!" I growled.
"He's very pretty too." Cappie stroked Frank's cheek softly.
"Don't touch him." I swatted at Cappie, but Frank lunged out of the way.
"Were you trying to hit me Mikey?" Frank stood, and Cappie fell.
"Bitch." Cappie spat.
"Frank is not a bitch! Leave him alone!" I had had enough I tried to run from the room, but was quickly caught by Bob.
"Mikey. Please stop." Bob pleaded.
I looked up into Bob's eyes. Never before had I seen so much concern fill those blue eyes… never before had I seen tears rim those blue eyes. Okay, maybe he cried a little bit once when Frank ran over his cat.
I struggled in Bob's grip. "Let me go Bob!"
I saw Gerard come back up the stairs. "Let him go Bob."
Bob raised an eyebrow, and Gerard just slightly tilted his head downstairs.
Bob nodded and let me go. Freedom! I ran as fast as my legs would carry me, tripping down the steps. Wow. I haven't moved this much in over a week. I finally got out the door and gasped when I felt two pairs of arms around each of my own arms. Shit. They got me.