Sequel: Rock Star Kisses

A Secret to Be Kept

Chapter Twenty One

Gerard's POV
I watched as two police officers dragged my brother in to one of those big white trucks. Yeah, the ones just like the ones in the movies… padded and all.
I hadn't noticed I was crying until I felt a body holding me close.
"Shh… Gee baby, it's okay, they're going to help him." I heard Frank's voice echoing through my ear.
I closed my eyes and held Frank as I let my tears stain his shirt…and as I heard the sirens fade into the distance.

"Mr.Way?" I heard a voice ask and I turned to see a cop staring at me. I wiped my eyes.
"Yeah. That's me." I sighed.
"Can I talk with you please?" He asked oh-so politely.
I nodded and followed him away from the group.
He sighed before he began. "Your brother has been sent to the Newark Insane Asylum."
I nodded my head, and he went on.
"You're going to need to go over there as soon as possible so you can speak to the doctors over there." He flipped through the pages of a little note book. "And I believe the doctor's name is Dr. Lupi. (pronounced loopy)"
Wow. Lupi? That's ironic.
"Now, you can follow me in my squad car. And I suggest that you not bring all of your friends." The officer said before shutting his little notebook and heading to his car.

I quickly jogged back over to the group.
"What's up?" Ray asked.
"They sent him to the Newark Insane Asylum." I frowned. "And I have to follow the cop so I can speak to Mikey's doctor. Who's name is ironically Dr.Lupi."
"Lupi?Huh. I think that means wolves in Latin." Bob pointed out, and we all just looked at him funny and he shrugged.
"But the thing is, not all of you can come." I sighed.
Ray pushed Frank forward. "You go Frankie. You're his best friend."
Frank nodded and quickly followed me to my car.

How did this happen? A while ago we were all in the recording studio, having a great time recording. I guess it started with the record being stolen. So who ever stole that record… I hope karma sticks it's foot up their ass.

Mikey's POV

As soon as the two men grabbed me they basically threw me into the back of one of those square, white trucks.. yes.. JUST like the ones in the movies.. it even had those padded walls.
I was quickly restrained to a gurney, and it probably didn't help that I was struggling.
"Look what happened Mikey." Cappie sat at the end of my gurney and sighed. "I told you in the beginning not to tell anyone about me."
"What would you like me to do now Cappie? I can't change the past!" I screamed. Shit. Bad idea.
"Son, you need to calm down." One of the men said.
"Leave me alone!" I screamed.
"We're going to have to drug him." One said to another.

I shook my head as tears filled my eyes. I felt the tears actually escape my eyes as I felt a pinching sensation on my right arm. But soon, the drugs kicked in, and I felt as high as a kite.
"You're inside my head
Inside my head.
Whatever you put in that syringe
Whatever you really said to him
He's sitting there inside of me
And you bother me, you possess me
You're there again, ahead of me
I won't let go
I won't let go."
I sang silently to myself as silent tears just kept slipping down my cheeks.