Sequel: Rock Star Kisses

A Secret to Be Kept

Chapter Twenty Three

Mikey's POV

I opened my eyes slowly, my vision was slightly blurred. I tried to move my hands to my face to rub my eyes, but something was restraining me. I blinked hard and looked at my wrists. Thick leather straps were tied around my wrists, and holding me to my bed. I started to panic. I pulled at the restraints. Everything was still blurry, and that's when I realized my glasses were on the side table. I reached as far as my hand would go, yet I still couldn't reach them.
I looked up when I heard the door handle turn.

"Ah, Mr. Way, you're up!" A weird looking nurse said as she entered the room.
She handed me glasses and I slowly put them on. Okay, now she wasn't weird looking.
"Wh-What's going on?" I asked quietly.
"Well, it seems that you have a case of Schizophrenia." The nurse explained.
I looked towards the end of the bed. Cappie. I furrowed my brows at him.
"Oh Mikey, don't be mad." He pleaded.
"Why shouldn't I be mad at you?! You landed me in the nut house you bastard!" I screamed.
"Michael I'm going to have to ask you to calm down." The nurse backed away a bit.
"Ha ha! You're restrained!" Cappie laughed.
Why was he doing this? He could go from nice, to a complete bitch!
"Please just make him go away!" I begged the nurse as tears sprung to my eyes. This was too much to take.
"We're going to try. But right now I need you to relax." She asked again.
"Please make him go away!" I repeated over and over and over again.
I shut my eyes tight, but that still didn't stop the little beads of sadness from leaking through my lids.

Bob's POV

"So what do we do?" Ray asked as the two of us returned inside.
"We wait." I sighed and we sat on the couch.
"The band is done isn't it?" Ray asked.
"Is that all you're going to think about Ray!? Mikey is in a mental hospital and you're thinking about the band?!" I roared, but didn't let him speak. "Everything that has happened, and you can only think of the fucking band!?"
"I-I.." Ray stuttered.
"Why Ray? Do you not care about Mikey?" I stood. My voice was getting so loud I thought all the glass in all of New Jersey would shatter.
"I love him god damn it!" He screamed.
My eyes widened. "Yo-you what?"
Tears formed in Ray's eyes. "I love him." He whispered and put his head down.
"Ho-how long?" My voice was must quieter now, I think all the glass was safe… this time.
"A while." Was all he responded.
"Whilst he was going out with Frank?" I prodded.
Ray nodded.
"Is that why you've been acting like this?" I went and sat next to him.
Again, he nodded.
"Why didn't you say anything?" I put a hand on his shoulder.
"Well, I obviously wasn't going to make a move on him Bob! I was so confused! Then we found out about him and Frank…" His voice trailed off.
"And you got jealous?" I wondered.
Another nod.
"So you tried to ignore everything all together?" I hated finishing his thoughts.
He sighed. "Yes. And I'm sorry. But Bob, I love him. And I'm so fucking scared."
I pulled Ray too me and let him stain my shirt with his tears. He's right though, the band is probably finished. But like I said, more importantly… will we ever get our Mikey back?
The Mikey that would make you laugh without even trying… the Mikey that was so quiet sometimes, and so excited the next… the Mikey that none of us could live without. The Mikey that could never be replaced. The Mikey that we needed to save.

Frank's POV

"I cheated on him with Gerard. And now I'm in a relationship with Gerard." I said cautiously choosing my words.
I looked up to see the doctor just looking back and fourth between Gerard and I.' Please just say something!' I screamed in my head. But nope, she just stared at us for the longest minute of my life.
"I see." She finally said, and wrote something on the file.
"Does that bother you?" Gerard asked.
The doctor looked up from the papers. "I can't be bias, but yes it does bother me. But I'm not going to let it effect the way I treat my patients and their family."
Gerard and I both breathed a sigh of relief too soon.
"But," I told you so. "I don't think either of you should see Michael for a while."
"What? Why not?" Gerard snapped.
"Because." The doctor said, she was completely calm… which bugged the shit out of me.
"That's not a reason." I retorted.
"It could affect Michael's state of mind. If he developed Schizophrenia just because you left him for his brother, could you imagine what would happen if he had to talk to you people at least twice a week? He would kill himself." She went over the line.
"Us people?" Gerard growled.
"Why would he kill himself? Not to mention how?! Isn't he supposed to be in a 'controlled environment' with you people?" I stood, so did Gerard.
Neither of us let her speak. "We will be here twice a week to see him. Whether you like it or not. And he also has two other friends that would like to see him. Are you going to let them see him?"
"That depends… are they un-natural, sick minded freaks such as yourselves?" The doctor said with a smirk.
"Not bias my fucking ass!" Gerard roared and the two of us stormed out of the office, slamming the door. And I'm pretty sure the glass shook on the door.

As soon as we slammed the door, Gerard sprinted down the hallway.
"Gee wait!" I shouted and ran after him.
He kept taking twists and turns. And obviously he was just leading us deeper in to the abyss of this sick place. With sick doctors…. With homophobic doctors that should go to hell!
I finally caught up to Gerard, who was now sitting against a wall, his head in his hands.
His shoulders were shaking violently, telling me that he was sobbing pretty hard. I immediately wrapped my arms around him, allowing a few of my tears to fall as well.

"Gerard, you can't let her get to you like that. She's just a stuck up bitch who needs to get a broom stick shoved up her ass." I rubbed his back, hoping to calm him down.
But still, his body shook.
"Gerard, baby, look at me." I gently used my index finger to lift his chin so my eyes could meet his.
He was a wreck. Eyeliner running down his face, eyes blood shot, face paler than usual.
"Everything is going to be okay. Mikey is going to be fine." It was like he wasn't even in his body anymore. The Gerard that was there before, seemed to have gone into sleep mode.
"Speak to me please." I pleaded.
He refused, all he did was pull me to him and hold on to me for dear life. I'm surprised he didn't crack a rib.
"Gee, you can't be a mute for the rest of your life. I'd die if I couldn't hear your voice again." I said after it seemed like he had no more tears to cry.
"I-I.." Was all he sputtered.
"Why did you run?" I decided to ask a question.
"She got me so angry. What if she's mean to Mikey, Frank? What then?" He didn't look into my eyes; he just traced my Hallo tattoo on my right hand.
"So help me god if she's mean to any of us Gerard, I will personally make sure that that broomstick is shoved so far up her-"
Gerard cut me off with a sweet kiss. This kiss wasn't filled with lust, it was filled with hope, filled with love.
"I love you Frank." Gerard said, and I thought my heart stopped.
"I love you too Gee." I kissed him again; just the same way he had kissed me. Everything would be different from now on. The two of us could fight the whole world if we needed to. But right now, there's a brother… a friend in need of help. He needs help more than we know. And no homophobic son of a bitch is going to stop us… no one will.

Any one want a sequel?