Sequel: Rock Star Kisses

A Secret to Be Kept

Chapter Six

*Frank’s POV*

I’m so glad we’re done with recording for today! Finally we get to go home, and hopefully still have that party! All I kept thinking about was…Mikey. Sure I think about him once in a while, but not like this. He’s now on my mind almost 24/7!

“It’s too silent in here.” Bob said as we were driving home from the studio.
“And to think of all people to speak up it’s Bob. The most silent one in the group!” exclaimed Mikey
“Well, I think I can fix this ‘silent’ problem you people speak of.” I said as I grabbed a random CD from the visor.
“What’s it going to be today DJ Iero?” Mikey laughed
“Hmmm.. I think I’ll go with… Iron Maiden!” I yelled in excitement
“WOOOT!” Yelled Mikey
“Yay…” Said a silent Bob

So as we were heading home blasting the radio with the windows open, I remembered Gerard’s face as he walked in and saw us at the sinks. It was almost as if he was jealous in a sense. He seemed kind of surprised to see us together, but angry also. Thank God he does not know what is going on, but I think he is on to us.

*Gerard’s POV*
As Ray and I were driving home I couldn’t stop to think there was something going on. And don’t even say I’m jumping to conclusions. Those two have been inseparable for a while now. I just couldn’t hold it in anymore I had to talk to someone, and since I didn’t have my brother the next closest person is….

“Ray we need to figure out what is going on. I’m scared because I don’t know what is going on. Do you have any ideas? We need to keep a close eye on them tonight” I said
“Well actually we could…..”