Sequel: Rock Star Kisses

A Secret to Be Kept

Chapter Seven

*Frank’s POV*

As we were driving down the highway the car started to make a funny noise. So I pulled the car over into the break down lane and saw that the gas meter was empty.

“Shit guys were out of gas.” I said
“I thought I told you to fill it up!” yelled Bob
“Give him a break, he made a mistake! We can just call the tow company and they can give us a ride home” said Mikey

This is just great I’m going to have to call Gerard and tell him. I reached into my pocket and got out my cell phone.

“Hello?” asked a voice
“Gerard we ran out of gas, we are stuck on the highway. We called a tow truck they will be on there way soon.” I said
“Do you need us to come pick you up?” Asked Gerard
“No the tow truck is going to drive us.” I said
“Ok see you when you get home.” Gerard said before he hung up

*Gerard’s POV*

Perfect, Ray and I can now put the plan into action. We drove up to the driveway and got out of the car. We continued to walk into the house. Ray and I nodded at each other and I walked to the cellar to grab the video cameras. All we had to do now is set them up in Frank and Mikey’s bedrooms. We walked up the stairs and first went into Frank’s room; we put the camera in his book shelf (we knew he would never look there). We also set one up his bathroom. Next we went to Mikey’s room and we set the camera up in his fan. We put another one in his bathroom too. We heard someone walk in the door so we ran down the stairs to find that they came home. The plan can now begin.