Status: Starting up

Sixteen and Aggressive

I'm sixteen years old and I live in Saint Louis Missouri. I'm a vulgar-mouthed, skinny bovver boy and I get myself into some fucked up situations. My mother suspects I have an anxiety disorder but I wouldn't put money on it. If I do get diagnosed with it, there's some Xanax for me. My schedule this year is really fucked up in school, so I'm going to power-write the first parts of this book. I'd like to finish most of it before school so I can give you speculation rather than the actual results. You can guess what happens to me afterwards, but I'll probably end up writing it, along with many other interesting stories about me.
  1. Introduction
    Just a bit about me... well, the introduction.
  2. Set 1
    A short piece I wrote today about some small feelings I have for my friend Sarah. I'll developed what happened with/to her/us in later chapters.