Status: Starting up

Sixteen and Aggressive

Set 1

Originally posted in a journal by me today
Hey, want to hang out tomorrow? I’ll buy you a meal!

We can listen to music at my house!

I’ll walk you home like I used to when school’s back in!

I’m sorry I never got a chance to talk to you the other day, are you alright?

Oh, I’m sorry, that’s horrible!

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I didn’t even start off liking her. She was dating my best friend and he slept with about three other girls, and the whole time I thought he really liked her and wasn’t going behind her back. She heard about that and I dismissed it, but we started talking then, as friends. When she finally found out for sure I apologized and over a few months I had heard her life story- Not getting all of it at once, but listening and drawing out small details over many conversations on the phone.

And I still didn’t want to date her. Another relationship for me came and went, I had walked her home a few times during the relationship anyways though; there was nothing romantic about it, just as friends. One came and went for her, and man, she really picks assholes to date. I wont get into that boyfriend, but ew.

She’s about my best friend. I still don’t see her completely romantically. But all of her tragedies(which she minimizes) and problems(which she ignores) and various dicks she dates(which she tries to see the best in) have gotten to me. She’s the nicest(personality-wise) person I know, she’s the most caring person I’ve talked to in a long, long time, and she’s really very attractive.

The last boyfriend she had is someone I hate very personally, but she really liked him. I tried to dissuade her, but it wasn’t my decision to make. I probably tried too hard because she tried to convince herself she wasn’t dating him, but she was. And they fucked, and he left. I told him I’d kill him if he did that to any more of my friends and told her he wont come back and she thanked me.

I went on vacation and came back and talked to her and she was sad because he left her for his ex.

And now I finally decided to put behind that my friend had dated her and put behind that she was a good friend and allow myself to like her. above you’ll see some of the things I said to her, many of the things alone I’ve said many times before because she’s one of my best friends, but this time I thought maybe we’d end up together.

But alas, she breaks the news that she has a boyfriend. one who’s “cool, but sort of a dick.”

Such is life, but I’m not so sad she’s doing this. I’m glad she has a new boyfriends and even more relieved it’s cool just being friends. No, my peers, I am sad because I now have to buy her a lunch, and That will be the last of my money!