Status: On going and Editing

Fallen for That Vampire

Chapter 1

I’m Danielle, daughter of Asher Fall and Rosalie Blackstone. I’m 16, turning 17 next month. I have long blonde hair, that I backcomb almost everyday to make it puff out and that, green eyes - just like my mother - and I’m pretty small for my age: 5'1". I wear a lot of make-up, around the eyes mostly cause it looks really, really cool. I’m still in full time education, doing a college course in Photograph, which it amazing course, keeps me out of trouble at college, well, most of the time it does. When its me and my friends, it’s a bit crazy. We’re a bit crazy. I live with the only parent I’ve known for the past 10 years of my life. My dad, who’s a drunken slob. I have to take care of him, not the other way around. I’m sure its meant to be the other way around. My mom walked out on us 10 years ago because of my dad’s ways, well, that how I remember it.
“Asher, you don’t understand.” I heard my mother yell. I sat at the top of the stairs, hugging my pillow, just like always had when they had fought on with one another.
“I understand that you don’t love me.” his words we’re slightly slurred like they always were when he drank the way he did.
“I do love you, I just…” there was a short pause, as if she was trying to find the right words to say without hurting him. I knew the way my mother thought, she couldn’t stand seeing someone upset. “I can’t be here anymore.”
Hearing bodies shift around the room, not knowing what was going on in the living room because the door was closed to. All I saw was shadows.
“I will always love you, but I have to go.” The door opened and there was my mother with her suitcase in her hand. She looked up to the stairs to see me, tears ran down my face and I had to get off my feet. At my age, I needed my mom around.
“Momma, don’t go.” I wrapped my arms around her legs. “Please don’t go.”
I felt her arms around me, and she pulled me to a stand, kneeling in front of me.
“Danielle… my baby. Mommy loves you, and you need to be a big girl for your father.” brushing my hair back from my face, I felt her hand slid along my cheeks to wipe away the tears. She pulled me into her arms and held me tight, whispering into my little ears softly “I love you so much. I always will.”
Letting go of me, I wanted to grab her and stop her from leaving me and my daddy. “Momma please…” I begged her and my father grabbed hold of me, stopping me from going after her as she made her way to the door.
“Bye my sweet heart.” The door closed behind her.
“Momma no.” Pulling myself from my fathers grip, not wanting her to leave. I loved my mom, she was my everything. “Momma come back.” I banged at the door. “Momma…” Arms were around me and I cried into my fathers shoulder. “Momma…”
That’s all I can remember of that day. The pain I felt in my chest was unbearable. My heart had been pulled out of my chest that day, the only person I ever loved had walked out on us. She could of taken me, but she didn’t. The one person that would ever need her at that age she had left behind. Since I got to the age of 10 my dad gave up looking after me, I watched out from him, I got to do what I wanted I guess. I never really had a childhood unless I was at my friends house. I had to grow up quickly, and here I am now. But I had learnt something that day my mom had left, not to let my feelings control me. I had locked my heart away that day, not letting anything get to me. Or anyone it a matter of fact.
Anyway, enough about my past and lets get back to now. It was Friday 24th December 2004, Christmas Eve. My father was most likely heading out to his own party tonight, and I had been invited to one myself, so I wasn’t going to turn it down. Plus I was gonna be with my mates for the night. I had planned out my outfit for the night and laid it out on the bed, ready for me when I had got out the shower. A short red and black dress, that flared out at the skirt with black jeans. My platform red heels with a black bow on the back sat beside my bedside table.
“Where you going?” my fathers voice came from my bedroom door. I turned to look at him after I grabbed my towels. I noticed there in my fathers hand was another can of Fosters.
“I’m going for a shower then getting ready to go out, ‘kay?” I told him and headed out my bedroom towards the bathroom.
“Yeah. Well, I’m at a party tonight, so I’m gonna be late home.”
I closing the door to the bathroom and locking it. I took a deep breath and listened for my fathers movement to head down stairs. The movement started and headed away from me, leaving me to shower and get ready alone. I turned on the shower and for a moment watched the was flow from the shower head. Just like rain, it calmed me every time.
I showered, shampooed and conditioned my hair, shaved, then just let the water slip through my hair before I climbed out the shower; wrapping myself up in my towels, one around my body and the other around my hair. I slowly unlocked the door and popped my head out to see if my father was anywhere in sight, then headed over to my room when I couldn’t see him. Locking my door as I entered my room. Yeah, I had a lock on my door for when my dad had ‘friends’ over. I wasn’t having nobody come into my room drunk. Not even my dad.
Taking another deep breath, I headed over to my dresser to start on drying my hair. I dried it first before using the hairdryer. Taking most of the dampness away, spraying on heat protector to stop my hair from being damaged, using a medium comb to brush it through so the protector would get every part of my hair, sectioning it off so it would be easier to dry. I had learnt that from a magazine I had read when I was looking for a new hairstyle, still never found one. Anyway, I started from the bottom section of my hair and worked my way up, drying my hair with the hairdryer moving from my roots to the ends, another damaging tip, always blow-dry away from the scalp at 12inches at least.
I finished drying my hair, dried off myself before I pulled on my underwear, strapless bra, then jeans and dress. I think I’ll put my shoes on when I’m about to leave. Next, make-up. Concealer, foundation, powder, blush and bronzer. Right that’s the foundations of my make-up out the way. On to the eyes. Eye-shadow primer, eye-shadow. Hmm, since its a Christmas party I’ll go with reds and whites. Black liner and mascara. Perfect. Last the lips, lip liner. I’ll go with pinks on my lips, red on the lips never looked right in the first place. Lipstick and lip-gloss. Finished with that. Make-up done, next the hair.
I grabbed my hair-straightens, spray and comb, then started the work. It must of taking me 10-15 minutes to do my hair, which really wasn’t that long. With the length of my hair, with the short layers that made backcombing it easy. I never had to wear hair-extensions. Not ones, which didn’t both me one bit. Now, where did I put them bows for my hair. I looked in my drawers and they happened to be in my bottom drawer with all my hair bands. I grabbed the black and red bow, and placed it in my hair.
It took from when my father spoke to me last till now which was 6:25pm, to finish. 1 hour and 35 minutes. Which wasn’t that bad really. I pulled on my shoes, Lizzie, my best mate, was due to turn up at my house any minute. I grabbed my LG white phone and placed it in my bag, which had my keys, money and lip-gloss just in case.
I headed down the stairs and out the door, Lizzie had only just pulled up and was about to press the horn. Climbing into her black BMW M3, she had the top up for ones. Which was good. I didn’t want the wind to mess up my hair.
“Beat ya again.” I laughed at her and pulled on my seat belt.
“Yeah, like you always do.” Lizzie was a lot like me, but with shorter, darker blonde hair. Her eyes weren’t s bright as mine, but they were blue. She was taller than me, always had been. She wore a blue and white dress that you could tell was longer than me, her legs where on show. Which she loved to do now. Her heel shoes were placed by my feet and she had her converse on. She found it easier to drive that way. We drove away from my house and headed off to get the others.
It was quiet for a while before I spoke. “My dad’s out again tonight.”
“Ah right.” Lizzie knew what I meant by that. She gave me a side glace and signed before looking at the road again. “I’m sure everything will be out. If its not when he gets home. Call me and I’ll come and get you, Danni.”
I nodded. “Yeah, thanks. You’ll have Brit to. Her mom and dad are out of town, and she’s stopping at mine tonight.”
Lizzie nodded and turned on some music. “Well, she was at M’s last night wasn’t she.”
“Yup, she’s stopped there for 3 nights now. I don’t even know why her parents just didn’t take her with them.”
She laughed at me. “We both know why thy didn’t take her. ‘Alone’ time with each other without kids for Christmas.”
We then both laughed and began to sing along with the CD that she played.