Status: On going and Editing

Fallen for That Vampire

Chapter 3

No matter what, when your having fun, you loose track of time. Getting drunk! Okay, I wasn’t. I found it hard to get drunk because I knew when to stop and when to start. I didn’t like the idea of getting drunk really. There really wasn’t a point, but I guess that’s because of my dad. Amelia had finally left Lucian alone for him to do his own thing, so she came and sat with me for a bit, a big grin laid on her lips. I wasn’t going to ask, really didn’t want to know.
“Wow, finally found a seat.” she giggled. “The amount of people here that I know is unbelievable.”
I nodded and just looked down at my bottle.
“Hey, what’s up? Upset that everyone’s to busy for you? Come on Danni, it’s a party. Where’s Nath anyway? I thought he was gonna stay with you? I really need to talk to him. Wow, maybe that sugar has finally got to me… hahaha…” Amelia burst into laughed and I just looked at her, trying not to laugh to, but that went out the window and I joined in.
“M, you r-really got to sto-o-o-o-op hav-in’ sugar…”
It took us about 10 minutes to calm down, even then we couldn’t but we did our best till Amelia spoke, which really brought us back to normal.
“Lucian’s really cute isn’t he!”
“Well, yeah, M. But like I’ve already said, I’m not into dating. And anyway…” I shrugged my shoulders. “You and him seem to get along really well.”
“Well yeah…” She smiled. “We’ve known one another since we were kids. Our family’s was close that’s all. Always have been.” signing, “To be truthful, he’s not my type. Nathaniel on the other hand, yummy.” giggling again. “I would so date him. That’s why I want to talk to him.”
“Talk to who?” Brit pulled up a chair and I took a drink from my almost empty.
“Where’s Zane?” I asked her.
“On the phone talking to some guy about…” she then whispered “… spell books…” she then went back to normal. “All he said to me was that it was a new guy who could get hold of that book you couldn’t Danni. And anyway…” She turned back to Amelia and I giggled. “Talk to who?”
“Give you one guess Brit.” I tapped her foot softly with my own and smirked.
“And bingo was his name-o.” I laughed at Amelia went bright red.
“Guys shut up…” she the laughed.
Brit nudged Amelia with her elbow. “So…” in a cheerful tone. “What do ya need to talk to him about?”
I rolled my eyes and looked around the room to see random couples making out at the sides, and on the dance floor. Awkward if someone fell over, I would most likely laugh at them.
“What? I’m only asking. Are you going to ask him out?”
“No. I was just… I want to tell him how I feel that’s all. And now feels like the only time I can or I’ll just chicken out again. Just like I had last time.”
“Oh come on, it’s not that bad. You can do it.”
“Yeah, I guess your right.”
“Amelia.” I turned back to them. “You can do this, you’ll tell him, trust me on that. I’ve never been wrong, and I’m not gonna start now.” I simply nodded and grinned. I took the last swing out of my bottle and got out of my chair.
“Where're you going?” Brit asked me.
Brushing my fringe back from my face slightly so I could see. I smiled simple at her again.
“Well, my bottle is empty, and I want another drink. After that I’m gonna go on the dance floor for a bit. You guys in?” I asked them.
“I’m in for getting a drink, but then I’m going to find Nath. Brit?”
“Same, I’m getting a drink, then going to see if Zane’s off the phone yet.”
I nodded “Okay, coolies.” I grabbed another bottle with the girls, then left them to go find Lizzie. I knew what she was like, and she would want to have a girl on girl dance, like every party we had been to.
Yet again she was in Peter’s arms, but Peter was taking more noticed of chatting to Lucian and… Zane. I thought he was meant to be on the phone.
“Erm. Zane…”
He turned, a big grin was played on his face. “Yeah…”
“Brit’s looking for yeah.”
His face dropped. “Oh shit.” He turned to look at the other. “I’ll be back.” Zane then ran off, looking for Brit.
I randomly just giggled. “What an idiot.”
“Your telling me.” Lizzie smiled at me. “So, where‘s M and Nath?”
“Erm…” rubbing the back of my neck. “M’s gone to look for him to talk.”
Her eyes widened. “As in…” I nodded simply. Like always, we worked on little wording around anyone. “OMG, that’s great then. Its about time.” She jumped up and down on the spot and giggled. “YAY.”
“I'm in the business of misery, Let's take it from the top…”
“OMG…” Lizzie stopped in her tracks and noticed the song that the band on stage was covering. Misery Business by Paramore. “We’re so dancing to this.” She pecked Peter’s lips, grabbed hold of my wrist and headed towards the dance floor, nearly pulled my arm out its socket in motions.
“Ow, nearly my arm.”
“Sorry Danni.”
The best thing about dancing with Lizzie, we could act crazy if we wanted. We danced, laughed, sang along with the song. We were just having a right laugh. The most easiest thing to do on the dance slow with your best friend, just be you, and dance how you think you should. Which in our chance was dance sexy as. It was crazy. The amount of people there who was into Paramore was unbelievable.
“…And if you could then you know you would. Cause God it just feels so, It just feels so good.” We sang at the top of our voice and the song was over. And we just laughed at one another before heading back over to Peter, Lucian and another lass seemed to over appeared there while we were gone. Lucian had his arm loosely around the girls shoulders.
“Right, we’re gonna slow it down guys before we start on the Christmas songs. Cause guess what? ITS CHRISTMAS in 5 minutes.” everyone laughed at the lass on stage who was yelling into the microphone and started to play on her guitar I’m With You by Avril Lavigne.
Lucian pulled the girl with him and headed into the floor. Peter took Lizzie from me and followed after him. I just stood there and watched as the others danced. I was happy for everyone of my friends, but somewhere deep inside, and I didn’t know how deep this feeling was, I felt lonely. Like I didn’t belong where I was in life.
It took me a while before I took a seat and looked at my phone, it was pretty late, and I didn’t have a clue what time we were heading back. Taking a sip from my bottle I thought about what I was missing out, it really wasn’t a lot. I was happy right. Right? For now, I was just bored. My feet had final started to hurt because of my heels. Note to self, bring other shoes if going to be at a party for a long time. When this song had ended, everyone started to sing along with Christmas songs. Me including.
“Right… Danni, you ready to get out of here?” Zane had headed over to me with Brit under his arm. She looked totally hammered. That was gonna be fun at mine tonight or was it morning. I don’t know really, but on thing for sure, the lock was going on my bedroom door as soon as I got in.
“Yeah.” I stood and grabbed hold of my bag. “Is everyone else leaving?”
Zane shook his head. “Nah, but Lizzie and Peter will get them home. Right now…” pulling Brit close to him, worry was written all over his face. “I’m wanting to get Brit out of here before she falls over.”
I nodded “Kay, lets get moving.”
We all headed out to Zane’s car, sliver Mercedes-Benz, Roadster. I got into the back with Brit and Zane started up the ignition.
“Danni, you look so preety.” Brit slurred out her words, just like the way my dad did when he was drink, which was most of the time. “Lucian told Zany-Poo that you looked hot.” She giggled and rested her head on my shoulder.
I rolled my eyes and watched out the window as we pulled out onto the motorway. “I’m sure he did say that honey.”
“Maybe you should ask the hootie out,” giggling. “then we could all go on a 4 way date…” yawn. “…ya kno-ow ya wanna.” and again, then she was quiet.
I looked down at her and saw she was out for the count.
“Is she’s out cold?”
Nodding my head I looked out the window again. “This is why I don’t like drink. It makes you talk nonsense. Come on, your mate was to busy with that lass and Amelia to take any notice of anyone else.”
Nothing else was said on that note until we got to mine. Both me and Zane got out the car, and I headed to the house door to open it up. Locked! I should have known. He’ll be out most of the night. I unlocked the door and opened it. Looking back I saw Zane carrying Brit in his arms.
“You want me to take her upstairs.”
I nodded. “First door on the right.” I told him. He took her up, I followed. “Just place her on the bed.” placed her down, he headed for the stair. “I’ll walk you out.”
Both heading down, Zane stopped at the open front door. “Look about what Brit said in the car.”
I shook it off “Forget about it. I have.”
He nodded “Okay.” he smiled, but his smile was kind of off, like he wasn’t sure that everything was okay with me. “Well, I had a great night, tell Brit I’ll see her in the morning.” he then left. I was then left with one drunk girl asleep upstairs and soon to be drunken man.