Status: On going and Editing

Fallen for That Vampire

Chapter 4

I was awake at normal times for me, no lie in, not even at Christmas. I sat at my dresser and brushed through my hair. I had left Brit to sleep while I had been in the shower. So now may hair was wet and I couldn’t dry it yet because of Brit. I was no way in hell waking her after the booze she had and I was sure Zane would have left her be to.
“Danni, what time is it?” Brit moaned and looked towards the bright light before pulling the cover over her head.
“9:30am.” I mumbled under my breath. A small groan came from under the covers and I just wanted to laugh. “That’s what happens when you drink the amount you did last night.”
“Ah, shut up. I didn’t drink that much.” moaning again.
“You had more than me and Zane, wait.” I thought for a moment. “Did Zane drink anything?” I turned my body towards the bed and waited for an answer. If he had, that means he drove under the influence of alcohol, and I could bare to think of what might of happened.
“Nah, he had nothing but Coke.”
“Ah right.” I nodded, a sign of relief left my lips then dried my hair then same way as always. “That’s good then, so you had way more than Zane.” I slightly laughed then took a deep breath. “Oh, Zane told me to tell you last night that he’ll see you tomorrow. Tomorrow being to day.”
She looked up from under the cover and jumped out of the bed for the bathroom. “Using the shower” she shouted.
After half an hour in the bathroom, Brit came back and I had finished putting my make up on.
“Where’s my clothes?” She asked and I pointed to the bag by the bed, she always left a bag at each friends house when it came to her mom and dad going away, and since she knew she was stopping here, she most likely left her Christmas outfit in the bag. “Thanks.”
I dressed in jeans and a red top, not really Christmassy clothes, but I really didn’t do Christmas.
“So, what happened last night when your dad came in?” she asked as she rubbed the towel through her hair, before grabbing her clothes.
Thinking back to last night just made me shudder. “You really don’t want to know.”
“That bad huh?”
“Oh yes, and its most likely gonna get worse.” I shrugged.
I left Brit to finish getting ready and headed down the stairs
My father laid splurged out on the sofa, can’s laid on the flood next to it. Another Christmas that isn’t gonna be spent at home with him. I grabbed the only present that had been bought for me, yet again, from my dad. I placed it in my bag, it was only small. Most likely something stupid.
“Dad…” walking over to him slowly. “Dad, you need to get up.” I told him and shook his body. Nothing. As normal. But something was different. His breathing was off. “Dad.” I shook him again. “Dad wake up.”
I heard foot steps coming down the stairs and into the living room. “Danni, just leave him be.” she told me.
“Brit, I can’t. Something’s not right. Dad, wake up.” Nothing again. I grabbed my phone and dialled 999.
“What service do you require?”
“Ambulance please.” I sat down on the floor next to my dad and listened for the number then I dialled that number.
I told them everything and I waited for them to turn up. Worried.

I sat in the waiting room at the hospital with Brit and Zane, my head in my hands. I had to have been there for 3-4 hours now and hadn’t been given any news yet. This couldn’t be happening, yeah sure I should have seen this coming because of the drink and that. But I really didn’t think about it. I just hope it wasn’t so bad. He’s my dad, I didn’t want him ill or dead. I just hoped it wasn’t that bad.
“Miss Fall?”
I looked up from my hands “Yes?”
A doctor stood there with his blue operating uniform. “Would you like to come into my office.”
I looked at my friends, they nodded and I left them to follow the doctor. Please don’t be bad new, please don’t be bad news. I begged inside my head.
“Right, your father is showing signs of liver and kidney fail. He damage to them is very bad, but that’s only part of it.” The doctor closed the door behind me and I took a seat.
“Now, I would like you to tell me, how much does he drink ruffle in a week.”
I really hadn’t thought about it really. “Erm, I don’t know really. A lot is all I can say. Is he gonna be okay?” I asked.
“Well, we really don’t know about that, we’re gonna have to run a couple of more tests. Has your father ever talked to you about going to an pain at any time or anything about his health?” I shook my head slowly. “Okay then. Hmmm…” the room went silent for a moment. “Was he taking any medication?”
“Yes, ant-depressions and some other meds that he didn’t let me see.”
“For how long was he taking the ant-depressions?”
“Since my mother left 10 years ago.”
He nodded and looked down at his notes on his desk. “Hmm. And you never saw these other med.”
I shook my head again. “Doc, you said there was another part to it, what else is there?”
“Well, according to his medical report he was meant to be coming in for treatment, and the medication was part of it, but he’s never been in for a check up since 2 years ago.”
“Treatment for what?”
“Miss Fall, there was a chance that your father had cancer, and him not coming in for test and drinking heavily could of increased the chances.”
My eyes widened. “What?” I didn’t trust my voice to say anything else now. I was scared now, I could loose my only parent and I didn’t want that. Yeah, I hated him, but I still needed him.
“I know its hard to hear. But while your fathers here, we’re gonna run them test on him if that’s okay with you.”
I nodded simple. This had to be the worse Christmas ever, my Christmas from hell.