Status: On going and Editing

Fallen for That Vampire

Chapter 5

It had been weeks since I found out the news about my dad, they wanted to keep him in for now to keep an eye him. They were trying there best to help him, but he really didn’t care, all he wanted was more alcohol. I went to see him when I could. Which was most of the time, cause I had drifted from my friends, Brit and Zane was the only one’s I saw that often because they were at the hospital with me that day.
New Years I didn’t bother going out, I just stayed in. Removing all the drink from the place, trying to make it more like a home for when my dad would get back out of hospital.
“Need any help?”
I looked towards the door to see the girls standing there. Shaking my head I sat down. “I’m finished.”
Lizzie walked over to me and pulled me into her arms. “You know all you have to do is call and we’ll help.”
“I know.” I nodded and rested my head on her shoulder.
“Hey, maybe we should all get out of here for a bit, go to the den.” Amelia smiled over at me. “Clear your mind a bit.”
Nodding again, me and Lizzie got up off the sofa. I looked around the living room for a moment.
“Everything will be fine D.”
I wish that was true. Some times its hard to think about things going back to normal, things wouldn’t get back to normal in away.
“Okay…” I signed. “Lets go.”

Arriving at the den was a bit awkward. I normal came here to get away from my dad and have fun. I just couldn’t think about that really. I needed to forget everything for now.
The Den was an old big tree house that was the size of a house, thanks to Zane’s dad being a builder, we had asked him to builder us a tree house. Brit’s dad said that there is a plot of land just behind his house that he was going to cut down all the trees, flatten it down to make a football pitch for us, but then remembered non of us liked playing football. This place had been standing for about 3 years now, and it was ours. A place were we all could just go and sleep out for a night. Amelia had joined are group at this point and we rarely called it a den most of the time, it was are second home.
Us girls entered the place, the door was unlocked which meant the guys were here. The walls were painted a neutral colour and the floors were sanded and glossed, just they way we liked it. We had brought in a couple of sofa’s about a year ago to make it more for us, more homey. Brit’s dad had bought us a white rug and it was placed just in the centre of what we liked to call the living room. Posters on the wall that we added over the years. Wolves, bands, etc.
Off from the living room there was a door to the so called kitchen, stairs and bathroom. Yeah, we had it like a really house. It was easier that way. Thank god that Brit, Zane and Peter’s parents had money, they had all chipped in at one point to get us this.
“Hey girls.” Zane looked up from his book and Brit walked straight over to him to hug him.
I sat down on the sofa and rested my head on the back of it.
“D, how’s your dad?” I shrugged, not really taking notice of who asked, all I knew was that it was a lads voice.
“Danni, I’m sure he’ll get better soon.” I shrugged again.
“Right now, I just don’t want to think about it guys. I came to get away from everything. Not talk about it.” closing my eyes slowly, I listened to the silence of the room for a moment. “Right…” I sat up “What do you guys want to do?”
“I say that I show you the present I got off my Mom and Dad. You’ll guys’ll just freak, its so cool.” Amelia ran out the room and came back with a box in her hand.
“Wow, a box.” I laughed.
“No, its what’s inside it.” placing it down on the table, she opened it up. “My mom got on about how we have all the other books and herbs and stuff like that, and she had never gave us anything that goes with it or goes with us.” She pulled out a big old book and placed it on the table. “She say’s it was her mothers and it was pasted down to her, and now to me cause I’m in a coven.”
We all began to crowd round the book and Lizzie opened it. “It’s a spell book!”
“Yeah, but its my mom’s. She also says it something about becoming of age and that everyone gets one past down from whoever practices magic.”
That would leave me out then, my mom was the only one who did that from what I knew anyway. My father didn’t know about it. I few years back I had found my mom’s diary that had a letter folded inside with my name on that I had never read. I just left it there, that’s how I found out about magic and that witches blood lingered in my veins.
I got up off the floor and headed over to the window. My eyes watched over the lake that was close by. I knew everyone was fuss over the book now, but I did feel one set of eyes on me. But not in the room, it was strange, as if someone was watching this place, watching every move we made, or I made. It scared me, I would never let it show though. I would never let any of my emotions show unless I had to.
Dig, dig. Dig, dig.
I pulled out my phone. 555-134-9743. Strange. I opened the test.
Hi, its Lucian from d party. Soz 4 txtin + don b mad. I asked M 4 ur no. Just wanted to ask if u wanna hang out sum time. Ive herd sum g8t things abut u + u seem cool. From Lucian.
“M?” I turned to look at her. “Why did you give Lucian my number? You know I don’t like people I don’t know having my number.”
Amelia giggled and looked at Nath who smirked. She looked back at me and smiled. “Oh come on D, its just a little fun. Its not like its gonna hurt is it.”
I heard a low growl towards Amelia. My eyes shot to Zane, he’s teeth were clenched and he looked really, really angry towards M. He looked towards me.
“Don’t text back, just delete the text. He’s not worth it.” He told me.
“Who’s got your panties in a twist?” I watched as Amelia started to giggle again.
“You know who, you’re so stupid M. Lucian isn’t a nice guy.”
“Sure he is, I’ve known him for a while remember.”
“Don’t start this Amelia. You had no right giving him D’s number.”
“Ooo, sounds to me someone’s jealous. Is the green eye monster with you.”
“For Fuck Sake Amelia. I’m trying to protect her, and everyone else here. Unlike you, giving out your best friends number to him of all people. You know what he’s like and so do I.”
“STOP FIGHTING.” I yelled at the top of my voice and they both stopped in my tracks. “Look…” I looked towards Amelia who now had her hands clenched into a fist. “Zane is right, you shouldn’t have given Lucian my number…”
“But…” I turned toward Zane. “You don’t have a right to say who I can talk to, and who I can not. If I want to text him back I will…”
I held up my hand. “I’m not finished. I will in my own time. He doesn’t seem such a bad guy.”
“Don’t Danni me, this is my choice ok.”
“Yeah, come on Zane, chill.” Nath took a step forward and wrapped his arm around Amelia’s waist.
“What’s the worse that could happen.”
Zane’s eyes shot to Amelia, giving her the glare of her life then dropped it. After that it wasn’t brought up again. I didn’t text him back.

I had final made it home that day, I didn’t fancy staying at the tree house really. Not with everyone acting weird around me. Most likely after I left, M and Zane were at one another’s throats again. Which was normal for now.
I looked through my texts and came back to Lucian’s. Amelia was right, what was the worse that could happen. It was only texting right.
Hey Lucian, soz tht I didnt txt righ back. Had sum things to sort out. Its ok that u’ve got my no. I dont mind really, M got it in the neck off Z tho. Sure, id like to hang out with u. From Danielle.
I sent the text and laid back on the sofa, turning on the television in the process. There really wasn’t much on the TV, so I put on a movie and must of fallen asleep half way through it because when I woke up, it was to a dig, dig from my phone.
I looked at the time, 7:30pm. Wow, I must have been tired. I looked towards the window and the sun had set. Hmm. Night had fallen.
I grabbed my phone off the floor where it must of fell.
Gr8t, if u want we can hang out now.
I thought for a moment. Did I want to hang out with him? Was it safe? What if Zane was right? Okay, stop talking yourself out of it girl, I told myself.
Dig, dig. Dig, dig.
We can get M out if u wanna, mayb sum others 2.
I smiled at the text this time. I hadn’t even text back yet and he was asking if I wanted the others out. I thought for a moment.
Nah, im sure I can hang out now wif out M]
I headed upstairs to start on my hair.
Dig, dig.
So, u cumin out now?
I grinned, but didn’t text back for a bit. I really wanted to get my hair done.
Dig, dig.
Or now bad time?
He is so lucky I just finished my hair. So I text back.
Just fin getin ready then will
I placed my make-up on.
Origh, wanna meet at the centre park?
Centre park. It wasn’t far from the den. Why there? I shook my head and took a deep breath. It was just a coincides that he wanted to meet there. Nothing more right.
Sure, tat b fine. Ill b there in 10.