Status: On going and Editing

Fallen for That Vampire

Chapter 6

I sat on one of the benches in the park, curled up in my jacket as I waited for him to show.
“Loser!” A bunch of girls yelled.
I let it slid for now. I wasn’t violent like M was and really wasn’t for a fight.
“… freak lost of her loser friends…”
“Maybe they ditched her a join an Orji…”
I could hear them all laugh at the pathetic little jokes that had no affect on me what so ever. I resisted so long at not looking at them but I had to see who they were. If it was the same chavy girls from 2 years ago. It was, apart from Jade. They didn’t dare say a anything when they were on there own, or when there was more than one of us. We had scared them 2 years back because of what happened to Jade. I don’t blame them for being scared. If I was them I would have been.
At the age of 14, Amelia had just joined our group. She had only just moved into town too. So she had no idea what she was getting herself into when she joined us. I had found my mom’s diary, which gave me a little leeway of knolling of what was happening. Us girls mostly hung out in the park. It was the only place to go while the guys where having guy time. Whatever that was.
In the park, the very same park that I sat in waiting for Lucian was were it all happened. Where it all started. A couple of guys, about 16/17, were playing footy on the grass not far from us, and there girlfriends, who were the same age has us, had nothing better to do but watch them and look over at us to laugh. That was normal for us at the time, nothing weird, nothing spooky at all.
“Jade, looks like the weirdo group is growing.”
“Lets hope they don’t get to big. Wait, two of them are big…” Jade, bleach blonde hair and the most popular girl at school thought she was clever because she had an 18 year old boyfriend who could drive, she had big boobs and a skinny waist that made any girl jealous of her shape at her age.
Me too really and I was related to the stupid cow. Go forbid that my dad had a sister and she had a pain in the ass daughter.
“Yeah.” They smirked at us then spoke again. “Elizabeth think its about time you lost weight. Your new friend too. Why don’t all you weirdo’s do us a favour and leave.”
My eyes slid over to Amelia and watched as she stood up to defend us.
“Who you calling weirdo’s? We’re not the ones following older guys around like lost puppies.”
“Our ‘boyfriends’ love us following them. Plus at least we can get boyfriends, unlike you freaks.”
I started to get up but Brit held me down. If someone didn’t stop Amelia now, she would get her head caved.
“You’re the freak, you blonde bimbo?” I watched as Amelia’s face grow more and more angry.
“Who you calling a bimbo you Gothic freak?” Jade took a step forward.
“Erm, let me see…” she looked around then back towards Jade who was going red in the face. The guys behind them had stopped and watched, most likely thought there was going to be a cat. Why did guys get a kick out of stuff like this?
“I don’t see any other bottled blondes here, so I think I’m talking to you. And I’m Emo thank you every much.” she smirked then, thinking she had stumped them.
But she was wrong.
“Awwwwww…” looking sarcastic towards all of us. Jade smirked right back at her. “… do you go home every night and slit your wrists. Cry in your room cause your mommy doesn’t give you everything you want. Is your life that sad that you want to kill yourself? Do us a favour and do it”
We sat there stunned that Jade would say something like that.
“Jade that was a bit hash.” Mary-Ann whispered to her.
“Its true though…”
That’s when I took my chance and pulled my arm out of Brit’s grip, grabbing Amelia’s only seconds after. I had to stop her before she really blow.
“I think you should leave before you really get hurt Jade.”
“Is that a threat Danielle?”
“No.” I stepped in front of Amelia and showed no fear even though I was scared shitless of either me getting hurt or Jade. “It’s a warning. I wouldn’t want family getting hurt.”
Jade made a horrid face towards me. “Er, I’m not related to you freak.”
She and her mates then walked away from us, back over to the guys. I watched as they left the park. I was most likely gonna get jacked when I got home, or my father was just gonna forget.
“That blonde bimbo is going to be in a car crash before this week is out. She’ll get what is coming to her.” I really wasn’t listening to the others ramble on about it. All I hurt was that and I didn’t let it get to me.
Little did the others know until it was on the news about a 14 year old was killed in a car crash and an 18 year old guy was driving too after coming home from a party.
I kept thinking about that as I sat still, listening, waiting. Tears even ran down my face. Death or loss seem to a rove around me a lot. My mom walking out, my cousin dying in a car, and my father on the verge of dying of cancer.
That strange feeling was back again. Just like at the den. Someone was watching me. Watching ever move I made. I took a deep breath and looked around as a whipped my face with my sleeve. I couldn’t see anyone. No one was in sight.
I jumped at my name and turned towards the voice. A tall guy was a little way down the path and it was walking towards me. I held my breath as it came closer and closer.
“Its me, Lucian.”
I let out my breath slowly and smiled.
“I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“You didn’t.” I lied and stood up. “Just have a lot of my mind.”
I noticed him nod under the soft light of the street light that I had been sat next to.
“So, erm, what made you want to hang out with me?” I asked “I’m sure M, or some of your other mates that you know would want to hang out.”
“Trying to ditch?” He asked back and smirked.
“No.” shaking my head. “Just that we…”
“We don’t know one another.” he finished my sentence and laughed softly. “But isn’t that the beauty of it. Getting to know people.”
What the hell? Was this guy for really? He was sweet and charming.
“Wanna coffee?”
Nodding my head and we headed out the park.

Next thing I knew, me and Lucian sat in the corner of the coffee house not far from the park. It was pretty quiet for ones. Not many teenagers around for ones, but everyone else would be getting drunk before going back to school and college. Out having a laugh.
I order a coffee, but all Lucian wanted was a drink of coke. I would take coffee over coke any day.
“So, erm, how long you known Amelia?” I asked as I sip my very hot drink.
“Since we were little kids. She was very close friends with my cousin when I lived in America.”
“America? Where about?”
“New York. My whole family lived there.”
Nodding again. “How long have you known Zane then?”
“Zander? I’ve known him for 15 years now.”
“How?” I asked. “That would mean you would have had to known each other when you were just babies. Wait, did you call him Zander?”
Lucian nodded his head slowly and rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah. Erm, he never spoke of me I guess. Doubt he would. Talking about family was ever the best subject with him. Zander is the name his mother gave him before she died. After that, the whole family apart from some of us called him it.”
“Wait…” I was taken back on that. Family? I didn’t know that. He was right about one thing though, Zane hated talking about his family. “Go back a second. Family? How?”
Lucian’s eyes dropped to his coke and it looked like he was studying what to say next. “He’s my 4th cousin on my mom’s side.” shrugging his shoulders.
“Oh right.” I began nibbling at my bottom lip. What else can I ask? I didn’t have a clue. Sighing softly, I took another sip of my drink.
“What about your family?”
“Ha, my family?” I shrugged. “I can’t remember my mom apart from the day she left, my dad, well, don’t really want to talk about that.” I let out another sigh and looked towards the window.
“Why did you mom leave?”
The memory came back again. Why did she leave? Was it my dad? Was it me?
“Elle. Ella.” Something was wrong. The memory was starting to become a blur. Another voice was there. Was that just another way of dealing with everything? Did I want someone else to be there?
I shook my head as I came back to reality.
“Danielle? You okay?” my eyes shot up to Lucian’s as worry and confusion crossed his face.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just, trying to think why she left…” shaking my head again. I was confused myself let alone anyone else. I had to work this out myself “and I really don’t know why. She just did.” my eyes wandered over to the window and I watched as people walked down the street.
“At one point I thought it was because of my father. But now…”
“You don’t know?”
Turning to him. “No.”
“Doesn’t this look cosy.”
Lucian’s eyes shot open as he looked over my head. I turned slowly to see Zane and Brit.
“Oh, erm, hi guys.”
Brit pulled up a chair and sat beside me and smiled. I watched as Zane grabbed a chair to and sat beside her and glared over at Lucian.
“What you doing here Lucian?”
“Talking to Danielle, Zane.” I watched at Lucian smiled. “That is aloud right. To talk to people, even if there your friends.”
“Zaney-Poo…” a sweet voice left Brit’s lips and she grabbed his hand softly. “They were just talking. Nothing wrong with that.” then pecked his cheek. “Stop worrying.”
“Yeah Zander…” I smirked over at him and his face grow sour.
“You told her.”
“Your birth name yes.”
Zane’s glared over at him till Brit began to stroke his face with her thumb. “Zander? I like that name. Very sexy.”
I rolled my eyes. “Look, I’m gonna head home.” I stood up after finishing my coffee.
“I can w…”
“No, I want to talk to you Lucian.”
“I’ll be fine.” I told them all. “And Zane, chill okay.” What was up with him? Jealous or what that I was talking to someone who wasn’t in the gang “See ya guys. Bye Lucian.” I then left to head home. Hoping not to get the weird feeling of someone watching me tonight.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm trying to re-write my first story of Fallen for a Vampire and its changing a lot.
So if you ever read the first version of this story. It might change at the end.
Because up to know it has changed a lot.

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