Status: On going and Editing

Fallen for That Vampire

Chapter 7

My CD player played my favourite song when I woke up then next day. I laid there looking up at the ceiling trying to work all of my life out. Doesn’t help that the memory of my mom was getting worse. Other memories too came rushing back to me. But only when I slept though; when my dreamless state took over there was no hope for me, my memories had to come back at some point. Even the painful ones. Something was different in my dreams. There was another there. A boy.
Who was he? What did he want? He couldn’t hurt me. Only a child himself.
I shook the thoughts and memories away as I sat up in bed.
“Elle, we’re okay.”
The little voice whispered in the back of my head again. Elle was not my name. So, why was that name being whispered to me?
“Elle! Elle!”
I let it fade into the back of my mind as I climbed off my bed and grabbed my towels for the shower. Looking in the mirror before I headed towards the bathroom. That was when I noticed it again. My mom’s diary, but something was different. The letter she had left was hanging out more.
Dropping the towels to the floor; I grabbed the diary and sat on the floor with it. I hadn’t left the letter in the diary, I had placed it in my bottom drawer out of my sight.
Rubbing my hands over the front of the letter. Should I open it? It did have my name on it.
Danielle Rosemarie Blackstone Fall
My mothers hand writing to. I opened it slowly.
To my beloved daughter,
You have found this letter. Meaning you found and read the diary that I had hidden with in, for that I am sorry. Going through this on your own is hard and I wish I had stayed with you and your father. To train you myself, give you the words of wisdom that my mother had given me, that would have been a gift. But just being with you now would have been the greatest gift of them all. Having you in my arms as you cried made me weak. Loving you was my weakness when you were a child; and it pulled my from my work. Which had pulled me away from you now. Your father is not to blame of my leave. It is my own doing that is. Asher loves you dearly and always will.
Daniella, it is an amazing gift you have my daughter, one that had scared your father many times. Being a witch of the Blackstone’s is many things, but also being human is another. Your human as well as a witch. Don’t let the magic overrule you; don’t let it control your life as it has with mine. My magic had become my life, my work.
Now that I write this letter, I weep. I never wanted to leave you. But being the witch that I am, I had to. Magic controls my life and I hope someday I will meet you ones more.
From A Loving Mother

I read through the letter again and couldn’t believe it. I had blamed my father all these years for my mothers leaving. But it wasn’t him. It was her.
It wasn’t till then I noticed there was wet marks on the letter and my face was wet. Had I been crying the whole time? Whipping my face, I placed the diary and letter on the bed as I rested my head back and aloud myself to cry. My mother had left because of me and herself.

The next thing I knew I was laid on the floor in a ball, opening my eyes slowly. What time was it? Grabbing my phone from the bed.
What the hell? Missed calls and text messages from the others. Fuck!
I grabbed my towels and ran for the shower. I was meant to meet them hours ago.
I washed my hair as quick as I could. The rushed as fast as I could to; dried, backcombed, make-up on, dress and out the door.
D, u ready?
D, where u at?
Answer ur fone
Rang u. No answer at house. Wot going on there?

The messages kept coming. All from the gang. I only had to message one of them and they would get it. So I didn’t have to use all my money. I ran down the road as I text away.
Soz guys. Fell bak 2 slep. Wok up 40 min go. On way now. Soz gain x
I was so lucky that Mondays we all had the day off college. Because I so have to ring in ill right now and just skive. Which I had never done before. Not really the skiving type.
I hear Lizzie shout around the corner. She must of spotted me coming or something. I headed up the stairs and into the den as Lizzie grabbed my hand.
“Sorry guys. Really I am.”
“What up with you? You never fall back to sleep.” Lizzie asked as she pulled me over to the sofa and sat next to Peter who had his eyes down. Everyone else seemed quiet to.
Was there something going on that I didn’t know about?
“Guess I have a lot on my mind.” I shrugged and looked over at Zane who had his arms around Brit’s waist and her eyes also dropped to the floor.
“Whats going on?” I asked.
Zane looked straight at me. But my eyes drifted around the room to see Nath sat in the chair and M stood behind him with her hands on his shoulders. His eyes were dropped but hers were looking at Zane. Lizzie’s eyes dropped also and she lent into Peter.
“Right, you guys can tell me what the hell is going on here?”
“What were you doing with Lucian?” Amelia asked.
This was about him? Why? What? Did Amelia have something against this now?
“We were hanging out. Why? What’s it got to do with you lot? Nothing. It has nothing to do with you guys.” I took a deep breath. “You can ever ask Zane. He turned up when we where in the café. But now you have something against it, M. You were the one who was handing out my number.”
Amelia then dropped her eyes and shrugged. Nothing to say. Good.
“Right, we can drop this now.” I said swiftly and waiting for something else to come out of Zane’s gob, cause I knew there was something else.
“D, he’s bad news. He’ll fuck with your head then leave you in the dark.” Zane’s face grow more serious as he looked at me, the words coming out of his mouth where low but angry.
“Say’s you Zander.” I stood up and walked over to him. I felt everyone’s eyes on my now. Brit moved to the side so she wasn’t in the way, she knew that if I got angry with someone I needed to get it out with that person. “Why don’t you stop being a jealous dick head and get over your pathetic crush on me. You asked me out ones upon a time ago and I said no. You now have Brit and I can talk to whom I may please. Ever if that person if related to your sorry ass.”
“D, calm down.” his eyes dropped and his voice grow soft.
“I will not calm down. You can’t control me. No one can.”
I stormed out of the den and sat down on the steps. Resting my head against the banister as I let my anger leave my body.
“Elle, breath. Elle, breath for me.”
I listened to the voice of the boy in my head and breathed through it. Tears ran down my face as I took in another deep breath and I heard it again.
“Elle! Elle! Elle! Elle!”
I felt a hand touch my shoulder and I lent into it.
“Its okay. Everything is okay.”
I listened to Lizzie’s voice as she tried to calm me even more.
“I don’t know why I blow like that.” a whisper left my lips and the tears stopped
Rubbing my back softly, she smiled at me.
“Zane needed someone to tell him to stop being a dick.”
I giggled and so did she as we listened to the wind.
“He might think twice now.”
Yeah, I think he will. But will I if I blow up again like that or will I just let it go again and blow something for really up next time.
♠ ♠ ♠
Who do you think the boy is in the memory?
If you have an idea.