Status: I have the story all planned out and have already written several chapters, how much I post them depends on comments!;)

We Can Settle This Like Gentlemen or Meet Me out the Back to End It All and Start Again

Chapter One

Mark vs. James

Hot bright lights.

The roar of the fans.

The leather smell of the boxing gloves that Conner was holding in front of his face in defense.

His mother shouting at him from the bench near the ring.

His father screaming at him from his corner.

Conner could only take in small details at a time, hear certain things, smell certain things, because the main thing that his eyes and senses were trained on was his opponent, who was currently moving to punch Conner with his right hand.

Quickly, with the reflexes that only the best boxers obtain, Conner ducked down from James’ right arm that came striking where Conner’s face had been seconds before, Conner then quickly moved to his left, on the outside of James’ arm and punched his shoulder twice before bringing his arm back and landing a massive left hook body shot to James’ right-side ribcage.

With a loud puff of breath that came out of James’ when the punch landed, he fell down to his side, and stayed on the ground. He got on his knees and elbows, holding his head with the boxing gloves, but made no move to get up, still wincing in pain from the body shot.

“9…10!” The referee counted as James’ stayed on the ground. Then quickly ran over to where Conner stood heaving, trying to catch his breath, grabbing Conner’s right wrist and lifting it into the air, signaling that Conner had won due to a knockout, or a KO.

His father was in the ring within seconds, grabbing Conner’s shoulders from behind and squeezing them.

“Nice job, son!” he yelled above the roar of the crowd, shaking his son slightly.

Conner smiled back, his mouth guard slightly coming out when he did so. His father just laughed and took the mouth guard out of his mouth, putting it in its case, while Conner stood on his stool in his corner and faced the crowd, raising his arms and spreading them, pumping his gloved fist and grinning wildly.

Every boxer loved the thrill of the fight, but winning just made it all the more exhilarating. The roar of the crowd and knowing that he made his parents proud, the adrenaline that pumps through his veins making it impossible to feel his muscles ache with fatigue or the fresh bruises that he’d have from the fight, or the cut on his lip. It all made it that much better, knowing that he won.

The moments directly after the fight are always the best, always have the most glory, Conner thought to himself as he stood there grinning at his fans.

The car ride home, that’s when it goes downhill. Conner thought to himself as he sat in the backseat of the large SUV that his parents drove, feeling the aches and pains in his body begin to set in as the adrenaline faded off.

He sighed as he looked out the window, having to listen to his parents go on and on about the fight. Conner loved them, and loved that no matter where the match was that they went to every one, but he hated hearing about it after.

Which is why Conner usually drove himself to his matches, meeting up with his parents and the rest of his team in the dressing rooms at the matches. But tonight was his twenty first birthday, so his parents insisted that they drive him.

When they finally dropped him off at his apartment that he lived in near his college, he took his time getting up to it. His best friend, Seth, and Conner did everything together. They had since they were five, and they even went to the same college together, and Seth never missed a match. But he missed tonight’s, and that’s how Conner knew that there would be people up in his apartment, waiting in the dark for Conner to open the door and yell surprise. Because that was the only possible explanation for his best friends nonappearance at his match tonight.

But when Conner finally did make it up to the apartment that he and Seth shared together, he sighed, and opened the door, his duffel bag resting on his shoulder.

The lights were off, shockingly enough, so he turned them on, and slightly prepared himself for the shouting people.

But when he turned the lights on his apartment was empty.

He smiled brightly and breathed a sigh of relief, he was whooped and tired and just wanted to sleep, and he definitely did not want to have to party, even though it was a Friday and he had no classes tomorrow.

He made his way to his room and set his duffel bag on his bed then making his way out to the hallway bathroom that he and Seth had to share.

He turned the knob on the shower so that he had a boiling hot shower; it was all he could do right now to ease the pain in his muscles.

After taking a painfully slow shower, he stepped out and dried himself off and wrapped the towel around his waist, holding it there as he opened the bathroom door and stepped out.

“Fucking finally!” Seth shouted into his ear from where he leaned against the hallway wall facing Conner.

Conner jumped, startled by Seth, and thankful his grip on the towel didn’t slip.

“Jesus fucking Christ, Seth!” he hissed as he irritably shook his head and headed back for his room.

“So,” Seth pressed on as he followed Conner to his room. “how’d the fight go!”

Conner turned to see a grinning Seth, awaiting an answer. Conner smirked, “Knocked him out in the fifth round.”

“Holy shit dude! That’s awesome! God, I wish I could have been there to see it!”

“Why weren’t you?” Conner threw over his shoulder as he walked to his closet.

“Oh, uhm, I had a date with Jennifer, couldn’t pass it up either, she would have killed me.” Seth mumbled out.

“That’s cool, I’m just going to get dressed and go to bed, I had a rough night.” Conner said, trying to hint at Seth to leave so that he could sleep.

“Are you fucking kidding me?! Hell no! It’s only ten o’clock on your twenty first birthday! You, my friend, are going out.”

Conner turned to Seth, clearly frustrated.

“Dude, no, I am way too tired to go out to a fucking bar.”

“Fine, then we won’t go to the bar; we’ll just go over to Jennifer’s sorority house and have a couple beers with a couple friends.”

“Seth,” Conner said sighing, “why do we have to go tonight?”

“Its your twenty first man!”

“Yeah, but we go over Jennifer’s house all the time and have a couple beers, why do we have to go tonight, what’s the difference?”

“Because now it’s legal.” Seth said, and then began to laugh.

Conner just chuckled slightly.

“I still really don’t want to go.” Conner said as he began to walk back over to his closet.

“Halle will be there.” Seth said, crossing his arms and smirking, knowing that this will catch Conner’s attention.

Sure enough, Conner stopped dead in his tracks, turning around slowly to face Seth.

“She will?” he asked, cocking an eyebrow.

“Yep, Jennifer invited her over, I guess their pretty close friends.”

Conner thought for a minute.

He let out an exasperated sigh.

“Fine, I’ll go.”

Seth’s face broke out in a huge grin.

“Great! I’ll call Jennifer and let her know, you go ahead and get dressed and I’ll be waiting in the living room!”

Conner just nodded with a blank expression on his face as he ushered Seth out of the door and shut it, but as soon as the door was shut, a wide smile spread on his face.

He ran to the closet and threw on boxers, dark jeans and a white v-neck T shirt and his white and black Adidas tennis shoes. There wasn’t much to do with his hair, it was very short, almost a buzzcut, and blonde, so he just walked out of his room after grabbing his leather jacket, keys, and wallet.

“Great, you’re ready!” Seth said when Conner made his way into the living room.

“We’ll drive your car, I’m just going to end up sleeping at Jennifer’s anyway.” He said with a sly grin.
♠ ♠ ♠
Uno! Comments?(: