Status: I have the story all planned out and have already written several chapters, how much I post them depends on comments!;)

We Can Settle This Like Gentlemen or Meet Me out the Back to End It All and Start Again

Chapter Four

“How can you say that when you think I’m not the type of guy to hurt someone?” he asked, chuckling and questioning her logic.

She shrugged and laughed.

“I don’t know, I just think that even if you seem like a gentle guy, you still seem like the type of guy that goes after what he wants with everything he has.” She said, and then looked up at him.

Oh, you have no idea. Conner thought to himself, because that’s exactly what he was trying to do with her. Trying to go after her.

“And I mean let’s not overlook the obvious. You’re ripped, Conner.” She said referring to the large size of his muscles. He chuckled. “Don’t act like your not, you are and we both know it.” she said laughing with him.

“Well,” he said stopping and turning to face her, knowing that what he planned on saying next would come out cheesy. “you are extremely pretty, Halle.”

She just blushed, looking down at her shoes.

“Don’t act like your not,” he said, mimicking what she had said seconds before. “you are and we both know it.”

She laughed slightly, and looked up into his bright green eyes, seeing complete sincerity.

A shiver ran up her spine at how deep his eyes were.

“Oh,” Conner said, obviously seeing Halle shiver viciously. “you must be freezing.” He said referring to the fact that it was late September and cold. “Here,” he said shrugging out of his leather jacket and handing it to her. “And don’t even try and refuse to take it, or I’ll use my ‘ripped muscles’ to put it on you myself.” He said, putting air quotes on what she had said.

She laughed and took the jacket from him, she’d never admit it, but the shiver wasn’t from the cold, even if it was freezing, it was from him staring down at her with his bright green eyes.

She blushed as she pulled the jacket on, zipping it and pulling it close to her body. She had been freezing.

“But now you’re cold!” She said as she saw the puffs of fog around his lips as he exhaled.

He gently grabbed her freezing hand in his surprisingly warm one.

“There, now I’m warm.” He said smiling down at her.

She blushed in the cold and smiled shyly at him.

“Conner, hand warmth doesn’t make the rest of your body warm.” She said laughing and shaking her head, looking down.

In one quick sweep of motion he pulled her to a stop, making her face him, and hands still clasped as he lifted her chin and met his lips with hers with his free hand.

The kiss was short, but sweet, and very, very warming. Her entire body seemed to heat up, and so did his.

When they pulled apart he kept his head low, near hers. She smiled up at him, biting her lip nervously.

“Well,” she said, “are you warm now?” she asked him, smiling.

“No, actually, I still can’t feel my lips.” He said, and she grinned as she realized what he was about to do.

He quickly grabbed her waist with his free hand, pulling her closer and meeting her lips once more for a longer, slower and more powerful kiss.

When they pulled apart, he brought his free hand up to her face, cupping her face in his large hand.

“Do you want to go back to my apartment and watch a movie?” he asked her.

She smiled, and pretended to ponder the thought, even though she knew she would say yes.

“Is it warm there?”


“Then yes.” She said, smiling even wider.

They began walking back to his truck hand in hand, with Halle’s free hand holding onto his arm and her head rested on his shoulder.

Conner smiled at the thought of her complying to come over. But when he said watch a movie, he meant watch a movie. He wouldn’t try and pull anything on this girl; she was too good for that.

Halle smiled at the thought of being with Conner alone in his apartment. And at the fact that she didn’t stop and think twice about his invitation. She knew Conner wouldn’t try anything like that on her; he wasn’t that type of guy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the wait!