Sequel: Mirror Image
Status: Finished, Complete, DONE! Read the Sequel ;)

Just Like You...

Guitar Hero for Rock Legends...Or Soon To Be


"Hey." Ronnie nodded when he walked in the door a few minutes later, I was laying on the couch watching tv. Well, I wasn't really watching, I was thinking, but it was on. "Cake boss?"
I shrugged.
"I didn't feel like changing it."
He nodded.
"You changed?" He asked.
"Uh, yeah." I nodded.
"Into…my shirt…"
I shrugged. "Well sorry for not bringing a change of clothes."
He sighed.
"Damn, now I have to burn it."


I woke up at four in the morning. My arm was sore, I'd been cutting again…but I couldn't find my razor. I turned on my lights and searched my bed. It was then I realized I wasn't wearing pants…just panties. I looked in the mirror.
Wasn't this the shirt Jacky was wearing today? Well, now yesterday.
Shit…just how high was I?
I looked at the bed, it was too neat to have done anything in. Maybe…maybe he just found me and helped me out…
I sighed in relief and nodded, getting back into bed and shutting the light.
"Shit." I hissed, sitting up again. "Ronnie!"
I couldn't get back to sleep so I changed into different pajamas, so as not to look suspicious. I couldn't quite figure out why I had underwear thrown around the room…had Jacky looked for pj's before he dressed me? Did he bother to check any drawers past the second? Whatever, guys have seen me entirely naked, what do I care? I walked downstairs and decided what the hell, I'll make breakfast. I rolled up my sleeves and got to work. It was six thirty. Alyssa woke up by seven and stole a plate of pancakes and some bacon.
"My mouth just had an orgasm." She informed me through a mouthful of food. I laughed.
"Lesbian incest?!" Mika screeched, jumping onto a stool at the island.
"Only you, Mika." I rolled my eyes with a laugh.
"Guys have this kind of like…perverted detector, I swear." I sighed.
"Hey, hey, hey, so do we! All our friends are guys, clearly we're doing something wrong." Alyssa reminded, pointing her fork at me. I laughed.
"No, clearly we're doing something right." I laughed, "So go on off and be a whore, you got your man, I got four!" I sang happily.
"What song is that from?" Mika asked.
"Rockstardom." I smiled.
"By who?" Derek rubbed his eyes, coming into the room. Ryan followed.
"Zip My Heart." I rolled my eyes, "Duh!"
"We have to change those lyrics. Since I joined, you've only got three guys." Alyssa laughed. She originally hadn't wanted anything to do with ZMH but then Seth quit and we needed a rhythm guitarist and I forced her into it, good thing too. The band was sooooo much better with her. Plus, she is my sister and my best friend, having her there is awesome.
"TOO BAD! MAKE IT WORK!" She yelled back.
"Thanks for the wake-up." Jacky mumbled, walking in.
"When did all these guys get here?" I asked.
"Like an hour after you dozed off." He replied.
Okay, so he knew when I fell asleep…not creepy at all…
"I want some more pancakes please." Alyssa called while I was kind enough to serve the others. Without thinking, I turned back to the stove after putting food on Jacky's plate. "I WANT MORE PANCAKES!" She screamed.
I jumped.
"Never, ever, do that without a microphone ever again. You just scared the living shit out of me." I held my hand to my heart. She laughed. "And your low was sooooooooo bad."
"Well SORRY for just waking up!" She stuck her tongue out at me. "But seriously, more please."
The guys were all staring at Alyssa, shocked.
"Who's screaming?!" Ronnie came into the room. "Because they're low was off."
"That'd be her." I pointed to my darling sister. "Isn't she charming?"
"Shea can scream too, I'm just better." Alyssa told them.
"A chick just screamed…" Mika trailed off, still dazed.
"And she's not in bed." Ryan blinked.
"Dude, what the fuck do you know about girls in bed? You're gay as hell." Mika turned around to look at Ryan.
"I'M NOT GAY!" He threw his hands in the air. "Dear God!"
"God doesn't listen to gays." Alyssa took another bite of pancake. Everyone laughed.
"Dude, even she agrees with me!" Mika grinned.
"Whatever." Ryan rolled his eyes, but he was amused, you could tell. I watched everyone joking around and one particular person caught my eye. Jacky was quiet, even amongst his bandmates, I noticed that already. But…he was staring at me…
No…he was staring at my arms…
I subconsciously pulled my sleeves down, watching his face. His eyes met mine.
"Feeling alright?" He asked me, getting up from his chair to throw his trash away. Something that glinted in the kitchen lighting caught my eye.
My razor.
I looked up at him.
"Yeah, dandy." I nodded.
He nodded and went to sit back down.
"Hey, guys, wanna play guitar hero?" Mika asked.
Everyone groaned.
"But we have two new girls, maybe it'll be fun!"
I sighed.
"Haven't played in ages, our friend broke the foot pedal on our drum set…twice." Alyssa laughed.
"Not that we ever used it anyways." I pointed out.
"So come on! Let's play." Mika jumped off his chair. All of us looked around at each other before shrugging and moving to the living room behind us.
"Dibbs on guitar!" Alyssa called. Derek crossed his arms then ran to the other guitar to grab it before Mika did, but lost.
"Bass!" Mika screeched, jumping over the back of the couch and onto the cushions, upend which Ryan was sitting. "Aw, hey, Ryan, I didn't think you liked me that much that you needed to catch me when I fell."
"Shut up!" Ryan whined and pushed him off. I smirked and shook my head.
Derek sat down next to Mika to share the bass and Jacky sat on the couch next to Alyssa who sat on the ground.
"Vocals, brother dearest?" I handed Ronnie the mic.
"Oooooh! How about we have a contest, we're all doubled up except Ryan. We play each song we play twice and see who gets the higher score!" Mika offered, damn this guy needs to get a life or think of better ideas.
"Bleh." I made a face.
"Worried I'll prove myself the better guitar hero singer?" Ronnie laughed.
"Nah, I'm better, always will be." I crossed my arms.
"I smell sibling rivalry." Derek laughed.
"I think I can beat you." Ronnie grinned.
"Maybe on guitar hero, in real life? You don't stand a chance."
"We'll see." He picked up the remote and turned the Wii on.
"World Tour alright?" Ryan asked, picking up the game. "We have Band Hero too…and Guitar Hero Five…"
"World Tours fine." Alyssa shrugged.
"So, here's the deal. We all have to play on the same level. So for each song the pair chooses a level of difficulty and you have to stick to it. If you lose twice and get us kicked off stage, the other person gets the controller and you're shunned." Mika explained. We all looked at him, where did he get these ideas?!
"First song?" Ronnie asked.
"LA BAMBA!" Alyssa and I screeched at once.
"Okay, La Bamba it is." Everyone laughed.
"How about BYOB?" Ronnie picked the second song. I made a face, the one song I hated on this freaking game and he picked it.
"Aw, is my little sister scared?" He ruffled my hair.
"What I've Done." Ryan said.
"Misery Business." Derek threw out there.
"Float On!" Alyssa grinned at me.
"Crazy Train." Ronnie said.
"VIBRASLAP!" Alyssa and I screamed out, breaking into a fit of laughter.
The guys all paused and looked at us.
"Okay so how about eight songs, we'll just do them in sets of four." I said.
"Sounds cool." Jacky nodded.
"So…La Bamba, BYOB, What I've Done, and Misery Business go first." Ronnie selected all the songs. "Then we'll play them again with the second set of people. Then we do Float On, Crazy Train…"
"The Middle and Scream Aim Fire." I finished.
"No, one of them has to go, No Sleep Till Brooklyn is going in there somewhere." Alyssa told me. Ronnie nodded.
"Ugh FINE." I rolled my eyes. "The Middle and No Sleep Till Brooklyn."
Everyone seemed good with that idea.
"You want to go first or shall I?" Ronnie held the mic out.
"You can." I told him. Alyssa nodded at me and handed Jacky the guitar.
"Okay then, what level?"
I raised an eyebrow.
"Expert." We said together. He nodded and changed the settings.
"Oh hell no, choose someone good looking." I rolled my eyes.
"That's me.
"I know." I looked up at him. He sighed and looked through the character list. "Since when is there a Shea on here?!"
"Since I made one." Mika nodded. "There's an Alyssa too."
"I'm fine being Jacky." Alyssa laughed.
Ronnie muttered something and chose the me that Mika had used his pointless life making.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aw YAY! I got a COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanksies Reddy Freddy! Yeah, I just said Thanksies.
interestingly random? yeah thats me XD its actually based off the relationship i have with one of my friends, cept neither of us are druggies either...but come on, who doesnt adore drama?
okay well...drama in real life is horrible...but its fiction so you HAVE to love it XD
and thanks for subbing too :) i hope you continue reading and continue to like this story!
aaaaaaah so i also feel important because someone read my authors note which is like HOLY CRUD-MUFFIN I AM ACTUALLY BEING ACKNOWLEDGED so im happy :)
So yeah, everyone, enjoy, it's short and a filler, but its a fun filler, we'll see how the game turns out in a bit XD