Let's Forget About the Rules for Tonight.

As the years go on 9th grade

      I closed my locker, "hey, brace face." max said. 
    I playfully punch him in the arm. "how much longer until you get thous off.?" he asked. I smiled, "next week!!" I yelled. 
    He smiled to, "just on time for the last dance. Are you going with anyone?" I shook my head, "no. You?"
     He shook his head violently. "no. Do ya wanna go with me...." 
"yes!" I interrupted. "as friends?" he finished. I still shook my head even thou I was disappointed. 'just as friends.' I thought as we walked out of school. Later
     "hey, Maggzzzzz." Bryan said as he gave me a high five.
Then max came down to the basement with two gutars. "maggs you know how to play wright?" Bryan asked. I shook my head but before I could answer max said, "she also has a beautiful singing voice and can kill the drums." my cheeks stared to burn. "the drums are my job." Robert said as he walked down the stairs trying to ceach his drum sticks, but failed. 
you should sing us something." rob suggested. "and singing us my job." Ronnie stated. I smiled, " I already have a band to sing with. Y'all Hurd me during the talent show." 
        Ronnie shook his head, "I was sick." I rolled my eyes. "Fine." I groaned. They started to cheer. I sang a song I wrote called love, lust, and broken hearts. 
They all listened carefully to me until I was finished. Then there was silence. "What?" I asked. "I think we should trade Ronnie for Maggie." rob said. Ronnie picked up an empty pop can and threw it at rob. "not cool dude!" I laughed. "don't worry Ronnie, I promise I won't steal your band." he looked at me. "you super pinkie middle finger promise?" I shook my head.  " yes." I said while crossing my middle finger and my pinkie with his. "ow, ow, your hurting meeee!" I yelled as I tried to unlock our fingers. "Max, helppp. He's gonna break my fingers!" I yelled. Max grabbed my hand and yanked it away form Ronnie. "dude, what's your problem? You could have hurt her." max said looking serous. "dude calm down your, 'girlfriend' is fine." Omar said, while coming out from the laundry room.  Max walked up to him. "shut up she just a friend." Omar walked closer to max so they were face to face. "so you won't mind if I do this." 
When he said that all I could think was,"oh great, here we go again." this has happened more than once. 
         Omar walked up to me and I covered my lips with my hand. "Omar stop. This is not funny any more." I said with my hand sill over my mouth. "bro, seriously it's really not cool." Ronnie said grabbing Omar to get away from me. Omar shook him off "every one, just calm down. I was only gonna ask her to the dance." Omar said. I shook my head. "no I'm already going with max." I lied. 
      Max and everyone else looked surprised. "gahezzzz max about time." Ronnie joked. Max looked at ronnie then at me. "ya Omar, so back off." he said while grabbing my arm. Omar rolled his eyes. "whatever max. Lets rehears." 
         "well I got to go." I said while standing up. "awww maggggs but it's fun when your hear." bryan complained. I blushed, "well I got to go to dinner. Blahhh!" 

         I said goodbye to max's mom. Then started to walk home. Then my phone vibrated. 
Max: hey Maggie I just wanted to tell you that I know that u just said that 2 Omar because.... Yaaa. So we can still go to the dance as just friend.... If ya want :)
I read the message a few times. Then smiled. 
Me: I still wanna go but not as friends ;)
I walked a block or two until max texted back.
Max: cool :) I'll meet ya at the dance because I'm a be late because me and ronnie have to do somethin. You know hehe ok?
Me:all right kiss kiss 
Max:kiss kiss lol

Dance dose not suck
       "wow maggie your teeth look great." rob complemented.  
"awww thank you Robbie." rob blush at his nickname. "why do you have to call me that?" he growled at me.  "aww you don't like it." I pouted. 
          He smiled at me and walked into his class.
'urggggg I hate math.' I though to myself. 

Later at the dance
         "Maggie!" some one yelled. I turned around and saw my friend Ana. She ran up to me and hugged me. "ugh Ana!" I yelped. "Maggie!! I haven't seen you in soooo long! Omg your dress!! Are with someone?" she asked quickly. 
"ya. Thank you and are you ok you seem a little buzzed?" 
She shook her head fast. "ya I'm fine. I had wayyyyy to much pop. Hehe so who are you with?" 
I smiled. "maaaaxxxx." here eyes almost fell out of her skull. "max!!! Wow about time!" I rolled my eyes and we made our way to the dance floor.  "so is he sapost to meat you here...." ana yelled over the music. "ya he had a five minuet detention. You know max always fcuking around with Ronnie." 
Me and Ana danced for awhile then I felt someone poke my shoulder. "Max." I said while hugging him.  He seemed surprised. "well I guess I'll leave you to be." Ana said while walking away. "miss me much." max stated. I started to comb my fingers in his hair. "I miss you every time your gone." I looked into his eyes. "your my best friend, you know that max." 
          He tilted his head, "I thought you didn't want to go to this dance as friend. Or best friend?" he said looking confused. "max. We are friends. But I wanna be more than that. Is this gonna ruin our friend ship?" I ask worried.
are you fcuking kidding me Maggie? Nothing will ruin the connection we have." he said while putting his hand on my hips. "plus, I like you a lot. Ever since the third grade I knew I'd be with you." 
      I put my arms around his neck as a slow song came on. "good. Because I've really, really, liked you since, well forever." he smiled his cute smile. "then you won't mind if I do this." he said as he placed his lips on mine. But what only seemed for a second one of the teachers were splitting us apart. 
"no kissing!!! Do it again your getting detention, both of you." me and max looked at each other with horror on our faces. "we were just kissing! Whats so wrong about that!?" I asked. She turned to me with furry in her eyes. "it's the rules thats why!" she said while stomping away. 
        I looked back at max. Then he suddenly smiled. "let's forget about the rules tonight." he said while taking my hand. "where we going max?" "oh, you'll see." 
We ran down the halls for awhile. Then we came to the janitors closet.max opened it and dragged me into it. "is this ok with you?" he asked while turning on the lights. "ya. As long as I'm with you, everything is ok." I said as I pulled max's head to me. Our lips met again. 
        We made out for awhile, then max started to unhook my bra. "Mmm, Max no." I said pulling away. "I-I'm sorry I couldn't help myself." he said giving me puppy dog eyes. "it's ok. Maybe another time but now were to young." he shook his head agreeing. "it's almost six. We should go." 
        He stood up then helped me up. When he went to open the door, it was locked. "fcuk." he mumbled. "what? What is it?" I asked frantic. "were locked in." max said joyfully sarcastic. "do you have your phone?" I asked. He dug into his back pocket. "ya but who am I sapost to call?" "I don't know Ronnie, I guess." he sighed and dialed a number. "hey Ron..... I'm in the janitors closet on the second floor....... I'm locked in here... I'm not with.... Ok I'm with Maggie! Can you just come get us?" then he hung up. 
       "what are you suddenly inbarist of me?" I asked. "no. I just..... Every one made fun of me for not admitting that I liked you. I just didn't want it to ruin our friend ship."  he put his head down, I can tell he was sad. "max nothing in the whole world can ruin us. Nothing. Not even when your on tour and I'm doing collage."
      "you can always come with us." max said. 
"I wish, but I have to go to collage, and be with my band." he grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him. We were face to face but before we could kiss again Ronnie opened the door. "aye, what's up love birds?"
* * *
hope you liked it next falter coming soooon