Let's Forget About the Rules for Tonight.

LOve lust and broken hearts senore year

Love, lust, and broken hearts. Senior year.
          "hello beautiful." Max said while covering my eyes. I smiled and turned around. "max!" I said while hugging him. "you weren't sapost to peek." he complained. Then I gave him a peck on the lips. "I missed you, butt-loads." he smiled and brushed some hair out of my face. "I promise I won't ever leave you." I rolled my eyes. "what about next week when we graduate, your going on tour." 
He put his fingers in my lips. "So we will spend as much time together as possible. So there's a party at Omar's house after graduation, you know like a going away party. Do you wanna come?" i shrugged, "well.... I gess so." he put his arm around me. "great! Well have fun.".  

      "at this time we will call up the graduating class...." one of the teachers continued. "Lilly Arcos. Tim bracston....." 
         Max smiled at me from his place in line. "Max Green..." he ran up there smiled and blew a kiss to me. Everyone stared at me. "Maggie ***...."she called. I walked up and got my diploma.

     "so maggie...." ronnie said while sitting next to me one the couch. "you gonna have a drink?" I shook my head. "no max is the one who's gonna get drunk, I'll be the one driving him home." 
       He shook his head, "your a good girlfriend." he said giving me a kiss on the cheek, then ran off into the crowd of people. 
      "why hello sweet cheeks." someone said. I looked up from my phone. "what is it Omar?" I hissed. He sat on the couch and put his arm around me. "Omar please. I have a boyfriend, who happens to be in the same band as you." I said as I inched away from him. "oh, come on. I would never cheat on you." I gave him the what-the-fcuk-are-you-talking-about- look. "what do you mean? Max would never cheat on me." he stuck his eyebrow up and smiled. "oh, really." he said inching his face towards mine. "Omar!" max yelled as he grabbed my hand and pulled me off the couch. "dude chill." Omar said. "whatever man." max said pulling me up stairs. 
He pulled me into a room and closed and locked the door. "max..." I whispered. "yes?" he said, wrapping his arms around my wast. I could smell the alcohol in his breath. "max did...did you cheat on me?" I said backing away from him and siting on the bed. His eyes widened, "what the fcuk are you talking about? I would never cheat on you. Who told you that?" he said sitting next to me. "Omar. I shouldn't have listened to him." 
He laugh as he laid back on the bed. "no duh. That kid has wanted to take you from me since the day we met" I laid back too. I wrapped my arms around his chest. "nobody, will take me from you." I said kissing his lips. "how do you like the kisses with the snake bites?" he asked between kisses. "I think it's sexy." I said smiling into the kiss. He put his arms around me and started to rub my back. Then he put his hands up my shirt and unhooked my bra. "Max!" I said pushing away. "Maggie, please. We've been dating forever, and I'm leaving tomarro, and I just want to do this to have a greater connection with you." I thought about it for awhile. "do you have something?" I asked. He smiled and took it out of his back pocket. "got it all covered." I thought about it a little longer. Then smiled. "ok." when I said that he tackled me. I started to laugh.  He took off his shirt. I ran my hands down his abs. I took off my shirt along with my bra. Max looked at me with amazement. "what?" I asked. "damm, thous things got big since fifth grade." I blush at that time when max ascently took of my shirt in fifth grade while playing a game. 
I rolled my eyes and started to undo my pants. "Ooooo hello kitty panties." max pointed out as he undid his pants. I laughed. After awhile of making out we both got our under where off. "put it on." I demanded. Max rolled off of me and put on the condom. After that he rolled back on top of me and we both lost our virginity. As he was on top of me I mound which only made him go faster. I started to dig my nails into his back. "ow, maggs." he said. "I-I'm sorry max." I managed to say. 
Then when I felt the rush all I did was exhale. Then max fell next to me. I didn't look at him. Then he put his hand on my face and lend over to kiss me. I can taste the alcohol. 
      After awhile of lying in the bed as max played with my hair and running his fingers down my back  I said, "should we get dressed, or are we going to lay her all night." I said. He shrugged, "I'd rather lay here all night with you, but I'm going on the road tomarro." I leaned over and grabbed my panties then I put them on. I got out of the bed put on my shorts then walk across the room to grab my bra and T-shirt. 
After we were dressed we walked back down stairs. The party was still going strong at 11 O'clock. Ronnie came up to us, a little sh*t faces but decent.  "where you guys been all night?" he asked. Max put his arm around me. "nothing, nothing at all." ronnie shook his head not believing him. "mhmmm, ok Maxie-boy." max rolled his eyes and looked down at me. "do ya wanna go?" he asked. I shook my head. "already!!" Ronnie complained. "my baby girl is tired." I smiled weakly at him.
          I drove him home, when we were in his driveway he gave me a kiss good night like always.  Then he walked a little tipsy up his front steps. 

The next day
      "I'm a goofy goober, ROCK!" my phone rang. I preyed open my eyes and grabbed my phone. Max. I answered it. "hello." I said trying to sound awake. "Maggie!" max said sounding frantic. "max are you ok?" I said sitting up and looking at the Clock. 8:30. "Maggie I need to talk to you before I leave." "max don't worry. I be there to say goodbye to you..."  "no, no, it's about last night...." we both went silent. "I'll be over in a little bit." "ok." he said. I just put on the outfit I had on last night then ran over to his house. 
There was a huge tour bus outside his house things were being moved into it. Max was out side. "hey, max." I said kinda uncomfortable. "Maggie, I'm so sorry. I-I never ask you if you wanted to do it, and I was drunk. I'm soooo sorry." he said hugging me. "max I was never mad at you." 
"I don't care, I love you Maggie." he push away and looked at me. "I love you to max. I always will." he smiled at me and pushed his lips to mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck then my legs. Max laughed as he grabbed my legs. "ok break it up, love birds! Were late!" Ronnie yelled from the bus. I looked over at ronnie and stuck my tongue out at him, he stuck his tongue out at me and put his head back into the bus. I looked back at max. "go get 'em tiger." I said as he slowly put me down. Then gave me a peck on the lips, then ran off to the bus. "bye, Maggie!" Bryan, Ronnie, and Robert yelled out from the bus. All I did was wave. After I couldn't see the bus any more I started to walk home.

are you ok Maggie?" my mom asked. "ya, I've got cramps." my mom shook her head. "your a brave girl. You know that wright." a tear fell from my eye. "thank you mom." I said while giving her a hug. "max will be back soon. How bout you call Ana hang out ." I shook my head and she left. 
Me: hey do u wanna hang out??? Send.
Ana: I want to but I can't :( tomarro for sure. I know your probably sad about max. 
Me: i am!!! :( oh I miss him. And..... Can u keep a secret?
Ana: ya. What's wrong? 
Me: me and max had sex last night...
Ana: WHAT!!! Did you us protection??
Me: yes.... Only a condom
Ana: Maggie u need both the pill and condom...
Me: I know, I know! 
Ana: well if you have symptoms tell your mom ok I gtg luv u
Me: luv u 2

Two months later
I woke up feeling queasy. "oh, gosh!" I said quickly getting up to get to the bathroom. I put my head in the toilet and threw up. "Maggie it's been two weeks when you first started to get sick." my mom said said kneeing down next to me. "oh, mom I'm pregnant! I haven't had my period in two months." she started to rub my back. "Maggie. With who?" I wiped my eyes. "With max! Who do you think?" I yelled. "oh Maggie. Why don't you call him up." 
         "N-no! I cant it'll ruin his career. I can't do that to him." I yelled. "Maggie, Maggie, calm down, ok it's to late for an abortion. We can get threw this." 

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ya another chapter!!! Hope y'all are loving it