Let's Forget About the Rules for Tonight.

Thank you Black Veil Brides 5 years later

I'm at a concert mom.... Ya I am.... Ok thank you mom, I'll be home tommaro." I shivered from the cold. And looked around the lot. 'there's so many damm buses! They all look the same!' I thought to myself. 
I walked up to a random bus and knocked on the door. A tall, handsome, man answered. I know who it was. "hello." he asked in his deep voice. My breath was taken away. "I... Ummm... I...." he walked out of the bus. "sweetheart, are you lost?"  I shook my head. "I'm looking for someone." "someone in BVB?" I shook my head. "n-no. I'm l-looking f-from ETF bu- bus." I said stuttering from the cold. "ok, how bout you come in the bus. Your cold." he said pushing me inside. 
oh, hi. I'm..... " "Ashely, Jake, Jinxx, Christian, And Andy. You guys are my saviors expeshley these last few years." "awww. Well your very welcome." jake said. "so you said you were looking for Escape The Fate?" andy asked. "yes." "why. For an autograph?" I shook my head. "no. It's a long story." andy sat down and patted me to sit next to him. "I'm sorry but ETF left early. But if ya want you can tell us the story." I sighed then smiled. "it all started in third grade, when I met max...."
I fell asleep in BVB tour bus. When I woke up andy was writing on something. "hey sleepy pants." he said smiling at me. I smiled back at him. "where are we going?" I asked. "were going to find ETFs bus." my eyes widened. "wait just for me your going to find ETF? Why?" Andy shrugged. "because a girl as beautiful as you, and has so much sh*t happen to her. I think it'll be the right thing to do." I jumped off of the couch into Andy's arms. "your my savior Andy! You are!" I said giving him a big kiss on the cheek. Then I sat down again. "so why didn't you just tell max you were pregnant?" he asked. "well he just started the band, and they were doing so well I just didn't want to ruin it. *sigh* I ignored all of there calls text and messages. Do you think that was a bad thing?" Andy didn't seem to interested by the way he looked because he was writing something. "no I don't think it was a bad thing but why show up five years later?" I shrugged, "well Seth and Scarlet are five now it's not the same as them being baby's, it's less of a responsibility." I put my face into my hands. "I don't even know if I should tell him, Andy! Should I just pretend I'm dead?" I sAid sobbing into my hands. Andy came from his place to me. He started to rub my back and comb my hair with his hands. "Maggie, you gotta face your fears. Max would love to be a dad, and your wright there not as big as responsibility now. But if ya don't do this now then you never will." 
I lifted my head from my hands. "that's one of the things I learned from you guys." I said looking at the paper in his hands. "what were you drawing?" he smile, "it's not done yet, but I guess you can see." he flipped over the paper, to revel a picture of a beautiful sleeping girl. "oh my gosh Andy this is beautiful. Who is this?" I asked looking up at him. "its you silly." he said combing back my hair. I looked at the picture a little longer. "Andy, this- this is- your an artist." I breathed. "I don't wanna go all jack from Titanic on you, but I really had to draw you. Your eyes are gorgeous." 
I blushed, "Andy Beirsack, drawing me. Wow. What a day." Andy laughed. "the days not even over yet. Today were going to re-unite you and Max. He's a lucky very lucky boy." he said putting his hand under my chin. "your a lucky boy to, Juliet must be thank full to have you." I said. "ya. Maybe one day you can meet her, you both seem to have a lot in common." he said as he put the drawing on the table. "after all this craziness, we should have a double date." I suggested. Andy smiled and raised his eye brow. "totally
After that we both went quiet then Andy started to draw again. "so where is ETF at?" I asked. "oh don't worry it's not that much out of our way. Ummm Wisconsin, Miwalke." 

             "can you go on from hear." Jinxx asked. I shook my head, "I'll be fine. I have all of your numbers wright?" I asked. Andy smiled. "ya." he said while handing me his drawing. I gave him a hug. "Oh every one! Group hug!" everyone hug around me. "ok, ok, can't breath." I said while every one laughed and backed away. "How can we love you so much, be we've only know you for like two days, err less." Ashley pointed out. I shrugged. "I don't know." "maybe it was her miseries eyes that, brain wash us!!!" Jake joked. "or maybe it was her great personality." C.C said blushing a little bit. "aww I love you guys. I own you all sooo much." 
I opened the door from the bus. "remember there license plate number is 666 ETF." Jinxx reminded me. "don't worry Jinxx, I won't forget. Oh and congrads about you and Sammi Doll." "Thanks sweet heart. Be careful!" I waved them good bye and Jinxx shut the door and they started to drive off.
The sun was going down that means I only have a few minutes before ETF goes on stage. I took out my phone, and called my mom. "hi mom, it's Maggie, and I'm in Wisconsin so I'm sorry I'm leaving you with the twins but I don't think I'll be back till tomarro or more. So call me back. Love ya bye." then I huge up. I looked at about a million license plates the I found 666 ETF. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. I could hear people whispering, for a second I was about to run and forget about it but then someone opened the door.

* * *
ohhhhh what happens nexxxxt