Let's Forget About the Rules for Tonight.

I love you

well I'm tiered." monte said. "ya me to. Were gonna hit the hay." rob suggested.   "come give me kisses." I complained. They both gave me a kiss on the cheek and disappeared to the back of the bus. It was me max and Craig. "so maggz... You have a great voice. And this dude came up to me and told me to give you this." he handed me a piece of paper. "is this a contract?!" I asked while looking over it. "ya girl. He loved ya. His number in on the back." I turned around the paper then hugged max. "oh max this is all thanks to you!!" I said hugging him tighter. Then I looked at he craig. "you too craig!!" I said jumping into his arms. He seemed surprised. "oh umm thanks." he said hugging me tighter.  
When I parted from Craig I sat down next to max and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Well! We are gonna have a long trip home tomarro so I'm a go to sleep." Craig said while standing up. "nighty night, Craig." I said blowing him a kiss. He blew one back to me. After he was gone my full attention was on max. "I'm a little tired to. Where am I sleeping?" I asked yawning. "with me, if ya want." "I would love to." I said giving him a kiss. 
We started making out then he grabbed me by my legs while I was still kissing him. I followed his lead and wrapped my legs around him. He carried me into the back bed room with the biggest bed. He lied me down gently as we still kissed. In between kisses he asked, "is this ok with you?" I managed to say, "yes. If you think I'm a MIWF." I said smiling. He laughed. "your my MIWF."   I laughed and started to take his shirt off. I kicked off my shoes and took off my shirt. "max. I don't wanna have sex with you. Not right now." I said. He put his hand on my bear shoulder. "we don't have to. As long as I'm with you that's all that matters." I looked over at him. "I love you." I said then looked away. "I love you, too." he said. "can I barrow a band T-shirt?" he smiled. He walked over to a box and shuffled throu it. Then threw a long shirt at me. I put it over me, then I took off my pants. The shirts long anuff. Then I took off my bra with out taking off my shirt. "how do you do that?!" max asked. I look at him then rolled my eyes. "it's a girl thing max." then threw my bra at him. 
I crawled into the bed with max. I laid down next to him, then he put his arm around me like I was his Teddybear. We laid there in silence, the only thing I could hear us max's steady breathing. As I was drifting off into sleep max said, "do you think they'll like me?" I turned over to face him. "of corse! They have been waiting to meet you!" he smiled. "they won't think I'm a bad dad because I wasn't there for them for five years." I shook my head. "no max. They never really questioned why you weren't around, they always ask when your coming back. They understood why you weren't around, thou. There very smart kids." he smiled. "ya because we made them." I laughed. "I hope we can do this more often, but not when your touring." he put his fingers under my chin. "of corse, maybe they can come on tour with us. Meet Craig's kid. And you can sing at more of our shows." I blushed. "that sounds like a wonder full idea. What about my contract? Should I go meet the guy???" "I don't know maggie, right now I'm just happy your back in my life." we stared at each other for awhile. "we should go to sleep." max suggested. I shook my head and snuggled next to him as he wrapped his arms around me. As I fell asleep he whispered, "never leave me again. promise?" I smiled but didn't turn around. "I promise I will never ever leave you again. As long as you promise me." he kissed my ear and whispered, "I promise." 

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next chapter won't be in until lattterrrrrr sorry