Status: I really wanted to write this storie for a WHILE so here's the proloque. chapter one tomoro

The Second Time




Do you like it? you don't?Well poo. HA who am I kidding! you love it right?...Right?

(I Am awar my storie title sucks. sorry :(()

BAH!!!!!!! Hihaho bet i scared you :P i'm super exited about my storie but critising is welcome and so is positive-ising!<---(is that a word?)

PEOPLES! --(just wanted to say my fav word)


HAHA! i scared you that time!!!


"oh please, this wont work Liren and you know it." i say, he just sigh's and looks back down at football on his desk he's been working on.

no, he hasent been making a football, oh if only, he's been working on a "time machine" in the form of a football. Imposible? ya.

The only reason i'm upset is beacuse he will soon be upset and won't talk to anyone but me for weeks. He acts like that evry time his invention fails. with is evrytime.

"Liren just spare yourself ofthe future depresionand lets go home!" I beg as i lean over and put my hand on his shoulderand shake him, he just ignores me though of course, i look at his glass's with are high on his head. meaning he's deep in thought. I sigh and stand up.

Liren is my bestfriend since kindegarden. I remeber when wefirst met he had ofered to help me dig a hole to china in the sand box. I remember very clearly that moment.

Liren is a inventor. Even though all of his invention so far have failed. He is always working on time machines. One almost worked but then broke at the last minute, tell you the truth i believe in him, but i am very tired and i highly doubt tonight will be the great moment of succes.

And he aint really a highschool sweet heart. He's a nerd and very unpopular. Although i think he's atractive, I mean who could think he's ugly? he has Sky bleu eyes and brown scrauffy hair. I think he's adorable,

He's glass's arent all fat drew carey glass's there new and stilish (not to mention VERY expensive).
he wears namebrand clothes that look super good i think there just jealous because he excels in evry class and is basicly evry teacher in the school's pet.

Well, there probably not jealuse of that last part.

I pace around the room wondering what i'm gonna do to make feel better and keep trying.
The room i'm in is basicly in the forest although there is a trail, that's starting to grow over with weeds and grass, leading from he's house to here. Infact he's dad helped him outin making the trail and building this little shack. By "helped him out" I mean, he did it for him.

I supose i could just walk back to the house but Liren would freak and have a panic attack when he finnsh's and its dark out. he's terified of forest at night and of being alone, tell you the truth, hes a prety parenoid kid. Don't belive me? he's also afraid of all strangers and spiders and contacts and all reptiles and the future ( when he makes he's time machine it will only be used for traveling to the past NEVER the future).He's paranoia started at 13.

Me and Liren are BFF, not BFFL beacuse our friendship will last even after life. (we both belive in the after life) We tell each other every thing there is absolutly nothing we don't know about each other.
I have never, ever thought about being romantique with him. It seems like it would be beyond wierd and then beyond that alitle more so you could get to a planet clse enough to look through a telescope to even be able to see theunconfortblenessly wierdness of it all.

"DONE!!!" I nearly jumped out of my pants and gave Liren a dirty look. " why did you try and give me a heart attack?" I ask, i'm not exacly the winner in the clever comer contest.
Of course he ignores me and i hear strange sounds and bizaqre lights, i don't what he's doing becuse he's blocking the view, so i walk closer scrunching my eyebrows together.
Liren turns around and smiles at me, i grin back and walk quickly towards him. I grip his shoulder, something i do when i'm not sure about something or afraid.

He looks over he's shoulder to me and smiles I smile back and i'm emidiatly comforted. My hands slides down his arm to his hand and squeeze it,
I bite my lip hoping it will work.

I suddenly start feeling woozy and apperently he dose too and sudenly were surounded by a really bright wight light.

Is it working?
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, this is prety mutch my first storie so don't kill if it sucks and also i may not be on this web site mutch i'll mostly be on, its there i write my stories then copie paist them onto here. So ya.