Alternative Rip

tammy's tune

On Tuesday’s at four o’clock Elsie goes to the arcade to play Tetris and watch Sonny secretary at Manny’s Tanny’s. Manny’s been in business as the only self-tanner place in this poor excuse for a sob story shit-hole. No wonder fucking Sonny looks like a walking god.

Elsie’s my boyfriend but he always talks about Sonny—they’re not even friends—its always Sonny this and Sonny that. Sonny volunteers for those mental kids , Elsie would say, he’s a saint . He makes it seem like Sonny hung the stars and the moon. Elsie doesn’t even know what the fuck he’s talking about.

Few years ago, Sonny fucked every single girl every which way; he’s a real fucking saint. Maybe that one time he told Leo to hang himself using his mothers old noose. Elsie told me fuck off and pushed me into the wall.

He’s such a fucking asshole.

On New Year’s Eve I saw Elsie staring lustfully at Sonny. Sonny was a little busy with Remy to even notice Elsie.

Its funny cause Remy’s my best friend (I think) and Elsie hates her. She’s gone—dead. Death by hit and run. It’s weird cause they said that the drive backed over her. Sometimes I think it was Elsie. He’s so wrapped up in being in love with Sonny, maybe it was him; maybe he killed Remy.

Sonny’s too in love with Remy’s ghost to do anything else in his life. He stopped going to school. I see him once in a while at the back of the Trig room. Remy told me yesterday when I went to sleep that she misses Sonny and me the most. She even said to tell Elsie she forgives him. I’m not telling Elsie shit for being just a douche bag. I hope he lives with his guilt.

But knowing Elsie, I know he couldn’t give two fucks about Remy.

I also wondered if it was a dream or Remy was actually trying to talk to me.

Remy never cared about people than herself. If it didn’t affect her then she didn’t even let it cross her mind. She liked having people know her than to know people.

Remy was an idiot. She had teal hair that she couldn’t even properly colour because it was so goddamn patchy. It was like she didn’t even own a fucking hairbrush either. I’m surprised she never stole one from Wal-Mart—Remy stole everything except cigarettes and records.

I’m not even sure why her and Sonny got along. They were so different.

Sonny had dark eyes that were scary to look at and neat hair. He was quiet and reserved, that is until him and Remy started hanging out. And by hanging out I mean all they did was listen to their records from Alternative Rip and mope about how no one understood them . Remy had light eyes and that stupid hair, even though she never touched up her roots so she looked like a blue inverted skunk most of the time.

Sonny was in love with Remy and she only liked herself.