Status: In progress :)

Block it out.

You'd think it was hard to be the new kid, always so difficult, nobody knows you and to be honest nobody actually /wants/ to know you. You're alone and that is it. You can click your fingers and make everybody love you in an instant, unfortunately it doesn't work like that. For anyone.

Jack Barakat is new to the high school of Baltimore, his family just moved there. And like all of the new kids, nobody gave him the time of day. He didn't deserve it, he was new after all. But when Jack takes the spare seat next to a boy with brown highlighted hair, maybe there was a chance for him to make a friend. Since this boy was always alone, ear buds stuck in his ears constantly.

The boy intrigued Jack, he really did. But there was so much more than just a boy absorbed in what most thought was music, more on the inside. Waiting for someone to break down his Walls and know the boy. If it were that easy.
  1. Chapter one.
    Alex has a complicated life, everyone describes him as weird, though nobody has ever talked to him until Jack talks to him.
  2. Chapter two
  3. Chapter three
  4. Chapter Four.
  5. Block It Out
    Make the pain go away.
  6. chapter five.
    6,331 words :D