I Am a Special


After I showered Ellie took a shower and then we watched TV.

"Can we order room service?" Ellie asked me again.

"Alright fine, sheesh" I answered and picked up the phone, "what do you want?"

"Waffles" She answered and I ordered her waffles and I got pancakes with bacon.

"When is it going to be ready?" Ellie asked when I hung up the phone.

"Soon, now watch TV and stop bugging me" I told her and she rolled her eyes.

After awhile there was a knock on the door and Ellie jumped up to answer it. She yanked the door open to see and guy with a cart with food on it standing there. Ellie backed away so he could come in to our room.

The man pushed the cart into the room and Ellie practically dived for her waffles. She sat on the bed and began to eat. i walked over towards the cart to get my food when something caught my eye, the man was wearing combat boots. I still walked over and picked up my plate, then walked over and sat next to Ellie.

"Is everything in order mam?" He asked and I saw his hand go under a piece of cloth.

"Yes, why wouldn't it be?" I asked watching him closely.

"Just checking" he answered.

He turned to leave but he spun back around and I pushed Ellie off the bed just as a shot rang out. The man kept firing and we stayed behind the bed until I heard his gun click, his gun had run out of bullets. At that moment I rippled behind him and brought my hand down on his collar bone, breaking it in the process. He yelped in pain, but it didn't stop him from turning around and punching me in the face.

I backed up a few steps and he smiled, but I wiped that smile right off his face with a kick to the chest, which made him fly across the room and hit the wall.

"Ellie! Come on!" I shouted and Ellie ran to my side and we ran towards the stairs. We ran out onto the street where the rain was still pouring down. We started running, not caring about the direction, we just needed to get away. Suddenly someone was in front of us, he was a member of the Armor, we turned to got the other way but we were surrounded.

I sighed and punched the guy in front of me and chaos broke out. I was four against two, two for me and two for Ellie. We kept fighting, taking and throwing punches. I looked to see how Ellie was doing and her punch a guy square in the jaw and then kick him below the belt.turned back to the guys I was fighting. I kicked one in the side of the head then punched him in the nose. After that he was out cold, I turned to the other guy who I had been defending myself against but hadn't really attacked. I kicked him in the chest and then brought my hand to his neck, cutting of his air supply. After both of the men were down I turned to Ellie who had just finished off the two who were attacking her.

I smiled at her and gave her a hug. When we turned to leave I saw more of the Armor heading our way so we turned in the other direction to leave. Then a shot rang out, I immediately looked at Ellie and saw that she was fine. I then felt a horrible pain in my chest. I looked down and found myself covered in blood. I collapsed onto the ground and Ellie ran over to me, she was crying.

"Ellie, run" I said, the Armor were getting closer, I couldn't let them hurt her too.

"But mom" She sobbed.

"No, just run." I said finding it harder to breath.

"I can't just leave you to die"

"I'm going to die either way, but you have a choice"

"I love you" Ellie said in between sobs while standing.

"I love you too, now run and don't look back" I said.

With all the strength I had I pushed her through a ripple and she was gone and safe. I smiled and then was taken over by darkness just as black combat boots reached me.
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