On the Turning Away

On the Turning Away
A Bill Weasley Tale
Disclaimer: I do not own the Harry Potter characters, but I do own the plot.
TC: On the Turning Away by Pink Floyd

They were arguing, a common occurrence amongst the young woman of twenty six and her fifty four year old mother. They argued over everything; over where the young woman lived, over whom she dated and even the style in which she wore her hair was not free from her mother’s scrutiny, but on that night, the argument was one of a more serious nature, one that revolved around a topic which the pair had never argued about in the past. The topic in question was one that affected their native England, a country that the youth had forsaken nearly a decade earlier.

Their argument centered on the return of Lord Voldemort, the fiend whom had terrorized the British magical community during the 1970s. Many a life had been lost during that trying decade, but he had been defeated. The world thought him dead; a victim to the killing spell that he had cast at innocent child, but that was not so. His body had been destroyed, but his soul lingered in the realm of the living, waiting to retake a physical form and after many years, he managed the unthinkable; he took human form.

And on a warm summer’s night in mid June 1996, he waltzed into the Ministry of Magic.