Status: Finished, but I'm revising it.

How to be Emo


I brushed my fingers through newly dyed-black hair. I got my pencil-eyeliner and brushed it under my eyes. I looked like I hadn’t slept in days with that eyeliner on.

I slipped into a black shirt that had: Love me. Marry me. Murder me. written on it. I slipped into some skinny jeans—well, they were skinny for me—along with my black-and-rainbow colored Converse, and a hoodie that had skulls and a broken heart.


When I got to my locker I fell to my knees and opened it. I got out my binder, a book, and my Science journal.

“Hey.” My boyfriend, Matt, smiled, waiting for me to stand up to give him a hug. He was almost a foot taller than me, a bit thinner, and more fit as well.

I brushed my fingers through his short dirty blond hair; I swept my hand over his strong structured face and pecked his full lips. “Hi.” I pecked his lips again. “How are you?”

“Better now that I’m with you.” So CORNY! Totally freaking corny! I can’t believe him!

“Same here.” I had to say something since I didn’t want another awkward silence.

“I love you.” Okay, you might think I date him to hear “I love you” all of the time, but I don’t. Kissing helps burn calories. That’s pretty much the whole point.

I could say “I love you, too,” but I have to remember my plan. “I’m sure you do.” I gave him a small hug. “I should be getting to class.” I walked up the stairs, only to be met by hazel eyes.

I looked him up and down: He had normal black jeans on that seemed to fit comfortable against his thin, muscular body; the boy also had a Misfits shirt on and I noticed right away that he had a lip ring. Wow. Hot, much?

I came into my homeroom and I heard gasps from my friends—soon to ex-friends—and knew they were going to try to fix me.

Let me explain, before the whole Emo-experiment, I was a wannabe prep, who looked like Malibu Barbie.

“Is today Make-a-Fool-of-Yourself Day?” Amanda asked with the look of disgust in her eyes and it hurt a little. Amanda is one of five of my soon-to-be-ex-friends, the others were: Kelly, Niki, Jilly, and Tina.

“No, but what are you dressed as? A circus freak? Or Barbie’s twin?” After seeing their angry faces I sat in last row and laid my head down on the desk.

“Are you new?” A soft and sweet voice met my ears. I looked up to meet some unfamiliar, hazel eyes.

“No, I’ve been here a while.” Try three years! “I’m...” I smiled. “Beth.”

He smiled. “I’m whoever you want me to be.” Could he be much hotter? Is that even possible?

“I want you to be yourself,” I answered, almost grinning.

“Fine, I’m Leon.” There was short silence. I think we were checking each other out to make sure if we’d be friends or enemies. I was just checking him out, because he’s SEXY!
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Tell me what you think. I'll explore the group more into the story. I'm sorry if this offends anyone, thatch not why I'm writing this.