Status: Finished, but I'm revising it.

How to be Emo

Deeper than Flesh

“Mommy, this girl is in my way!” My ears perked to a little girls’ voice. I suddenly woke up, slipped out of jungle part of the Jim and I was met by big angry eyes of the kid who’s way I was in. I brushed my fingers through my hair, trying to find someone familiar.

“Excuse me,” I said, speaking to an older woman. “What time is it?”

“Uh.” She looked at her watch. “Two-forty.”

I smirked, only to have a sting surge through my body. I felt in my pockets and brought out nothing. My cell phone wasn’t with me. I couldn’t call Leon or Senna or Cassie. I sighed, searching for something in the pockets of my hoodies and came out with change. Enough to make a call?

I went down the road where pay phone was to call Leon. I slipped the change in and dialed his number. “Leon? Hey. Can I shower at your place? Great. Can you pick me up?”

He came a few minutes later, and opened the door from inside of the car for me. I got inside and seat belted myself; we drove in a very intense silence.

When we got to his house, I jumped out, went inside, and undressed in the bathroom. I turned the water on hot and stood under it. I felt the dry blood rush down my body. I let out a deep breath and started to wash myself. Of course my body stung; it didn’t get better overnight. That’d be fucking amazing.

A knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts and I realized that the water was freezing. I shivered, stepping out of the shower, only to see Leon holding a towel.

“Oh.” Oddly enough, I didn’t care if he saw me naked; in fact I kind of liked it. I took the towel from his hands. “Thanks.”

He swallowed. “Yeah.” There was a short silence. “I’ll wash your clothes...I need to wash my clothes, too.” Before I could reply, he was gone.

I came out of the bathroom, looking down the narrow hallways. There were four rooms upstairs, a closet at one end and a bedroom at the other. I didn’t really want to explore, got my clothes from the floor in the bathroom and headed downstairs so and I found Leon in the basement next to the washer and dryer. “Hi.”

“I forgot. Thanks.” Leon took my clothes and threw them into the full load of clothes in the washer. He didn’t really seem to want to talk, because he was shoving clothes into the dryer and staring at the buttons.

I reached in front of him to turn the dryer on. “Is something wrong?”

“Are you going to explain about the bruises and cuts or should I just keep my mouth—” He couldn't finish, because I locked my lips on his.
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Tell me what you think! Its letting me update, so I'm happy! I hope you enjoyed it. More will come. I'm working on the next part right now! Thank you so more for reading!!!!!!!!!