Status: Finished, but I'm revising it.

How to be Emo


I met Leon at Comics & Records at noon, but he was all ready working. I stepped through the door and a ding signaled that I had come in.

“Good—” Leon stopped greeting me, only to come over and give me a small hug. “I’m glad you came.”

“Yeah, of course I came, who do you think I am?” We smiled to each other. “So...” There was a short silence. “What kind of records do you have here?”

“Um...what kind of CDs are you into right now?” We walked through the aisle until we found the Rock section.

“Meg and Dia and...Skillet.” I had only heard about the bands last year from a Goth group.

“I could burn some songs from my CDs at home if you’d like,” Leon offered and I nodded. “Do you mind if I ask what your home life is like?”

I officially hate him now. I sighed in defeat. “The truth?” He nodded and we looked into each others eyes for a few moments before I decided to pour my heart out. “My Mom takes sleeping pills a lot...she drinks when she’s awake...and spends time on the floor in her bedroom. My Dad is somewhere, but I don’t know where because he left a while ago without a note. My brother is at college, going to every party and having people doing his work for him. That’s my life.” And—gasp if you like—and I managed not to lie.

Before I started this experiment, when I was a wannabe prep I had lied a lot--I had told them repeatedly that my Mom and Dad were happily married, my brother was an A student in college, and I was the most spoiled kid on earth.

“Oh.” Leon walked over to me, squeezing my hand softly before letting go. “This might be kind of random and you don’t have to answer, but do you have a...boyfriend or girlfriend?”

Okay, so he wanted to know my sexuality. “I like boys.”

“Do you have a boyfriend?” What was he getting to? Did he like me or like interrogating me?

“No.” second-ish lie to him; he’d survive. “I mean—” I couldn’t really finish because he placed a hand on my waist and I froze up. I mean I like him and I know a lot of stuff about him...but this just makes me kind of...uncomfortable. “Leon...we should take this slow.” Before he could reply his lips are an inch from mine and—

“I knew you liked her!” The bitchy voice of Senna ripped through our peaceful silence.

I tore out of his arms and ran past her. I know one thing is true—boys only think with their extra head.
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