Status: Finished, but I'm revising it.

How to be Emo

Silent Music

“Can you tell me where I can find Slayer?” a customer asked, giving me a sly smile.

I walked over to the Metal section and found Slayer. “There ya go.” I went back to the desk, only to be met by the same person.

“Aren’t you from high school?” His deep blue eyes, well-built body, and dark clothing made me think that he knew Leon.

“Yeah,” I said, scanning his CD. “That’ll be 10.95.” He handed me the money. “Did you know Leon?”

“Kind of,” he said, grinning, “I’m Asher.”

I grinned back at Asher. “Do you know where he is?”

Asher shook his head, his black hair swaying. “Sorry.” He gave a smile that any girl would die for. “Do wanna catch a movie sometime? As friends?”

I smiled. “Not right now, Asher, I’m sorry I just...”

“...Need to get over Leon. I hope that you realize that he’s not the only boy in this world.” Asher gave one last smile before leaving.
I KNOW he isn’t the only guy in the world, but he’s the one that got ME. We shared secrets and body fluids. I sighed, glaring at my feet. I was pathetic. I’m staying in his house, wearing his clothes, sleeping in HIS bed, and showering in his shower.

I was done with high school, finally! I had dealt with enough drama to last me years and had enough heart breaks from one person to make me want to be alone forever. I had to get over this. I couldn’t depend on his forever or even his place.

When would I be ready to move on, anyways? Never? Next week? I brought out the paper I threw in the trash. My acceptance letter to Yale. It’s weird how you can think differently after eight months of school. I don’t think I want to go to college yet. But, I do want to write in the Stranger, to get the idea of NO MORE LABELING into their heads. I want all of that to stop. Wait. Wouldn’t my mom have a college fund?
♠ ♠ ♠
i just want to thank my readers. if any of you need help with a story or need to talk (message me) i'm here. well, i'm kinda working on the next part. i'm writing a story right now called Being Bad and Not Getting Caught. if i can fit the summary on this, i want to know if i really should write it.

Libby Dims has always been a good girl, but now that she’s fresh out of high school, she thinks she needs to ONE thing bad. Just to get it out of her system. The first bad thing she does, she doesn’t get caught. Then she makes a list of HOW NOT TO GET CAUGHT.

1. Don’t leave evidence behind.
2. Do the “bad thing” with someone who can keep secrets.
3. Don’t tell anyone, of course.
4. Act as if nothing has happened, even though the guilt it KILLING you.
5. There’s a reason for duct tape.

When she thinks everything is going good, it comes crashing down. Can she fix her “fun” and earn the people’s trust back? Will she be able to apologize to the one person she’s hated all her life for hurting their family? And even through the misery, hate, and the total fact that EVERYONE in the small town of Hope, can they forgive?

Libby will have to deal with a lot more than just finding a place to live; she will find what love is and how painful it can be. Her life will never be the same and she will finally grow up as a person.

I love hearing what you have to say, so keep it coming!!! you're the voices in my head!