Status: Finished, but I'm revising it.

How to be Emo


I opened the door and my nostrils burnt. I was home; I guess you could say that. I ran upstairs to my bedroom and got my suitcase. I sat on my bed and sobbed.

I had just blown what I’d been wanting for two months. I missed my chance. I cried for a while. I didn’t know how long. An hour? Two? Four? All I knew is that I was exhausted. I got my clothes from the closet and dresser. I knew I still had clothes at Leon’s, but I wasn’t sure if he had gone there or stayed with his friends.

I reached behind the top of my bed and got my two stacks of money. I had saved up from birthday cards when I was a child, baby-sitting and mowing lawns, and the jobs I had during the summer. I zipped up my suitcase, putting my money in there. I went downstairs and stood at the door, facing the stairs. Goodbye house.

I ran six blocks from my old house to Leon’s. I opened the door and ran upstairs. I got towels from bathroom and closet. I went into Leon’s bedroom and got my clothes. I ran downstairs to the kitchen and got the last of the Sun Chips.

I came outside, got the key from under the mat and locked the door. I turned around to see Leon. I stood there, suitcase and Sun Chips in my hands. “What do you want?”

“What you’re doing is no different than what I just did. You’re running away from a good life.” Leon’s hazel eyes seemed to plead. “Thanks for the slap by the way.” He took a step closer and I took one back. “I know you’re mad, Beth. I’m mad at myself, but I needed to get away.”

“So do I.” I stood there, strong for once.

“Please don’t leave.” Leon came closer to me. “I’m sorry.”

We were only a few steps from each others when I realized I had another chance.

“Leon, why didn’t you take me? I wanted to get away, too.” I sighed. “I would love to meet your dad and go to Mississippi.” I met his eyes and felt my heart beat unpleasantly against my ribs. “But you got away, you left me and Liza and the other’s heartbroken. Now it’s my turn to leave you.” I stepped closer, hoping to run away. “We had our chance and I guess that means that we weren’t meant to be together.” I moved to the right. “Please let me go.”

Leon wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me against him. His lips met mine. The kiss started out slow and innocent. Then it became rough and powerful. He brushed his fingers through my hair, pulling on some of it since it had grown out.

I stood there, not moving my body. I would let him kiss me until he was finished. I couldn’t give into now when he decided to show up. I was stronger than this. Wasn’t I?

Leon moved forward, making me step backwards. He pressed me against the door, hoping for me kiss him back.

I finally pulled away, shoving him away. “Leon, kissing doesn’t make up for what you did.” I glared at him. “You need to grow up.” I picked up my suitcase and Sun Chips. “I’m not the only girl in the world, Leon; there are a lot more out there whose hearts you can break.” I kissed his cheek and left him. For once, I did the leaving.

I only had one question left. Was this really goodbye?
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okay. i'm thinking about adding onto this. i can either keep this going or create a sequel. up to you. if you dont want HOW TO BE EMO to contiune, then this is the last chapter. to be contiuned???