Status: Finished, but I'm revising it.

How to be Emo

My Dad is Worse than Your Dad

I knocked on Senna’s door and she opened the door a few minutes later, noticing my bags, and rolled her eyes. “I want to talk to you.”

Senna stepped out of the way and welcomed me into her house. There were pictures of a happy family that gave off that they were faking. “What happened now?”

I glared at her. “Funny. We had a fight. I don’t mean something that will be okay after a while and we live happily ever after, I mean a fight. No violence, but if I had stayed, there may have been.” I met her eyes, tears threatening. “Anyways, where does Leon’s dad live again?”

Senna knew why I was asking, in fact, she knew me too well. “Beth, you can’t help everyone, even though you want to. I know that kills you, but you just...can’t. Now, go back to Leon and talk this over.”

“No, I can’t trust him,” I said, setting my bag down. “He was reading one of my privet stories.”

Senna brushed her fingers through her amazing blond hair. “Beth, he may kill me for this, but I think you need to hear this.” She held my hand. “Leon did drugs for a long time and after you two started going out, he stopped. Sure, he might have not been the smartest guy, but I think when he left he did drugs again. You’re his cure when it comes to the kind of stuff and I know you want to fix your family and I understand. All I know is that Leon needs you more than you realize. I’m sorry but I can’t have you here if you’re going to ruin one of my best friends’ life because you’re selfish.” She picked up my bag with her scrawny hands and handed it to me. “Goodbye.”

I nodded and headed back to Leon’s. I opened the door and put my bag inside by the door. I got out some money for food and the bus to take to me California. I know I can’t fix Leon or his family, but I like to think that I can. I sat in the back, huddled into a ball, and fell a sleep a few moments later.


I opened my eyes to see I was the only one on the bus. I walked up front. “Are we in California yet?”

“Two more hours,” said the driver, glancing at me. “Why are you goin’ to California anyway, dear?”

I shrugged. “To see my dad?”

“Who’s your daddy?” she asked, smirking at herself.

“Paul Marsh,” I told her, taking in a deep breath.

“Oh my god! Your daddy is the music producer? He’s gotta be pretty damn rich! I’ll take you there personally!” This woman scares me.

A few hours later of pouring my heart out to her, she was trying not to cry from my story while I just rolled my eyes.

“So why are you goin’ to your daddies?” she asked, wiping away a tear.

“To get the wedding band that he had when he married my mom and purpose to Leon,” I told her, feeling happy.

“But I thought you two were done?” the woman asked, glancing at me.

“I’m not going to be like my mother. I’m not my mother,” I reminded myself and glanced forward.

The bus came to a stop and she turned it off. “I’ll wait here for you, darlin’.”

I got out of the bus and beeped the microphone-box. “Hello!”

Someone beeped back. “Who are you?”

“Chinese,” I answered, hoping it would work.

“You are speedy today. Come in.” The person pressed a button and the gates opened.

I walked inside and was met by a man. “Where’s my dad.”

“Your dad?” The man was wearing all pink. He was either promoting a cure for breast cancer or was really gay.

“Paul Marsh,” I told him. “I’m Beth Marsh.”

“Ah. Yes, you. He told me you’d come someday. What do you want? Money? Are you pregnant?” He wasn’t the skinniest guy in the world or the nicest.

“I want his love,” I said sarcastically. “I would like to talk to Paul.”

“Hubby!” the man yelled, making me curious. Had my dad turned gay?

My dad, Paul, came from someone in there larger-than-a-castle house. He was wearing nothing but a Speedo and I felt like I’d vomit. “Beth, what do you want?”

“You welcome everyone like that?” I rolled my eyes. “I want the wedding band that mom gave you.”

“Why?” Paul asked, brushing his hands through his gray hair nervously.

“I just want something to remember you by and I’ll leave you with your husband forever. I promise.” I stood there, meeting his blue eyes, very much like mine.

“Fine.” I could tell Paul didn’t want to fight and neither did I, because I was tired of fighting. He came back with a wedding band. “Here.” Paul did something I’d probably never forget. He hugged me. This wasn’t a one-arm hug or a two-second hug. This was a long hug that lasted later than a minute. “I love you, my dear, and I’m sorry I couldn’t give you everything you wanted.”

I let myself hug him back. “You gave me enough.” God, this was like a corny Lifetime movie. I kissed his wrinkled cheek and let go of his fat tanned body. I went back to the bus and headed home.


I finally came back the next day at four. I opened the door, checked the downstairs rooms. He wasn’t there. I finally came upstairs and went to his room. I expected to find him sleeping. Only, I didn’t.

Leon lay on top of some girl, kissing her, naked. Leon had moved on. He was having sex already. Was I just something from the past? A nothing now?

“Leon!” The voice sound familiar and when I saw her face, plastered with fear, shock, and betrayal I glanced down. Senna was having sex with Leon.

I stepped back, seeing Leon’s face clouded with thoughts. “I’m sorry.” I put the ring on the dresser next to the bed. “I just thought it was a fight.” I was out of there before they could say a word.
♠ ♠ ♠
long, i know. the ending wasn't what anyone expected is what I'm guessing. anyways, there you go. sorry i haven't updated. there are more twists and turns to come!!! more drama! thanks for reading and i apologize for not updating. comments are welcomed and loved!!!